*** Note: there seems to be a minor bug where sometimes when you or your wingmen shoot the enemy, you will hear a kill shooter ping, but you are
NOT taking damage. It's just a sound glitch. I'll get Hitech a film to debug, but otherwise they are perfectly playable.
Nothing beats a great human vs human engagement. If you want to perfect ACM, get with a Trainer or a talanted player for some personal isntruction. The AI is not bad, but not inpsired. Though I'd say it's better than a lot of the other sims like IL2, IMHO.
However, these offline missions can be fun fillers. They at least provide a manuervering target for gunnery practice. They can give you an change to try out different convergence changes and allow you to experiment with the handling characteristics of a lot of planes you don't often get a chance to fly in the Melee Arena. And they are available on demand. 24/7. No appointment necessary.

Cold merge. Four against four. Misc AvA plane matchups. Make sure you go online first and get the latest install downloaded.
4x4 Dogfight F.1 Camel vs D.VII
4x4 Dogfight F.1 Camel vs DR.I
4x4 Dogfight F.2B vs D.VII
4x4 Dogfight F4F-4 v A6M2
4x4 Dogfight F4U-1 vs A6M3
4x4 Dogfight F4U-1A vs A6M5
4x4 Dogfight F6F-5 vs A6M5b
4x4 Dogfight FM2 vs A6M3
4x4 Dogfight Hurricane Mk II vs 109F-4
4x4 Dogfight I-16 vs Brewster B-239
4x4 Dogfight Ki-43 vs F4U-1A
4x4 Dogfight La-5FN vs 109G-2
4x4 Dogfight La-7 vs 109G-14
4x4 Dogfight N1K2-J vs F4U-1A
4x4 Dogfight N1K2-J vs F4U-1C
4x4 Dogfight P-38G vs C.202
4x4 Dogfight P-38J vs Ki-61
4x4 Dogfight P-38L vs 190A-5
4x4 Dogfight P-39D vs A6M2
4x4 Dogfight P-40E vs A6M2
4x4 Dogfight P-40F vs C.202
4x4 Dogfight P-40N vs A6M2
4x4 Dogfight P-47D-11 vs 109G-6
4x4 Dogfight P-51B vs C.205
4x4 Dogfight P-51D vs FW190D-9
4x4 Dogfight Sea Hurricane Mk I vs A6M3
4x4 Dogfight Seafire Mk II vs A6M3
4x4 Dogfight Spit 1/ Hurri 1 vs 109E
4x4 Dogfight Spit IX vs 109K-4
4x4 Dogfight Spit V vs 109F-4
4x4 Dogfight Spit VIII vs 109G-2
4x4 Dogfight Spit XIV vs 109G-6
4x4 Dogfight Spit XVI vs FW 190A-8
4x4 Dogfight Spitfire Mk I vs 109E-4
4x4 Dogfight Tempest vs FW 190A-8
4x4 Dogfight Typhoon vs FW 190F-8
4x4 Dogfight Yak-3 vs 109G-14
4x4 Dogfight Yak-7B vs 109G-2
4x4 Dogfight Yak-9T vs 109G-6
4x4 Dogfight Yak-9U vs 109K-4
If I didn't cover a matchup you wanted, let me know. I can put it on the list to add.
