Curious as to why the P47Ms? No 9th Jug units had them. Is it just to give folks the extra performance to maybe get more folks to play? Lots of 9th AF skins for the D40s I believe. Not going to find any for the M
Unless you are sending the 56th FG to the 9th AF as they had the Ms. Your call obviously, just curious.
As Brooke said, mainly playability. D40s were in the original write-up and I was going to have Greebo do a 48th FG skin as that is who I tracked down to be closest to our area of ops.
While I think the D40 would be able to hold its own, the M will have a better time versus the Dora, K4, 152 and easier to fill. The other alternative was to have only Ponies, but I found that difficult to justify considering the sheer number of Jug squads (14) as opposed to Ponies (2). It is very well known that the 56th is the only unit to operate Ms, but we definitely wanted the Jug to be represented.