To whom this may concern,
Over the past 2 months, I have observed over 3 dozen situations where ENY has affected countries without significant numbers to support the restrictions; In my humble opinion, they should not be penalized with ENY. This has been going on for years with the declining player base.
What I am observing on a continual basis is as follows.
1. Large forces of up to 35 players swarming a base with only 3-10 defenders. This happens on a regular basis during primetime. When the base is not captured the horde continues. After these players have their fill they log for the night creating a huge problem in regards to eny. Players that stay and fight through it, then continue to play once the horde logs, are then restricted to +20 ENY for several hours.
2. Large forces on the bishop side roll throughout the morning. This is countered at times with shade accounts. Up to 15 players continually roll bases after base. Once they are logged for the day this creates a huge eny problem for other countries for up to 2 hours. Eny of 10.5 to +20 is common almost daily from this scenario.
3. On several occasions I have observed a side winning the map and then not returning for up to an hour or more. While everyone else wants to get a good start on the next map, they are restricted to above +10 to as high as +20 eny for an hour or more.
This is both killing action creating game play and limiting paying customers from enjoying the game. I understand that eny is the lesser of two evils but ENY is only working against those not hording. If I stay around and fight 5-15 v 1 engagements for hours I should not get hit with high eny. I only fly b17's or b24's and I face on multiple occasions each week with restrictions when there should be none.
It is my opinion that ENY needs to be scaled back or eliminated entirely. The hordes roll with little to no eny. It is not OK to ask paying customers who wish to spend their time in this game to log off just so ENY can affect the enemy; or to switch sides after investing the time and energy for hours if not days to win the war for a particular side. The autoside switch does not work anymore the way it was intended and nobody uses it for the intended reason either. It is now used to perk farm.
Over the next week I will provide some solutions from players and myself and hopefully you will find one that works for everyone including the business.
Please go to the forums and read what others have said from posts that MERV has started which is my bbs member name.
Forgive my disruptive behavior at times. I'm passionate about this game. I do act immature at times but I am finally addressing my mental health.
<S> Finetime/HQRUS
Jordan Hartley
I'm just chiming in as a newish observer.
Settings vs Gamers vs Simmers. The differences should be obvious. If the gamer can't game the numbers into ridiculousness, they will leave. If the simmers can't have a more realistic game play, they leave.
AH has a problem, it's sitting on a razor fence to please both sides, when it's actually virtually impossible to please both. They are conflicting mindsets. Both pay, bot think they deserve the benefit of the doubt. One can toy with the settings until the world goes flat to no avail of happiness.
Gaming the game is the main culprit of losing players, the HOing is ridiculous nonsense. HOs are going to happen from time to time,.. when it's in the design of the flight,... its very bad for the game/sim. This will also push the simmer who know they are going to be HOed every potato peelin flight, they have to pull the trigger. It's a very ugly epidemic. at 5-1 odds 3 of them instantly tried to HO me, one succeeding, that's some pansy bellybutton flying.
Hording unprotected bases, because they are unprotected,.....we all know what that is.
Settings (good or bad) are one thing, exploiting them is damaging. Allowing them to exploit them is disheartening.
Point being,.. to make things "right" which crowd do they try to please? If they can't make money it's mileage will vary.
From my experience, the gamer tends to cook the rest of the audience simply for immature shts and giggles. They don't care, they'll just jump to another sim and destroy that too. There is no one to fight because their NONSENSE chased em out.
While my unsolicited rant may not apply exactly to what you posted,... it's the gamer vs the simmer in a never ending battle. Like most things, they will inspire a flame and personal attacks, because they have no merit to stand on in the debate, its a deflection from tardness.