Author Topic: AH Combat Report with Questions  (Read 8545 times)

Offline nrshida

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #150 on: December 27, 2023, 02:26:12 AM »
Whether Gunzo is badboy or not is one thing

It is not one thing, it is the thing. If you aren't privvy to the evidence (I thought you were) then smply look at the timeline of recent events: Skyyr posts a video criticising Lazer's ACM (right before his ban was lifted and later deleted). Badboy (official forum account) then posts that Skyyr's explanation is entirely incorrect and is just a personal attack. Then this video shows up from Gunzo, then Skyyr posts a video of one of Badboy's other shade accounts in the MA and a full ahf of them duelling. There is your motive for this thread in a 99.968847993759927% nutshell. He's just opportunistically trying to exploit the current pitchfork-weilding mentaility. Badboy cannot out-fly Skyyr and we all know what he does when has to confront that reality. Yes he drinks his special Jekyyl and Hyde potion and away he goes...

You should leave the monitoring of Skyyr's probation to HTC. Dale has put his reputation on the line by unbanning him. Not our job mate.

EVERYONE who intentionally breaks the rules should be held accountable.

I totally agree. And I would point out that Skyyr got a nine-year official ban. When he snook back in is Dale's neglect and disinterest and is on him. Badboy's driven far more players away from AH than he's ever contributed, spoiling the PAID gameplay of others for hours on end and we still have to put up with his monkey-business to this day to an extent which it's really starting to look preferentially suspicious.

I don't want Badboy banned from the game either. What would be most appropriate for him is that he should not be allowed to fly online under any other ID except Badboy. Remove his continual plausible-deniability strategy and hidden ID advantage. I'm not sure what the root of this multiple account shenanigens is. It could be that trainers were always allowed to have mutiple accounts so they can enjoy the game in peace (makes sense) but that perverted into this Jekyyl and Hyde act long ago and nothing's done about it.

Again, why has this thread not been locked? In my experience cheating accusations where never tolerated previously on this forum. It was always a case of submitting evidence direclty to HTC.

Frankly HiTech's inaction here is starting to look pretty damning. I'd much rather just go flying in the knowledge that the rules are applied equally to all and I'm starting to doubt that.
Happy Friday Pipz!
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"Get stuffed Skyyr, you freak" - Zack1234

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #151 on: December 27, 2023, 07:21:22 PM »
It is not one thing, it is the thing. If you aren't privvy to the evidence (I thought you were) then smply look at the timeline of recent events:

Well there is a time line, but it only includes entirely unrelated events with no particular connection between them or the people involved. I’ll highlight the spurious logic one point at a time:   

Quote from: nrshida
Skyyr posts a video criticising Lazer's ACM (right before his ban was lifted and later deleted). Badboy (official forum account) then posts that Skyyr's explanation is entirely incorrect and is just a personal attack.

If you are talking about this thread, that’s also what I saw:

Literally, this has changed my outlook on dogfighting.

I saw that thread, but it has nothing to do with me.

Quote from: nrshida
Then this video shows up from Gunzo,

The video in the original post to this thread didn’t just show up, it was posted shortly after the incident shown in the video occurred, and as a direct result of it. The incident was the motive for posting, nothing else. It was posted because Skyyr appeared to be up to his old tricks. That was the only motive necessary and a pretty obvious one too.
So those two points on your time line are not related. They involve separate and unrelated events and different people. You seem to think the two events are connected because you incorrectly believe they involve the same actors, you are seeing connections that don’t exist and missing the obvious one.

But the best part is the sequence of events you have described rule out your motive theory entirely. You say “Then this video shows up from Gunzo, then Skyyr posts a video” followed by "There is your motive for this thread" But if Skyyr posted a video after me, how could it have been my motive? If I posted my video first, there must have been some prior motive. There was, I posted the video to show what had just happened in the MA, plain and simple. Occam's razor in action.     

Quote from: nrshida
Then this video shows up from Gunzo, then Skyyr posts a video of one of Badboy's other shade accounts in the MA and a full ahf of them duelling. There is your motive for this thread in a 99.968847993759927% nutshell.

I’ve seen a video that mentions Gunzo in the title, but none of the names in the title actually appear in the video :rolleyes: I assume one is a Skyyr shade but neither of them are me. Anyone can post a video with an unknown player and claim they are someone else in the film’s title  :rofl

So I was supposed to be motivated by a video of some one else? Particular since the real motive is so glaringly obvious, saw it happen, posted it :rofl 

Quote from: nrshida
in a 99.968847993759927% nutshell.

Really? Making stuff up?

Here are some numbers that aren't made up:

Your motive theory = 100% wrong

Then making up some random numbers to back it up = 100% fake?

