Author Topic: Something you won't find in your mainstream media  (Read 45673 times)

Offline MiloMorai

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #900 on: July 01, 2022, 09:18:17 PM »

I see no facts as you purported yourself to have.

I could have a 1000 pages of facts and you wouldn't believe any of it.

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #902 on: July 01, 2022, 09:45:29 PM »
Biden had to deal with the sickness Trump started like no masks and no vaccinations by his cultists.

Look north to see a good response.

You are deflecting the question; so far no evidence of any Biden policy mitigating Covid better.

A great many more deaths and hospitalizations have occurred under Biden, how’d that happen  :headscratch: 

Oh I’ve got it! It’s Trump’s fault  :old:    :rofl  :rofl

 :rofl  :rofl


They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #903 on: July 01, 2022, 09:49:15 PM »
Mark Meadows’ associate threatened ex-White House aide

The redaction was Meadows, the sources said, but the associate’s identity could not be confirmed on Thursday night.

 :rofl  :rofl

You and your “facts”   :rofl
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #905 on: July 01, 2022, 10:13:41 PM »
Hurr hurr! I'm leaving that up to the men and woman who swore to protect America and the constitution, but it seems to many of their leaders are too glad to watch their country turn into a corrupt trash dump like Portland was. What a disgrace.


If any of this evidence you claim existed and was accurate, you'd have a raft of federal cases and convictions by now.  (How'd that Cyber Ninja thing work out for ya?  How many federal convictions come out of that?)

Apparently your ilk finds the rules of evidence on internet forums more amenable that having to make a case in federal court.

That makes it obvious to any rational person that your ilk are full of crap.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline MiloMorai

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #906 on: July 01, 2022, 10:22:15 PM »
RotBaron, what would you do to 'fix' what is happening around the World, and in the USofA?

Offline Brooke

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #907 on: July 01, 2022, 11:01:54 PM »
It's always been that way.

I agree that news has always been biased, that there have always been agendas, and that there have been times of extreme polarization (such as civil wars).

But just as there have been large advancements in technology since the days of Watergate -- there have been large advancements in persuasion and psyops.

People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own reality.  Eventually reality isn't subjective.  Things claimed either happened or they didn't.  People may decide never admit it, but that doesn't change reality.

Every person has his own reality, and facts increasingly don't matter.  People don't make up their minds through logical argument and facts.  They make up their minds based on emotion and how things fit with their already established views.  Then they argue why their views are correct.

However it became obvious pretty quickly . . .

Let's take this one example.  My response will be long, so I'm putting it in another post.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #908 on: July 02, 2022, 01:08:12 AM »
Every person has his own reality, and facts increasingly don't matter.  People don't make up their minds through logical argument and facts.  They make up their minds based on emotion and how things fit with their already established views.  Then they argue why their views are correct.

I think I can simplify it for you and save you some typing.

Until you can show me a conviction in federal court, you are wasting my time.  If you got the evidence, file the case.

The reason I say that, is until you get to the rules of evidence in force in a court of law, with the sanctions for perjury, then I don't give it any weight.  People can say anything they want on the internet and wave their hands around and point to "fishy" statistics.

Fine. Take it to court.  Convince a federal judge and jury.  Get a conviction.  Then you'll have my interest and full support.  I think that's a perfectly fair and reasonable stance. 

If they have all this evidence, why haven't they done that?

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #909 on: July 02, 2022, 01:36:22 AM »
I held back judgement at first claims of fraud because even though I despise Trump, I'd be one of the first locked and loaded on the barricades if there had actually been a hacked election.  Not to defend Trump, but to defend the system.  However it became obvious pretty quickly there was no there there.  In none of the 60 court cases Trump filed did his attorney even claim voter fraud had occurred.   You can claim what ever you want on the DailyStormer forums, but not even Guliani had the nerve to look a federal judge in the face and lie in court.  Guliani admitted directly in several cases that he was alleging no fraud.  Despite saying completely different crap on faux news.

This is going to be long.  But I like discussing with you, Cap!  You and I are alike in our view that the official narrative on finance is baloney.  But we see other things differently.  This is mostly for you and I to have fun discussing.  Neither of us is likely to change the other's opinion.  That's OK.

You are convinced that there was no voting fraud.  I understand your reasons.  They aren't crazy reasons.  Most people have those reasons.

But reasoning about worldly things is rarely a math proof.  It usually is based on judgement about a batch of evidence.  That's where people differ.

My judgement is different about the evidence.  Maybe because I grew up around Detroit and believe that The Wire is realistic and that there is way more dirty pool in politics than normal folks perceive.

Some of my thoughts.

