My opinion is pretty simple but ENY has always been a core principle of this game for as long as I've played it, and it seems to have always sorta worked for the most part.Now I do agree some planes (cough yak3) need to have their ENY reevaluated
Seriously let it go man… “the game” is one dude. He’s done enough, we are all still here. Just play Meta. That’s all, play. Btw I am an IT director for a Fortune 500 company, post COVID world is different, you gotta let it go.
Yak3 and 190D for sure. Why so hard to re-evaluate? Just look at the #s... Yak3s are hard as hell to shoot even right on their 6. A tiny little plane that blends well with the terrain and can flap and run better than most planes. Same with the 190D.
Yak3 and 190D for sure.
Well im not paying another dime
Didn't Albert Einstein have a theory about the definition of insanity? urban girl names