Now we know you like to make stuff up, what else have you just made up because it suits you?

Here’s a final number… Your Credibility = 0%

Quote from: nrshida
Badboy cannot out-fly Skyyr

That may be true, but how would I know? I’ve never seen them fight and never seen a film of them fighting. Does that film even exist?

On the other hand every time I’ve encountered Skyyr, he was comfortably out flown, just as he was in the video I posted here. The video in the original post to this thread is at least a genuine Gunzo v Skyyr film. Don’t be taken in by fake videos just because someone typed Gunzo in the film title. I can see how it happens though.

For example, earlier in this thread Vraciu posted a message by mistake and deleted it claiming it was intended as PM to you saying that I had hunted him and that he had killed me twice in return. Problem is none of his kills or deaths during the entire tour had me on the list? So thanks to that kind of complete nonsense propagated via behind the scenes gossip, there are probably more fake Gunzo shade names than there are players in the game  :rofl

Not complaining, some of it is complimentary, some of it funny, but I really shouldn’t take the credit for all the hard work and kills earned by what is apparently a vast army of shades generated by butt hurt paranoia.
I think that covers your main points. But I want to conclude by revisiting something you said earlier:

Quote from: nrshida
It is not one thing, it is the thing. If you aren't privvy to the evidence

The problem with evidence is that if you want to use it you have to be sure it's solid. You don't even appear to have read it back to see if it even made sense.  :rofl

What you posted as evidence was a joke. You seem to be unable to distinguish between things you know are true facts and things you only think or want to believe are true. That’s where your time line evidence falls apart, the events aren’t related because the connections you are making between the players aren’t real. You have been reasoning from what you merely think is true as you have throughout this thread. Your resulting conclusions are all non sequitur. A classic case of rubbish in, rubbish out.

Meanwhile you have focused on a ten year old butt kicking you received in the DA by a number of different players that you still think were all me, supported by a long list of names. The strange thing about that is:

I don’t recall ever seeing you online, let alone ever fighting you.  :rofl
You post like you are so target fixated you can’t think or see straight. You can’t even follow the sequence of events in your own time line and then resorted to making stuff up :rofl

Goodness knows what other nonsense you are fermenting in your effort to connect the dots that aren't there.

Meanwhile this bears repeating, in case you didn’t notice there was a further witness report, more evidence in from yet another player who has observed Skyyr doing the same things, if not even more damning, and has resulted in an updated probability of guilt at the even more staggering 99.999921%.
The odds of Skyyr being innocent = 1.27 Million to one against.

Bring back that lovin' feelin'

Whoa, that lovin' feelin'

Bring back that lovin' feelin'

'Cause it's gone, gone, gone

And I can't go on, whoa-oh

TopGunzo  :rock

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo

Offline nrshida

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #152 on: December 28, 2023, 02:12:57 AM »
Really? Making stuff up?

If you can do pull numbers out of your arse... Where's your evidence of the several hundred victories to zero you claim earlier against Skyyr? Film or it didn't, oh wait... If we're going to be rational then we all have to be rational. You don't selectively dictate what you think is rational else you're just a troll.

Not really all that much worth addressing here. You have a long-standing fued with anyone who can give you trouble in a fair fight because you're a twisted freak, as Zack would have said.

On the other hand every time I’ve encountered Skyyr, he was comfortably out flown, just as he was in the video I posted here.

Here's the root of your problem right here. Self-dishonesty. The video you posted shows you very nearly eating a 30-mm despite holding every conceivable advantage and an encounter you survived only by virtue of a lucky PW from your desperate spraying and praying earlier on. Dream on. This was not a comfortable victory, you had to rtb for clean underwear. 12-out-of-10 on the Vinkman scale.

Meanwhile you have focused on a ten year old butt kicking you received in the DA by a number of different players that you still think were all me, supported by a long list of names. The strange thing about that is:

No. I've got no problem at all getting my butt-kicked in an I-was-outflown-stylee. For instance had I flown like you did in the OP film I'd be going back to the drawing board to see what changes I have to make to my ACM and trying to decompile what Skyyr's reversal hinged upon. The only problem I have with you is the extensive trolling and griefing of other players gameplay you have systematicaly done for years, and apparently think it's fine to continue doing.

Like I say, what's suitable for you is that HiTech resolves your multiple personality disorder in the arena at least: you can fly as Badboy and that's it.

