I think the point is that the death rate could go in either direction. It could stay for lack of a better term. "reasonably low"
Or it could soar to un paralleled levels. The key is how stressed the health care becomes and how we contribute to it one way or the other with our actions or inaction's.
As far as medical supplies are concerned. The health care workers need them far far FAR more then we do as individuals.
As far as the masks are concerned and to partially answer Hitechs question to Mr Fork
These masks to be effective need to be changed out often and not messed with once put on. First and foremost it must be fitted and worn correctly for it to even work at all. Which is something I thus far have seen very few people doing. Out of 20 people i saw yesterday in masks. 3 were actually wearing them correctly and/or hadnt ruined them through obvious misuse or readjusting. Once you initially put it on. The moment you start fiddling with it and adjusting it you start messing with its effectiveness. Most people dont have the discipline to just leave them alone
You cant just wear the same mask every day and expect it to remain effective.
Plus. all it does is protect you from breathing it in immediately. Even though the airborne particles may be at least partially blocked from the mask. and even if they were fully blocked. that doesn't prevent them from landing on your skin, clothing. Or especially on the outside of the mask. Now most will use the same mask over and over. Well lets say you have been exposed but the mask protected you from that initial exposure. Well the bottom line is you now still have a contaminated mask that you likely don't even know is contaminated. Just because ti still looks clean and pristine. Doesn't mean it is THAT is why you are supposed to change them out each time. Every time you use them
Not to mention that because you weren't wearing disposable personal protective clothing as well as, head and foot covering etc etc. Everything you wear is contaminated too literally from head to toe.
To be protected effectively. on top of wearing that mask you should be dressed like the people in this picture
And in this picture of the four facing the camera only two are adequately protected. Note the one with raised goggles.
Now these are actual health care workers who are struggling/neglecting to follow proper protocol. Average people are far worse