Author Topic: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower  (Read 10845 times)

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #105 on: October 06, 2019, 01:48:56 AM »
Never happy... either too much fight or not enough.
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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2019, 03:22:03 AM »
Her flippz, let me ask you this, did you have fun Saturday night?  Because it looked to me like you did, as for bishops we fought in two fronts.

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #107 on: October 06, 2019, 09:42:05 AM »
It’s both and none at the same time. This evening Saturday about 9pm est. both bish and nots were attacking the rooks. Rooks had about 30 guys bish had 50 and nits had 30. So it’s 80 to 30. Guess what most did?  They either went to gvs or logged off. Now fugi was on the bish let’s ask him a question.
Fugi was it fun flying for 2 hrs looking for a fight?  No fun intended. It’s not to me.

Now Friday night the nits and bish had a raging fight going on most of the night. There was no way for me to get to that fight with out switching sides. Rooks took some bases but for the most part it was fighting ground guns and wirbs.

That’s both and none described above. And unfortunately there is no way to control how people play but it’s killing the game. Like capt trip said what regulates side balance in a 3 way war?  As described adobe there was a huge imbalance of players. As rooks logged of eny for bish went up a lil but honestly what’s the difference in fighting 25 spits 5 and 5 b17s when there are only 5 guys from the other sides upping to defend against them?

Was it fun? Yes and no. I had fun with the banter of the couple of squadies that were on.... most of the Pigs are a bit off the deep end  :)  and I got a couple of long buff runs in while I was watching the Bruins game on TV..... multi tasking.... but as far as "fights" go? Not much going on. A5 was a almost 2 hour capture but only had 2-4 planes for air cover while the Bish had ENY restrictions and a 2-3 vs 1 there. The Knits kept trying to sneak bases in the south and did so a couple time last night and would disappear as soon as a few Bish showed up to slow them down.

Low numbers and poor game play are both making it harder and harder to log in. The Pigs, one of the very few big squads in the game are trying out other games looking for some of the "fun" this game use to have.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2019, 04:25:53 PM »

Smaller maps, as Vraciu and many others have suggested.  And closer distances between bases, as AvA people know.  Ack-ack is right, AW flourished with good fights even if you had only 20-30 people online.  But the bases were close, and there were only a few bases that could be captured - not the whole frigging map.  Some things that contributed to that success - age of the players, individual concepts of what they were there for - may not be reproducible.  AH's emphasis on base taking was an obvious change of focus, but the AW relaxed realism people enjoyed that aspect of the game, and they were the majority of players.

Move the bases closer.  Maybe restrict the rotation to the smaller maps.

- oldman (remind me...could you even "win the map" in AW?) (I don't remember that, but it was some years ago...)

Think base captures were introduced in Air Warrior in Air Warrior 3 and then later expanded to depot captures in Air Warrior 3MV.  AW4W (AW Classic) and Air Warrior 2 didn't have field captures except for the N bases around Big Pond.
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Offline diaster

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #109 on: October 22, 2019, 05:34:54 PM »
With a max of only 180 sometimes only 200 players during the summer and most Weekends. During the week the room peaks at 90 players. The 3 country side is ALWAYS off balance for our Overseas players.  20 Knights 18 Bish  3 Rooks.... It's ridiculous have ENY that accounts for inactive players in the tower for hours at a time.

Switching to a Axis and Alley or whatever name you want to give it will help players, who come on for 10 mins see high ENY and decided its not worth staying to fly 20-30 mins to find a good dogfight for 3 mins and fly home or ditch because they are out of fuel.

Or Fix the Game that when a person is in the tower for more than 15 minutes with no activity they get auto kicked and logged off. This way the ENY is accounting for only Active Players on the game.

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Offline diaster

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #110 on: October 22, 2019, 05:36:42 PM »
Don't you think this would have been suggested many, many, many times over the years? It's also been proven nonsense long ago!
Auto kick has been proven as nonsense? The rest of the online gaming community has it all wrong? Hi-Tech tried this already? You are talking smack, most likely!
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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #111 on: October 22, 2019, 07:13:46 PM »
people inactive for more than 25 minutes should be punted.

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Offline FESS67

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #112 on: October 22, 2019, 07:27:56 PM »
You don't have to kick them out, just exclude them from any relevant equations auch as ENY and perhaps grey them out in the roster and show status as AFK.

Offline Ciaphas

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #113 on: October 22, 2019, 07:38:10 PM »
As long as they are excluded from affecting the game, sure grey them out in the roster.

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Offline lunaticfringe

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Re: Two Country Sides or Auto Kick inactive players in the tower
« Reply #114 on: October 28, 2019, 08:14:21 PM »
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