I don’t think I was at this con but I know I was at the Last AW Con Jordi hosted, I think it was 2003 but met all the top guns there also Dale Mage and dam I forgot the Forum Sledgehammer who just retired Recently Skuzzy
I think you’re right, 2003 - Jordi, a name I haven’t heard for a long time. I hope he’s doing well. I hope everyone is doing well, whata crew:) as far as I’m concerned without those you mentioned, flight sims would suck. They set the standards. Dale is absolutely part of flight sim history, not just making a sim.
All great people with good intensions. Compared to them , I was just a flea. They >allowed< me to do my thing.
. We have a lot of them here. Part of my reason for me being here, where the greats are.
Some don’t appreciate the history of why they can even exist here. I wish some would take better care of such a gem. To date. AW and AH are the funnest combat sims made.
That said, Flossy was one of the finest humans we had\have. Always had the admiration of us, kept us grounded.