I'm not going to continually hit the ball back for this freak by myself. Really got better things to do. I've done my best to expose this weirdo and clearly some of you know enough to know. There's only two explanations why HiTech doesn't take care of these forum and EULA violations. One is he doesn't give a 5h!t which is not good. The other is even more disturbing. If I decide that's the case then he can count my subscription along with others driven away by players who can't accept their limitations or act in a civilised manner as Trogdor posted previously. There should be one set of rules qually applied to all regardless of their past interactions with HTC or how many subscriptions they have.
Happy Friday Pipz!
-=Army of Muppets=-
"Get stuffed Skyyr, you freak" - Zack1234

Offline GasTeddy

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #153 on: December 28, 2023, 02:16:44 AM »

Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #154 on: December 28, 2023, 05:40:16 AM »

Here's the root of your problem right here. Self-dishonesty. The video you posted shows you very nearly eating a 30-mm despite holding every conceivable advantage and an encounter you survived only by virtue of a lucky PW from your desperate spraying and praying earlier on. Dream on. This was not a comfortable victory, you had to rtb for clean underwear. 12-out-of-10 on the Vinkman scale.

And THAT is the key right there in plain sight for all to see.

Drop the mic, Shida. Your takedown of Badboy/Gunzo is one for the ages, right up there with the Santini channel 200 beatdown of Neener during the Morning Crew days.  :cheers:
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 06:26:25 AM by Palace Cobra »

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #155 on: December 28, 2023, 06:18:42 AM »
The video you posted shows you very nearly eating a 30-mm despite holding every conceivable advantage and an encounter you survived only by virtue of a lucky PW from your desperate spraying and praying earlier on. Dream on. This was not a comfortable victory, you had to rtb for clean underwear.

Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear and believing things that are not actually true. Might be worth having yourself checked out, it’s treatable.

Quote from: nrshida
The only problem I have with you is the extensive trolling and griefing of other players gameplay you have systematicaly done for years, and apparently think it's fine to continue doing.

Film or it didn’t happen.

Quote from: nrshida
Like I say, what's suitable for you is that HiTech resolves your multiple personality disorder in the arena at least: you can fly as Badboy and that's it.

Nothing to resolve, I’ve explained it several times but you just don’t get it.

Besides the “Badboy” id has been taken by a noob who I’ve encountered in the MA, a few times, most recently about 3 or 4 years ago. It was definitely not the same guy.

If anything, in an effort to keep this boat afloat I think many will increase the number of subscriptions, I’m thinking of having a different one for every day of the week  :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo

Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #156 on: December 28, 2023, 06:28:10 AM »
Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear and believing things that are not actually true.

Something you have demonstrated with every post.

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #157 on: December 28, 2023, 08:23:40 AM »
Something you have demonstrated with every post.

Hi Vraciu

How many times has Gunzo shot you down this week?  :rolleyes:

Perhaps you better PM nrshida so you can comfort each other while you share "how Gunzo made us his beeotch" stories  :rofl

Better yet, PM me instead, I'll share my latest "I owned skyyr" video  :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Midway
3. I can not be more certain about the fact that Badboy is not Gunzo

Offline waystin2

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #158 on: December 28, 2023, 10:07:56 AM »
Man is there nothing but trolls left in this game?  LOL
CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!

Offline LCADolby

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #159 on: December 28, 2023, 03:19:26 PM »
Man is there nothing but trolls left in this game?  LOL

No I'm in iRacing, waiting for Skyyr to be re-banished. :neener:
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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #160 on: December 28, 2023, 03:57:51 PM »
Man is there nothing but trolls left in this game?  LOL

Welcome to Stonehearst Asylum Waystin.  We've been expecting you.   :)
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Lazerr

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #161 on: December 28, 2023, 07:16:09 PM »
Man, almost had vraciu in the DA tonight.  But instead he just logged out completely.

Was really looking forward to....  just kidding.

Offline Simon

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #162 on: December 28, 2023, 07:37:16 PM »
[quote author=Simon link=topic=408586.msg5410904#msg5410904 date=1703185837
If you've ever crossed paths with him, and likely shot him down, his demands that you participate in a grudge match duel are also probably familiar. Just bear in mind that he'll be a no-show unless Skyyr is around on Discord to log in under his account to fight for him.

Offline Palace Cobra

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #163 on: December 28, 2023, 08:54:49 PM »

Skyyr wasn't around tonight when YOU refused to duel Vraciu. 

The hypocrisy is thick around here.

Man up and stop trying to get Lazer to fight your battles for you.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 08:59:07 PM by Palace Cobra »

Offline perdue3

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #164 on: December 28, 2023, 09:18:25 PM »
Skyyr wasn't around tonight when YOU refused to duel Vraciu. 

The hypocrisy is thick around here.

Man up and stop trying to get Lazer to fight your battles for you.

Why are you here fighting Vraciu's battles? Hypocrisy is thick around here.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 09:20:13 PM by perdue3 »
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