Court cases that are dismissed don't prove anything.  Because there was no trial that went through evidence and arguing the case.  Court cases that go the distance still often don't produce The Full Truth.  Because plaintiffs make a case considering cost, time, what evidence they personally can get within budget and timeline, what the burden is of for various lines of legal pursuit, etc.  A lawyer saying "We aren't alleging X" in a suit does not mean that X is false.  Also, some attorneys are dopes, do stupid things, and lose.  Some judges are partisan.  The system is full of humans, with imperfections and tendencies, and the result is someone's judgement.

The result of an election is important to a lot of people.  There is money involved.  The barrier to cheating is low.  The odds of getting caught are low.  What do we expect?

In the last election, there were lots of suspicious things.  Each isn't proof.  Each can have a legitimate reason.  But the accumulation gets suspicious.  Last-minute procedure changes that, in addition to anything else, make cheating easier.  Denying access to other side's observers.  Large statistical swings in the middle of the night, in key voting regions.  Voting processes and equipment that aren't secure or auditable.  Statistical outliers in number of unreadable ballots, which are then read and entered by staff, which then have large statistical swing.  Quality of voter roles.  Information in 2000 Mules.

It's not just this election:
-- Gore vs. Bush; democrats allege fraud; hanging chads, lots of recounts and finding more votes.
-- Sanders vs. Clinton primary; Sanders folks allege rigging by Clinton-controlled DNC.
-- Clinton vs. Trump; Clinton says election was stolen from her; democrats urge delegates to switch votes to Clinton.
-- Biden vs. Trump; Clinton urges Biden not to concede under any circumstance.

I think we need a transparent, fraud-resistant, auditable election process.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2022, 03:19:37 AM by Brooke »

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #910 on: July 02, 2022, 01:44:57 AM »
trump claimed there was fraud in the election he won. he even had a commission which was disbanded without so much as a goodbye.

his own attorney when asked if he had any proof said no. actually another also said no. lindel had a symposium where again he offered no proof.

for a trial to start, you need proof, you don't have any, it's a waste of time.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #911 on: July 02, 2022, 03:10:04 AM »
for a trial to start, you need proof, you don't have any, it's a waste of time.

You need evidence, and the trail process examines that and arguments and decides which party prevails.

There are a variety of reasons for a court rejecting a case:
-- Lack of standing.  (I.e., this plaintiff can't sue in this jurisdiction or court.)
-- Past a time limit.
-- Improper paperwork.
-- Requested damages that are too large for given claims.
-- Allegations that are not illegal.
-- Lack of compelling evidence.

When a court rejects a case, that doesn't prove whether the allegations are true or false.

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #912 on: July 02, 2022, 04:49:14 AM »
RotBaron, what would you do to 'fix' what is happening around the World, and in the USofA?

That’s going to take a bit, I’ll need to start a list I can add to on another device. The world will take longer than the US.

But just off the top of my head:

Fully enforce our border and immigration laws (your country does and serves as a good example). ANYONE caught illegally entering the country is deported. I won’t go into more specifics now, e.g. “they need asylum”…there is a process in place for that they chose not to undertake.

Finish the entire southern border wall (yes I know in some places it has to be more of a fence).

Leave the UN and remove them from US soil.

Stop sending any $ to any European nation, Japan and so many others that are 1st world industrialized nations who could be self-sufficient.
     -Japan's official development assistance (ODA) stood at US$16.3 billion in 2020.  :headscratch:

Term limits for Congress. 6 terms for House, and 3 for Senate feels about right or possibly if in combination not to exceed 22years.

Stop all contributions to NATO until every other member meets their obligations or Canada is willing to pay for those that won’t. 

Stop all $ “aid” to Ukraine, we have no business being involved in this.

Stop corporations from becoming monopolies and break those up that already are. Just one example: Disney - ABC/ESPN/Fox/Marvel/Lucasfilm…

All I have time for now…
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #913 on: July 02, 2022, 05:01:33 AM »
You need evidence, and the trail process examines that and arguments and decides which party prevails.

There are a variety of reasons for a court rejecting a case:
-- Lack of standing.  (I.e., this plaintiff can't sue in this jurisdiction or court.)
-- Past a time limit.
-- Improper paperwork.
-- Requested damages that are too large for given claims.
-- Allegations that are not illegal.
-- Lack of compelling evidence.

When a court rejects a case, that doesn't prove whether the allegations are true or false.


Well stated!

There are also intricacies to getting a grand jury to indict and what one group of people all agree on another group will not.

The two pos that murdered my brother got very different results. One sits in prison life no parole while the other was acquitted.  Different judges, different juries and many what if’s sigh.
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline zack1234

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Re: Something you won't find in your mainstream media
« Reply #914 on: July 02, 2022, 05:25:00 AM »
I could have a 1000 pages of facts and you wouldn't believe any of it.

From a book?

Or cut and pasted like a child
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

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