But I am hopeful that chloroquine (or failing that, ammonium chloride) is a great treatment for SARS-2 infection.
I keep hoping smart people will find some pharma to help up hold the line until the vaccine cavalry can arrive.
However, I haven't seen anything yet that would be as effective as draconian isolation. It can really have an amazing effect. But you have to go all out. Total commitment.
Skip to 13:44
That's the biggest level we have to alter the outcome until we get a vaccine.
How can we do that? Shut it down. Shut everything down by National Emergency decree. All bills, all loan payments, all mortgages are suspended. Monthly cash payments to all Americans. If you are not police, fire, medical. Total lock down. Whatever it costs. We'll worry about that later.
Otherwise we are looking at something like Italy 5X. Potentially millions. The failure to grasp the scale of this could have staggering repercussions.