The main attraction of DCS for me is being able to learn at your own pace without harassment from players. Last night a couple of players called me a chicken/coward because I chose to go off my myself and relearn how to dive bomb radars, on the other side of the map. After 10 yrs the fields have all changed! I have settings to set up, skins to download, views, maps to memorize takes time.
So thank Hollywood and GldBB for yet another player canceling his account. I'm not paying and investing time for that. I'm not trying to impress anyone as I simply just want to fly a P38 that DCS doesn't have. I have nothing to prove nor should I be expected to follow sheep around. Truth be known, I have forgotten more about this game then some of them will probably ever know...but that's okay. It's their sandbox now and I refuse to roll around with all self inflated cat turds I've found here.
Two days in the game I was bombarded with tune to channel requests, squad invites etc. Why? Those people don't know me from a man on the moon. So to be polite I tuned to their channel after several requests, although I'd rather not be bothered. I guess I didn't make that clear enough by repeatedly turning down squad requests. I just wanna fly without the childish antics and commentary of the crowd I'm finding here. I'm getting too old and tired to put up with crap...much less pay 15 bucks a month for it.
A lotta truth here.
Unfortunately, its a small group with arrogant mouths ALLOWED to walk over everyone and make everyone look bad. Could be 130 on, but 5 will vomit everywhere and get the most attention.
Also unfortunate allowing a few things to not disrupt the dust and hide in isolation is not going well as a whole.
Sometimes it has the feel of sabotage from within.
Lose 1 good guy, lose 5
Lose 5 bad guy, gain 10
Ya can’t just lay down and do zero. Paying customers deserve SOMETHING. Allowing ithers to chase players away is like running a restaurant and sllowing outsiders come in to eat off your plate.
Lock the bad threads, boot the repeat disrupters. Stop the excuses.
Anything else is Russian Roulette. Feeding the competitors.
Personally, no MA, I have other things to do in life.