Two weeks each.
I mean yeah, maybe.
I do know how much work this actually is.
Also I have a day job. (But the circumstances are such that i have free time in front of a very good pc quite often)
And yes, i will freely admit to being a bit rusty at dedicated game models, so will take me just a bit to get back up to speed doing them.
(but not too bad, i have done them in the past, and i keep up to date on the latest techniques and software. Also a good portion of my job is reverse engineering cad models from things. And i use a lot of the same tools now as i did then.)
but i am 100% confident i can do it as well as most mere mortals.(though i'm not sure anyone will ever be up to Chalenge's level)
the first one would be the hardest, setting limits on what could and could not be done, and general formatting.
I think 3 or 4 a year is a reasonable number to shoot for all things considered.
yes it would be great to do more, but i'd like to set some reasonable goals.
And honestly, I would even pay Chalenge's monthly fee every month as a consultant. if he wants to lend me his expertise and keep me from doing stupid things we have to fix later.