Author Topic: Covid Vaccine  (Read 34851 times)

Offline Eagler

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Covid Vaccine
« on: November 29, 2020, 06:59:55 AM »
Sounds like they are close

I have had one flu shot in my life and I was never sicker with the flu

I have not had one since or the flu until this feb when I think I had a bout of covid

I think 2 of the 3 vaccines in testing actually changes someones RNA to fight covid

They are going to stick this rushed experiment into the old folks and doctors 1st if I heard correctly

The rest of us in the spring if that goes well..

Sounds like this will be another yearly shot millions run to CVS to have jabbed into them.

I know mine, what are your plans on getting this?

Are you ready to be restricted from normal activity if you don't?

Anyone else see a vaccine card/ document needed for confirmation before you are allowed back in?

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Offline Maverick

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2020, 10:27:39 AM »
I seriously doubt that this will be an annual deal. Just like the spanish flu it will be over in another year or so. We plan to get the vaccine when it is available. Between cancer and just plain old age both of us are in the extreme risk category. I don't have an issue with getting a vaccine. As you get older not only do you think about the flu shots but you also consider shingles and pneumonia shots as well as renewing tetanus boosters, especially if you are active outside. I even had hepatitus vaccines mandated by my employer and of course the Army "provided" several especially iof you are being deployed overseas.
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Offline Ramesis

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2020, 12:30:43 PM »
Just like you Eagler, I got a terrible case of flu every time I got it while in the military...
My doctors say it is an old wives tale but I say nothing is 100% effective for 100% of everyone...
I'm still mulling it over but I suspect I won't get it  :salute
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2020, 02:19:28 PM »

I think 2 of the 3 vaccines in testing actually changes someones RNA to fight covid


That isn't correct. None of your genetic material is changed in any way.  All vaccines use a delivery system to get into a cell; this one uses a lipid nanoparticle (think "RNA string surrounded by soluble fat blob") that allows for transport across the cellular membrane.  Most vaccines use a handicapped, non-pathogenic version of a different virus (usually an adenovirus) that hijacks a specific protein of the target virus in so that your immune system can identify it quickly, if you become infected. 

In order for a vaccine to work, the mRNA (messenger RNA, encodes for specific a protein synthesis) for a viral protein specific to the virus you wish to immunize against must get delivered to the ribosome in one (actually, many) of your cells.  Ribosomes are basically protein manufacturing plants within every one of your cells.  They take mRNA floating around inside the cell and turn it into specific proteins; all of the proteins that your body replicates naturally as well as pathogenic invaders.... Generally, the viral proteins that we make for immunizations are non-functional.... there is an important coded region that isn't manufactured.  Therefore, the protein that is made from this process looks exactly like the real virus, but cannot function like it.  Your immune system identifies it and creates antibodies and helper T cells (as well as dozens of other cell types) to identify and destroy any real infection.  These remain in your system as immune "memory"....some last a lifetime, others not so long.

If you actually become infected during this immune memory phase, you most likely won't get sick, or ever know you were infected.

So, basically we hijack the same system that a real virus uses to infect us in order to protect ourselves.  Your individual genetic material is never even sourced during this process, only the mechanism that makes proteins.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2020, 04:01:28 PM by MORAY37 »
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2020, 02:36:40 PM »
Thanks, Moray.  :) :cheers:

Offline MORAY37

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2020, 03:58:15 PM »
Flu vaccinations are only "best guesses" done by professionals months before influenza season even begins.  Each year's vaccine only covers the strains that epidemiologists predict will become dominant for that season.  There are dozens of emerging genetic strains of influenza each year, as influenza has an unusually high mutation and recombination rate.  Influenza viruses can and will exchange pieces of genetic material within a host among different strains, also, making it difficult to predict which will become more prevalent.

Some years they get it right.... and stop upwards of 90% of infections. This year, they missed a bit, and the vaccine is only about 60% effective, as a separate genetic mutation among the influenza strains has gained dominance.  That's why you still got the flu..... because it likely wasn't the flu you were vaccinated against. 

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Offline Eagler

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2020, 04:18:29 PM »
Thanks for the clarity Moray

Do you think as Maverick that covid will not require yearly shots?

