Author Topic: Dear Amerika  (Read 19272 times)

Offline LCADolby

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #45 on: August 11, 2020, 06:30:11 AM »
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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2020, 10:44:11 AM »
Lets see what bike weeks brings...

Have you seen the pics from Sturgis?

If that doesn't flood the emergency rooms in 2 to 3 weeks then it is all suspect

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2020, 11:02:50 AM »
Lets see what bike weeks brings...

Have you seen the pics from Sturgis?

If that doesn't flood the emergency rooms in 2 to 3 weeks then it is all suspect


My neighbor rode up there.

That big party in Alabama on Memorial day never cause any blip.
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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2020, 11:17:54 AM »

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2020, 11:31:23 AM »
Arizona saw large increases after restrictions were let up on Memorial Day.

Then saw the highest number of cases in the world for a week & a half + after July 4th Independence Day celebrations. Our ICU RN’s went from 2:1 patient ratio to 3:1 in the Phoenix area. I don’t know any RNs that have ever said they’ve had more than 2.
They're casting their bait over there, see?

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Offline Arlo

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2020, 01:24:36 PM »
Tried to read it but was blocked. Must be full of ads.

Most everything viewable online for free is full of ads. I can still help.
Transcript of article plus charts follow:

A healthcare official in Huntsville on Monday pointed firmly at the Memorial Day weekend last month soon after Alabama began to reopen as a cause of surges in coronavirus cases.

“Our current case growth is most likely linked to the Memorial Day festivities and reopening,” said Dr. Pam Hudson, CEO of Crestwood Medical Center in south Huntsville. “While it may be difficult to prove that, except in hindsight, I think we’re experiencing a small taste of how that can be (in Huntsville). Around the state, this certainly has been more clearly linked.”

Madison County, home of Huntsville, has seen a sharp increase in positive COVID-19 tests in recent days – a trend mirrored across much of the state. To the southeast, Morgan County, home of Decatur, is also seeing a rapid spike in new cases.

The upbeat briefings in Huntsville in April and early May are gone. “This past weekend showed we have a long road ahead and more work to do,” Madison County Commission Chair Dale Strong said Monday.

Since Memorial Day, Madison County added 269 new coronavirus cases, a 91 percent increase. Morgan County added 473 new cases since then, a staggering 287 percent increase.

“One of the things we’ve been talking about over the past weeks is the anticipated rise in discovered cases once we reopened our community and certainly following Memorial Day weekend,” said Hudson. “It is rather stark when you look at the fact that more cases in the last 14 days than any other time since March. And that 50 percent of the increase is coming from these newly discovered cases.”

Chart: Ramsey Archibald - Source: Alabama Department of Public Health

While both counties saw their new case counts start to go up after the Memorial Day weekend, it seems likely the holiday had more of an impact on Madison County’s case numbers than Morgan’s.

Morgan County – which borders Madison County to the southwest -- has seen an average of 22.5 new cases every day since Memorial Day. But Morgan County’s spike began essentially on Memorial Day itself - May 25.

The virus is thought to have an incubation period that can last as long as 14 days, though is often between four and five days. It’s unlikely the holiday weekend would have caused such a large increase in cases so soon in Morgan County.

Madison County, on the other hand, saw cases increase dramatically starting almost exactly two weeks after the holiday. The 7-day average for new cases there went from 6.9 on June 7, two weeks after the holiday, to a high of 25.7 on Monday. That’s a 275 percent increase in the 7-day average in just over a week.

Chart: Ramsey Archibald - Source: Alabama Department of Public Health

In Madison County, there has been a “significant increase” in the number of African Americans testing positive, Hudson said. She said that new cases in recent weeks are about an even split between black and white residents – a disproportionate burden given that blacks make up only 25 percent of the county population.

“Blacks are over-represented in the test positives,” Hudson said.

The age demographic has also trended young, Hudson said, with the majority of cases in the 24 to 49 age group.

Hudson advocated for wearing masks and said that studies have shown that not only do they protect the people around you, a face covering can help insulate the wearer as well.

“Evidence is now that even the cloth masks can protect the wearer from about 80 percent of virus particles,” Hudson said. “Masks reduce the number of virus particles that get past the barrier and that means 80 percent can’t reach your nose and mouth, which is the way we catch this. Having a smaller viral attack rate means your body has a better chance of winning the battle and having a less severe illness. So wear your mask. The life you save may be your own.”

