I'm going to be diving into all that maybe this afternoon. I start summer break next week, so that's when I plan on really jumping in. I'm just trying to get everything going. I know I want to download the free A4 mod. Are there any other mods, maps, missions, etc... that I should get. I just want to fly around in pretty planes for a little while offline before I get plastered in the pretty skies
I think Iron had it right.
Get the Marianas map (free).
Get the A-4 mod (free).
Get the Blackhawk mod (free) Worth giving a try to see if helo are of any interest.
Fly the free TF-51 to gauge FM differences between props and jets.
Take your time. DCS is a study sim. There is a lot to learn, just enjoy process. You'll get out of it it proportional to what you put in.