I have heard it both ways

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Offline Arlo

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2020, 04:23:17 PM »

Offline Scared

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2020, 04:42:39 PM »
I have been a news junky on this covid thing the whole time. I have seen many reports of people catching the damned virus more than once. If that is true, and anti-bodies disappear that quickly, how in the heck is a vaccine going to work?

Will the vaccine be more effective at encouraging anti-bodies than the actual virus itself? I just don't get it.

Offline MORAY37

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2020, 07:03:11 PM »
Thanks for the clarity Moray

Do you think as Maverick that covid will not require yearly shots?

I have heard it both ways


Unfortunately, it isn't clear yet as to the potential efficacy of the three vaccines.  Personally, I'd lean towards a slightly less optimistic view, but I'm a population ecologist, not a epidemiologist.  I'd base that off of the prevalent latent distrust of any new vaccine by a substantial subset of the population of the United States, as well as the current national inability to follow simple epidemiological protocols given by people that know how to fight these things....

If enough people don't get vaccinated, and the immune memory peaks at say 6 or 8 months, we'll be right back where we are in a year.  We just need to do things right, once, and my pessimism goes away.  Unfortunately, as I said before, the cognitive dissonance is monumental, currently. The way we're going right now, we'll see a huge increase in mortality in the next few months, followed by 2021 vaccinations.  The virus will be relegated to reservoirs in our population due to people's inherent stupidity, and bide its time.  If that immune memory truly is 6-8 months as some reports seem to indicate, at the end of that time we'll see another climb in rates of infection and hospitalizations. 

Although I did read that one of the vaccines may have an inherently longer memory window, if given in two doses... the first one very small, followed by a much larger second dose.  (Think MMR shots...they get spread out through 3 separate introductions) Hopefully, we might see something like Tetanus.... where you can expect a prolonged immune response over a decade.... We'll know more when the actual long term clinical trials get finished.  This initial wave of vaccines are a band-aid, mostly meant to give the health care system a reprieve.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2020, 07:05:11 PM by MORAY37 »
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2020, 10:12:32 PM »
Ya this whole thing blows me away.

How much information is truth, how much is fabricated by which ever side is looking for whatever, be it money, fame, or election results. the whole thing stinks.

I work for a company that is considered "essential" and have been working right along. On the one hand I have always been the honorable type of guy that follows the rules. I go to 10-12 different locations a day and run into anywhere from 20- 150 different people a day, every day of the week. I wear my mask, I wash my hands and use sanitizer every time I climb back into my truck, I practice "social distancing" as much as I can and have no problem walking away from people who get too close. On the other hand Im tired of not taking single day road trips to the beach with my wife, Im tired of not being able to take her out to eat once a week. Im tired of not being able to take a vacation where I get to go some place. I miss my sons, one who lives a town away, and the other that lives a few states away. Im tired of being the good boy and staying in my house other than going to work or getting necessities.

Now we have a vaccine on the horizon and Im stuck in the middle thinking is it real and it will help, or its bogus BS and nobody knows whether it will help or not. Too many people putting out BS information, and not enough people out there that we can trust any more.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2020, 10:27:06 PM »
fugi, this year, i have visited many restaurants where I ate al fresco, was pretty cool, been to laughlin, nv had a great time.  today I visited 2 different bars, had a few drinks, came home, was fun.

my life hasnt really changed this year.  I am more careful than before, but it hasnt really stopped me.  then again, I dont live where you do, so it could be different there.

I keep asking myself if I available should i get the vaccine, not sure, not because I am anti-vac, but more like I would really wait, however I could change my mind tomorrow.

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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2020, 11:03:24 PM »
« Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 01:14:47 AM by MORAY37 »
"Ocean: A body of water occupying 2/3 of a world made for man...who has no gills."
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Offline Eagler

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2020, 06:46:10 AM »
As they state old folks and our medical front liners will receive it 1st - any unexpected side affects would be nasty

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Offline AKKuya

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Re: Covid Vaccine
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2020, 09:24:47 AM »
Let's get this vaccine rolling to the masses. 

Ever since Covid-19 cancelled the Moroccan Ice Skating team series, my thoughts have been on those poor camels not being able to showcase their relay skills.  I need to know my Lightning Laces will be able to take home the Oasis Challenge trophy next year.  The stock market swings up and down by those camel ice skating rankings.  :devil

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?