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2020, 02:20:58 PM »
I think I had it back in May. I literally thought I was dying. Bad chest pains, shortness of breath and tired all the time. My google search was full of searches for heart disease and all sorts of other things. I thought I had congestive heart failure! But I never had a fever. Not once. I do take a lot of over the counter pain meds though. I also had a cough. Hell I couldn't walk from here to 7/11 on the corner (about 5 minutes) without feeling like I was going to keel over. I went to doc...convinced that I had heart disease. He did EKG and it was fine. Also, my heart rate during this time averages 20 beats more than it did before or after. Oh well, who knows. I know I thought I was dying. I even made out a will and wrote a letter to my kids.

Now I feel a lot better. I was ill for over a month. Who knows? Sorry for rambling. Just smoked.

Offline Eagler

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2020, 03:05:28 PM »
Same here back in March

Everything but fever but now they are saying fever is not required

Sleeping upright on couch for 10 days had my attention

No taste or smell for over a week was another first

Neighbors 4 houses down could hear me coughing if I was out back on the patio

4 weeks later I was getting better but not b4 passing some of it over to the wife..

Me being 61 with two stents had me concerned but we both got through it

I am never sick but this put me out so bad I actually did not login to AH and fly for like a week during the worst of it - missed a KOTH too ...

The wife knew I was sick then :)

It is good we went through what we did as it has given us patience with the whole thing we would probably not had otherwise..



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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #54 on: August 11, 2020, 03:33:28 PM »
my wife and I went to Scottadale Arizona and were there the weekend everything started to open. Had a blast. Beautiful state. Everyone was ready to be back at it and were happy to re-open, the shopping malls were still closed though. A Native American told me that the Natives were the ones who were hit pretty bad, other than that, most people I talked to didn't know anyone or were affected. Strange that it just popped up all of the sudden after a month of being closed. My wife and I never got sick.

I went to Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. Went to a wedding and a house party. No one came down with anything. All was good. Didnt even wear a mask in the ATL airport (oh no). All was good. My wife and I didn't get sick.

My business in Portland has been open every week since the beginning. We take precautions and clean things. Havent had a single case in our office. Only started wearing a mask around customers a couple of weeks ago when it became "the answer" other than that, we are perfectly fine.

Still haven't met anyone whose actually had it.

My point is. I dont let these people and their perceptions put me in fear. We are being psychologically abused and treated like the world is a patient hospital. We have ruined millions of businesses and 10s of millions of lives who won't be able to get that cash back. Low and behold, it didn't do anything because cases never stopped. 

I live free and make my own decisions based on my own research and understanding. If I was really scared and saw people dropping like flies around me, I'd be in the house not doing anything. I don't see that.

If you are over 70 and have health issues. STAY INSIDE or wear a mask and don't touch anything in public. Older people are the main target.

Forcing everyone to wear a mask is pointless and will cause other health effects such as breathing bacteria back into your mouth, bacteria all over your face. Mold from wetness of your breath, and stress oxidation from lack of oxygen which activates your bodys immune response to take less oxygen and will make you more susceptible to getting sick. Wearing a mask all day is incredibly unhealthy.
If someone touches their snotty nose or wipes their lips and touches a table, then you touch it and bite your nails, boom, thats how you are going to get it.

Strange how a test makes you put it all the way up your nostril when its supposedly so easy to transfer..

A mask hides your person. IE, you don't have the same physical connection you do by looking at a person's face. You dont see emotions and it hides a person's identity thus making them less approachable. It also opens the door for criminals to hide their identity. No one was wearing mask very much before the last 2 weeks, cases still remained average. Now all of the sudden if you dont wear a mask you will die...

Case in point:

If you are scared. Stay inside.
If you are scared and want to go to the store for groceries, wear a mask and gloves. It will psychologically make you feel safer.

All we have done is hurt our community and make people less trustworthy of each other. Keep yourself safe, but don't expect everyone to bend over. Everything in life is risky. Don't live your life in fear.

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Offline Arlo

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #55 on: August 11, 2020, 03:38:46 PM »
" ... breathing bacteria back into your mouth ... "

And he's off.  :old:

Offline Puma44

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2020, 03:39:08 PM »
Interesting the word ”social” distancing is used vs the reality of “physical” distancing.  A little psychological manipulation at work.

