How equitable of them.
From what I gather, if let’s say “country a’s” both men and women’s team won the World Cup each team would be compensated roughly the same. I was trying to find out the revenue discrepancy between the men’s and women’s teams with out much success. In the US I would suspect the women’s team generates more revenue due the facts that soccer is or was considered an “feminine” sport and the women tend to perform better amongst their peers then the men.
since I was born. played for many years. normality Brazil is my team but in women's always usa.semp
as an example
I'm sure that you really like the USA women's team this year.
pretty sure you can't go one day without including politics in everything. semp
How fifa and their NBA run their affairs is their business. I will admit that the players for team USA soccer tend to be quite obnoxious. More so the case when a 15yo team beats them quite handily. Maybe they ought to have the men’s and women’s team compete against each other and the payment is determined by the percentage of the total score.
Like I said, very equatable. Should be based on who has a bigger draw as a whole. If the women's team draw 5 million and the men's team draws 10... is it fair to spit the earnings equally?
If the respective player for each side agree to that arrangement then yes.
it was the other way women brought more money than men's. semp