Shall we play a game? I've got many more. 
Hard to imagine that these "cough" people believe these self serving videos that some moron doctored to stir the coolaid.
But it's also hard to imagine that they believe that the truth, the light, and the saviour of us all is in fact, a lying psychotic narcissist that also cheats at golf (and the last is truly unforgiveable).
But what's really scary is this report recently released:
"The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the bulletin reads. It later describes warning signs: "[R]eports of a sudden rise in threats and unfounded accusations against a given individual or business may indicate impending conspiracy theory-driven crime or violence."
To profess violence against fellow citizens with or without due process is beyond arrogant; it's domestic terrorism.