Just because the thread took a pause doesn't mean the drama did. The MA is filled with 20k 190s, every one of which will come at you spraying cannons at 500kts. Their SA is impeccable, so don't bother trying to get co-alt, because they'll just nope-out to their higher buddies.
Pretty much akin to dealing with the BT/Yak gaggle, with the notable exception of the non-stop spray-HO'ing, and the ridiculous lag-warps of skyyr's spastic junior protege in particular. It's hard enough to dodge 3 or 4 190s diving in at you with guns blazing, but when one of them can land hits from a 45-degree angle, and wins every collision due to his lag-delay, it gets to the point where you might as well just up a cannon-bird and join in the Air Quake kiddie-fest.
I will never understand why players with all the advantage would rather just run into you than risk losing a turn-fight. They will literally fly their plane directly into you, spraying, even when they have the numbers, speed and altitude advantage.
I guess it's a score thing. They'll fly in attack mode to ho/ram, or when competent adversaries are present, then on special occasions, switch to fighter mode and up a 262 so they can protect their valuable score.
Honestly, what a collection of dweebry. It would be a little easier to take if there were still the occasional dogfighter playing, but they're almost all gone since the gamer-bro horde has taken over. Other than TheStig, I'm hard pressed to name a single rook or bish that cares more about the fight than the result.
In all my years, I have never seen the MA in such a pathetic state.
Edit: I have to add Cheroke6, JimRussl, and Silent (when his squaddies aren't around) to the guys that will fight. <S>