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #57 on: August 11, 2020, 03:49:04 PM »
Interesting the word ”social” distancing is used vs the reality of “physical” distancing.  A little psychological manipulation at work.
I really hate the term 'social distance', it makes me cringe every time I hear it as it sounds so elementary, but of course it caught on like wild fire.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #58 on: August 11, 2020, 04:04:49 PM »
Most everything viewable online for free is full of ads. I can still help.
Transcript of article plus charts follow:

A healthcare official in Huntsville on Monday pointed firmly at the Memorial Day weekend last month soon after Alabama began to reopen as a cause of surges in coronavirus cases.

“Our current case growth is most likely linked to the Memorial Day festivities and reopening,” said Dr. Pam Hudson, CEO of Crestwood Medical Center in south Huntsville. “While it may be difficult to prove that, except in hindsight, I think we’re experiencing a small taste of how that can be (in Huntsville). Around the state, this certainly has been more clearly linked.”

Madison County, home of Huntsville, has seen a sharp increase in positive COVID-19 tests in recent days – a trend mirrored across much of the state. To the southeast, Morgan County, home of Decatur, is also seeing a rapid spike in new cases.

The upbeat briefings in Huntsville in April and early May are gone. “This past weekend showed we have a long road ahead and more work to do,” Madison County Commission Chair Dale Strong said Monday.

Since Memorial Day, Madison County added 269 new coronavirus cases, a 91 percent increase. Morgan County added 473 new cases since then, a staggering 287 percent increase.

“One of the things we’ve been talking about over the past weeks is the anticipated rise in discovered cases once we reopened our community and certainly following Memorial Day weekend,” said Hudson. “It is rather stark when you look at the fact that more cases in the last 14 days than any other time since March. And that 50 percent of the increase is coming from these newly discovered cases.”

(Image removed from quote.)

Chart: Ramsey Archibald - Source: Alabama Department of Public Health

While both counties saw their new case counts start to go up after the Memorial Day weekend, it seems likely the holiday had more of an impact on Madison County’s case numbers than Morgan’s.

Morgan County – which borders Madison County to the southwest -- has seen an average of 22.5 new cases every day since Memorial Day. But Morgan County’s spike began essentially on Memorial Day itself - May 25.

The virus is thought to have an incubation period that can last as long as 14 days, though is often between four and five days. It’s unlikely the holiday weekend would have caused such a large increase in cases so soon in Morgan County.

Madison County, on the other hand, saw cases increase dramatically starting almost exactly two weeks after the holiday. The 7-day average for new cases there went from 6.9 on June 7, two weeks after the holiday, to a high of 25.7 on Monday. That’s a 275 percent increase in the 7-day average in just over a week.

(Image removed from quote.)

Chart: Ramsey Archibald - Source: Alabama Department of Public Health

In Madison County, there has been a “significant increase” in the number of African Americans testing positive, Hudson said. She said that new cases in recent weeks are about an even split between black and white residents – a disproportionate burden given that blacks make up only 25 percent of the county population.

“Blacks are over-represented in the test positives,” Hudson said.

The age demographic has also trended young, Hudson said, with the majority of cases in the 24 to 49 age group.

Hudson advocated for wearing masks and said that studies have shown that not only do they protect the people around you, a face covering can help insulate the wearer as well.

“Evidence is now that even the cloth masks can protect the wearer from about 80 percent of virus particles,” Hudson said. “Masks reduce the number of virus particles that get past the barrier and that means 80 percent can’t reach your nose and mouth, which is the way we catch this. Having a smaller viral attack rate means your body has a better chance of winning the battle and having a less severe illness. So wear your mask. The life you save may be your own.”
Of the articles I have read... this is the first to point at Memorial Day.

I laughed at the mention of masks at the end. They protect from from you but do not do much of anything to protect the wearer. That has been shown in studies. Not only that... for protecting yourself, you need to cover mouth, nose, and eyes with a mask that seals against the face.

I saw a guy in a full gas mask today.
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #59 on: August 11, 2020, 04:14:52 PM »
Of the articles I have read... this is the first to point at Memorial Day.

I laughed at the mention of masks at the end. They protect from from you but do not do much of anything to protect the wearer. That has been shown in studies. Not only that... for protecting yourself, you need to cover mouth, nose, and eyes with a mask that seals against the face.

I saw a guy in a full gas mask today.

Dealing with pandemics, one must think outside the 'just me' bubble.