This is going to turn us all into Howard Hughes before it's over.
(Who developed his phobias from his childhood during the Spanish Flu Pandemic)
I get it Hitech, why not put it on including gloves etc. The challenge, I could watch you do everything possible to avoid surface contact when outside, or for example, at a grocery store. It could be something as simply backing up into a door, brush your clothing against an isle, reach over to grab some fruit/veggies and the bottom of your pants or jacket brushes against the bottom of the cooler. I could count a dozen times you came into contact with surfaces that would bring a pandemic virus back into your house.
We taught this issue when we did NBCW training, especially if we did tear gas training. I run out of hands to count the number of comments students made days later or burning or itching from clothing and gear they didn't properly clean post NBCW exercise.
Unless you have a proper haz suit, and have a de-com tent with people inside to decontaminate and undress you when you're ready to go into isolation, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, you can do to prevent yourself from eventually contracting this virus.
That said, proper hand washing, self isolation, etc will 100% slow the transmission. It's all we need to do.
And then, there is Karen.