Pretty much agree with most stated thus far. 
Problem is this behavior is destructive toward the intended target, like fired/divorced/“unfriended” etc. Sometimes lives ruined simply for a dissenting POV that gets immensely distorted. 
The last part about conspiracies kinda makes me laugh though. Past several years conspiracies tend to be spoiler alerts
. Minus the ridiculous reptilian stuff… the gov acknowledged UFOs! 
What should be obvious.
Two tribes and conspiracies
One views conspiracies as pathetically ridiculous, lacking common sense. The realist who insist on grounded proof. Science may be required to convince. Admitting one is fact is expanding knowledge. Defense is research. Reasonable. “Show me the money!”.
Another views conspiracies as truth, common sense. See themselves as realist, but only take the nonfactual word of a selected group of like-minded as proof. Science is discarded, unless its to save their life, they may discard that as well. Admitting one has been debunked is seen as losing face. Defense is projection. Unreasonable. “Get your own money!”.
Cognitive conversation between the two has low odds. Division takes its toll.
Wisdom from the troll under the stairway.
You can all thank me later.
<sticks tongue in light socket>