« Reply #100 on: November 19, 2023, 04:02:35 AM »
This is the most singular thread I have ever read in my time on this forum.
What about the other people who have been banned - for what we the player-base percieve as much lesser sins - is this part of a global amnesty or is a lengthy phone call required to consider their cases also?
What about Latrobe (already mentioned) for instance. A great stick, a thoroughly civilised chap, and a fun fight, helpfully made many videos explaining ACM and promoting Aces High. If he wasn't banned from the game he certainly was from the forum for no offence other than being in the same squadron that did that weird forum attack? This and similar victimisation surely lead to his leaving. No apology is felt necessary? Or to others?
You do not specify for which 'behaviours' the ban was applied but since you've made this notification on the forum it's reasonable to assume you also consider us - the broader player base. To suggest Skyyr had been successfully banned from the MA implies his YouTube channel has not been monitored. Will this YouTube account be checked going forward? Especially since it has been used frequently to intimidate certain targeted individuals or imply some weird dominance based on proficiency in a game. Surely we can all agree this leads to undesirable gameplay and driving people away from the game? The video of Lazer's ACM was only released a couple of weeks ago and since taken down. Is this contrition or merely an HTC-imposed condition for the unbanning? Similarly Dolby's video which was removed due to a successful copyright violation only to appear on a Russian website?
Further in general does this mark the point where clarification is finally forthcoming on HTC's position regarding second account misuse used to locate and track another player? Over a decade ago several of us have asked for either a checkbox to disable the dot wingman command on the requestee’s end or otherwise a yes/no pop-up box similar to the join-request during flight. We could not even get a clarification if this was a violation of the EULA? I know you - HiTech - stopped the last offender I reported (and evidenced) but I was made aware of another player using this exact unfair exploit approximately two months ago! Is it not high time this point was officially clarified and code put in place to check it?
Second chances yes I agree. If you're listening Skyyr (I'm sure you are) then I have always had challenging and enjoyable (if limited) contacts with you. You have been repectful to me and I don't know why, maybe I'm not so egotistical or threatening simply ploughing my own narrow furrow as I do but consider something possibly no one else has said to you or you've not arrived at yourself: Aces High should be about virtual flying and nothing further. Using it as a vehicle to placate the ghosts of your life is not strength and dominance but something far more insidious and distasteful. Neither will it do you any good in the long run. Your problems are your problems and you do not know what is at the other end of the computer account you are 'hunting'. I hope we can one day discuss ACM in a civilised and mutually respectful manner. How refreshing that would be.
Latrobe....he certainly "was from the forum for no offence other than being in the same squadron that did that weird forum attack?"
The Anime Porn Spam?

I never did hear an explanation for that?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 04:25:09 AM by 1stpar3 »

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