Author Topic: What's your favorite plane?  (Read 4623 times)

Offline Tig

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What's your favorite plane?
« on: July 24, 2022, 01:09:03 PM »
Just got to wondering lately, what everybody's favorite plane is.  :airplane:

So, what is it, and why do you like it so much?

Most people know I fly Spits mainly and Mosquitos on the side. I'm a bit torn between the Spitfire Mk 9 and the Mosquito Mk 6 as my favorite right now:
-The Spit 9 flies so sweet and has great power, and I like being able to spray the .303s as needed, plus I have the sound pack so it gets the real sound of a Merlin, plus I rock the USAAF skin on it, which looks amazing. Thinking about it, maybe the Seafire is my favorite...... it's basically a Mk 5 with more cannon ammo and a tailhook, and I love having the carrier flexibility, plus it has a US Navy skin too. I don't know, the Seafire and the Spit 9 are both really fun planes.
-I hardly even need to elaborate on the Mossy. It has incredible speed and firepower, it can carry a lot and do a lot of different missions, and it has a huge range. Plus it can take a hell of a beating. Overall a fantastic airplane.

And the funniest thing of it all-
The Spitfire Mk 1 is the only Spitfire I have a positive K/D ratio on!  :rofl :rofl
Actually managed to down an F6F Hellcat just now, although I had to really unload those .303s haha. I did get an insane amount of perk points out of that though!  :cheers:
Turn n' Burn!

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2022, 03:48:12 PM »
Its hard to say. Spits are "easy mode" anyone can get kills in them. P51s and P47s if flown in Boom and Zoom mode, again easy mode.

To push a plane outside its normal mode is the fun for me. Over the years I have changed from plane to plane.

I started in the F6F and have gotten close to 500 kills in it.

Then I decided I needed a bit more speed and jumped into the P38. I have close to 5000 kills in the 3, J,L,and G ("J" is my favorite of the bunch), but it got a bit easy so I changed again looking for a challenge.

First it was the Hog, just shy of 2500 kills in the main 3 1D, 1A, C (1D is my favorite).

Then it was the pony and the Jug, but I didnt do the BnZ much from alt, I liked to turn and burn with them. I learned from Yucca, Frenchy, and LilMak in the 47, and  Fess, BigR and a number of guys that haven't played in a long time in the Pony. 2000  kills in each model with the P51d and the P47-D11 as my favorites in those.

Now a days Im in the 109. Mostly the G2 with a couple of jumps in the K4 now and then. Only 1200 kills in them, but I'm starting to figure out the aim and  how to setup better shots.... as you might have noticed yesterday   :devil

Basically I think everyone's "favorite" will change over time if they stick around long enough. Everyone starts with the spits because its easy to be successful in and then interests will dictate what plane you jump into next. There are exceptions. SOme players like Fess and a couple of the "Chickentails love the pony and stick with it always. AKAK and the "Luckystrikes guys stick with the P38. the 56th guys stuck with the P47. The BT guys in the yak3. But I think the better players in the game are good in any plane they jump into and for me the variety is one of the things that make it fun for me. Kills counts are cool, but give me a good fight and win or lose I'll take that any day over score/kill counts.

Offline morfiend

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2022, 05:54:53 PM »
Big fan of mossie as I have an uncle who helped build them in Canada. Next fav is 190 series with the in game A8 a fav.

Might add the 110 c as it can surprise a pilot that takes it for granted.

Offline Arlo

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2022, 06:05:27 PM »
In game:

1: F4Ua1
2. F6F
3. FM2
4. I-16
5. Spit V
6. Mossie VI
7. B-17
8. Mossie XVI
9. C.202
10. P-47D25


Out of game - add F-86 Sabre, F9F Panther, A4 Skyhawk
« Last Edit: July 24, 2022, 06:10:22 PM by Arlo »

Offline Tig

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2022, 06:11:17 PM »
Only 1200 kills in them, but I'm starting to figure out the aim and  how to setup better shots.... as you might have noticed yesterday   :devil


I was having a great fight too! Ah well.
You have a point, I've been slowly getting dissatisfied with Spits from time to time. Their lack of range and dive power, along with the light wing mounted armament has started to make me branch out.
Right now I'm looking at the Corsair family and the Ta 152. Always had a thing for the 152, maybe I can figure out how to make it work.

In the meantime I'm just laughing that I've been bringing down F6F Hellcats with the Spit Mk 1, I got like 20 perk points in a single mission. At this rate I'm gonna be flying 262s in no time!  :airplane:
Turn n' Burn!

