What the older eyes and take us back to AH2 are complaining about is the Fog and it's elevation setting.
From AH1-AH2 everyone cried for realism and Hitech slapped you with it finally in AH3. The haze is realistic as I've stated from personal experiencing flying. And finding a runway at long range can be a chore until you are on top of it. Thats why we have the clip board map. As for not being able to see the runway at close range, if you have your gamma way up you will have problems. I tried to do screenshots of a small airfield from 5,000ft at gamma 1.0, 1.3, 1.7 and 2.0 to illustrate the wash out of the runways and taxi ways. Unfortunately screen captures don't capture that part of the visual effect.
But, I do have screen captures from 5,000ft 5 miles out adjusting the range of the haze(Fog) and finally it's elevation. The default you see in the MA is 18 miles and 6,000ft. It appears to me unless the real wish is AH2 and no unnecessary visuals, a Fog density setting is in order. Still, I've listened to many older players now becasue of my terrain building, wish Hitech would return to the AH2 visual settings for everything and make the game 12:00, 24x7.
Here is the MA default, 18miles, 6000ft.
28miles, 6000ft.

38miles, 6000ft.

38miles, 500ft. And now we have gone backwards to 2009 and AH2 to when everyone screamed for realism.