"Witness" a guy who screams for help on range the second he sees a fighter in the area then dies any way?

Absolutely epic level weaksauce. Hunting buffs is the easiest way to be a statpotato in this game. Not impressed.
(Image removed from quote.)
How did Stoner do since he's your real account?
Let's see you do it then big boy. Infact half my kills were fighters which is pretty darn good. I'll admit this wasn't even my best as I had a few runs where the fight died and left me with low K/H and K/S there at the end.
Strange how you would know about me calling out on range? Where you on last night? Or let me guess, TheJudge or Silent probably relayed to skyyr over discord my vox and location since they were both on my team and Skyyr on the other. I mean based on history that's likely. Especially since Skyyr wasted all his E on me, gave up his SA, and got picked, it's almost like he knew it was me...
I mean you did ask him how that pursuit of #1 was going... He informed you.
With the bomber gunners in this game and their pinpoint accuracy I find it harder to intercept bombers rather than fighters at least they can't shoot me when im behind them!
A kill is a kill
Very good point, especially when you only have 6 50 cals. A few sorties I'd make multiple passes and put 100s of rounds and not get the kill, then a few of them oiled me and I'd have to RTB. It's so much easier with cannons or those 8 50 cals in the P47. Palace doesn't really know what he's talking about and doesn't have the #s to show it either....