Offline nopoop

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2022, 06:51:12 PM »
SpitV. I LOVE getting in T&B's with Spit 16's. When they suddenly figure out they are going to die. The best.

Seafire also but the icon gives it away. Corsair 1A, and the Yak 3.

I need to learn 109s and D9s.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Tig

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2022, 07:15:03 PM »
SpitV. I LOVE getting in T&B's with Spit 16's. When they suddenly figure out they are going to die. The best.

Seafire also but the icon gives it away. Corsair 1A, and the Yak 3.

I need to learn 109s and D9s.

It's all good and well until you pick a fight with me in my Spit 9.  :devil
I remember at least one or two shootdowns of you.  :cheers:
Turn n' Burn!

Offline nopoop

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2022, 08:40:33 PM »
Lol have 3 assits on that spitty

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Oldman731

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2022, 09:57:53 PM »
Just got to wondering lately, what everybody's favorite plane is.

202, of course.  Best flying plane in the game.  WWI armament is a handicap.  Always my go-to ride.

Hellcat would be the next pick, followed by the G6 and the Tony.  39Q is in there in recent years.

Really, a person could go on and on.  There are so many planes in AH, almost all of them are fun, you virtually never run out of new challenges as you move from one to the next.

- oldman

Offline Tig

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2022, 09:11:33 AM »
202, of course.  Best flying plane in the game.  WWI armament is a handicap.  Always my go-to ride.

Hellcat would be the next pick, followed by the G6 and the Tony.  39Q is in there in recent years.

Really, a person could go on and on.  There are so many planes in AH, almost all of them are fun, you virtually never run out of new challenges as you move from one to the next.

- oldman

Yeah I don't see the Macchis much! Everyone always underestimates them, they really are a pretty decent fighter.

Fugitive- I meant it when I said I was gonna pick up some new planes haha! Been flying sorties in the Ta 152, and MAN what a plane! That 30mm popped an M4 on the ground almost instantly, and I got to shred a formation of B17s. Score is standing at 3-1, the only death is from ages ago when I really didn't know what I was doing and lined up on a B-17s six o'clock.  :rofl
Turn n' Burn!

Offline Bopgun

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2022, 10:26:20 AM »
I really do love nearly every plane in game, they all feel so unique. My list would have to go

#1 F4Us F4U-1/F4U-4
#2 190s 190A5/TA152
#3 P47s P47D11/P47N
#4 109s 109E4/109G14
#5 P40s P40C/P40E

I generally stick to a couple of variants in the more fleshed out plane sets.

F4Us are the most capable and versatile fighters ingame. The F4u-1's birdcage makes it look soo aggressive and I love the the light coral blasted blue skins. The F4U-4 is just a powerhouse, a contender for best A2A fighter in game.

190s and by extension the 152 have everything I love in a fighter. Speed Roll and fire power. 190A5 is light and can really surprise people when you start pulling angles on the. Ta152 is my go to interceptor, great range, immense power on WEP, and a 30mm hub cannon gives it the most satisfying 1 hit kill potential on enemy fighters.

P47s are the ultimate high altitude killers. D11 looks amazing with the Razorback canopy and is another one that surprises most when you start to TnB. P47N is a great E fighter when light, great power on wep, and a ridiculous ordnance package. With its range and characteristics the P47N and its brethren are my go to Escort fighters

109s will always be the my first choice when upping from a capped base. the 109E is more of a novelty to me but I like its handling characteristics. The G14 and K4 are the true MA powerhouses, enough engine power to make Spitfires LAs and Yaks think twice. The 30mm hub gun can be infuriating but with enough practice you can become the most lethal stick in the sky.

P40s will always have a place in my heart and are ALWAYS underestimated, cant tell you how many times Ive dropped late war fighters in the P40C because they just didn't take it seriously.

Those are my picks anyway, although Ill certainly be in all sorts of planes.
Ingame: StepSis

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Offline Wildin

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2022, 03:09:01 PM »
Grumman AG-Cat with R985 engine, got billions of kills, mostly insects.  :salute

Offline Busher

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2022, 04:53:07 PM »
Boeing 767
Being male, an accident of birth. Being a man, a matter of age. Being a gentleman, a matter of choice.

Offline morfiend

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2022, 04:57:05 PM »
Boeing 767

Would have thought the 707…..

Offline popeye

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Re: What's your favorite plane?
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2022, 08:41:09 AM »
N1K2-J for field defense and general shooting stuff.
F4U-1D for jabo.
F6F-5 for gv <cough> suppression.
La-7 for chasing uber planes.

Where is Major Kong?!?