ENY has become such a problem, in Planetside 2, I've pissed off a group of infiltrators who hide with cloaks to snipe you with the equivalent of 50 BMG with 12x scope. I'm using the equivalent of an M14 with a 6x scope, no cloak what so ever, just using real world "hide" methodology to bag them. Last night they placed a global bounty on me anyone from the 2 other countries can collect. That cost them real game cash to have it tagged onto my Icon becasue I've POed them so bad. AH like no other game teaches you incredible lead calc on the fly. A running person is nothing compared to a Yak3 with the spastic runs.
I only started playing Planetside 2 less than a month ago but, after 17 years, that is how much ENY is killing the fun of the current AH game for all of POTW since we established a POTW Outfit in PS2. I don't like FPS games but, it sucks in the MA always logging in with POTW to play the game in "garbage ride" versus "good ride" mode.
On weekends POTW ends up fighting against 2 countries each with 1000 players dedicated to killing us. Like I said, I don't like FPS games becasue they are the worst case scenario of hardware wars. He who has the biggest baddest PC and equipment usually does better than 90% of the community in the game. It forced me to get a 165hz, 1ms latency PC monitor so I could see in fights with hundreds of players. My old 60hz, 5ms monitor dropped to 4-20FPS during those gigantic fights. Now my new monitor drops 60-75 and I kill things.
Here in AH3 my FPS is 165 and I'm flying mostly garbage rides all the time becasue of ENY watching the tail end of late war rides run off into the distance for their next HO and pick run. My compliments to all the skinners, I can see their incredible skill with each Ole HO pass now.