Author Topic: The Damned and Accounts  (Read 7541 times)

Offline LilMak

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #165 on: April 05, 2024, 09:41:53 AM »
Kinda makes ya wonder if someone isn't paid to create drama.
Definitely feels that way. Even bad publicity is still publicity.
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Offline Scoober

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #166 on: April 06, 2024, 03:24:01 AM »
I think we sometimes forget that this game is supposed to be fun—not just when you are winning, but also when you are learning how to win.  I fly with the damned and go off and fly alone when not having fun.  Skyyr, TheJudge, Silent... all kill me, but if I switch sides and I try to kill them.  I never really cared about the score; I just wanted to see if I was having fun trying to improve. 

Offline nrshida

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #167 on: April 06, 2024, 06:11:39 AM »
I think we sometimes forget that this game is supposed to be fun—not just when you are winning, but also when you are learning how to win.  I fly with the damned and go off and fly alone when not having fun.  Skyyr, TheJudge, Silent... all kill me, but if I switch sides and I try to kill them.  I never really cared about the score; I just wanted to see if I was having fun trying to improve.

Thats a great post Scoober and I salute you for your philosophy. I don't know you or have fought you, but this makes me want to.  :salute

There's more to come in the ongoing saga for those who like Soap Operas, I'm just a bit busy atm so everything must wait.
Happy Friday Pipz!
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Offline Eagler

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #168 on: April 06, 2024, 07:54:07 AM »
Still too many good sticks in late war birds in ma

Getting the aces out of them and into early and mid war planes is the easiest and quickest way to improve ma game play imo

If you don't stink in planes try flying the early birds...if you do stink that explains the spit16 and la7 or d9..

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Offline Bopgun

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #169 on: April 06, 2024, 08:18:22 AM »
Trouble is the guys who run away in the faster late war planes. Pretty frustrating flying an early Corsair 190 or 109 and having every Yak3 and P51D turn tail and circle in their ack or wait until  you’re otherwise engaged with 2 other cons. That’s been my biggest struggle with sticking to Midwar rides anyway. I’ve cheated abit
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Offline Eagler

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #170 on: April 06, 2024, 08:24:22 AM »
Trouble is the guys who run away in the faster late war planes. Pretty frustrating flying an early Corsair 190 or 109 and having every Yak3 and P51D turn tail and circle in their ack or wait until  you’re otherwise engaged with 2 other cons. That’s been my biggest struggle with sticking to Midwar rides anyway. I’ve cheated abit

Yes it's a bit frustrating when good sticks load their hands flying those..sad really..I guess to lose a battle in AH is just too much for some to contemplate lol

WE have the power to change gameplay ourselves with just our plane selections but some would rather whine about it and do nothing..

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Offline icepac

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #171 on: April 06, 2024, 08:43:05 AM »
Perk farming is for people who can’t succeed without late war rides. 

I’d rather feed on late war planes with an early or mid war plane in the main arena.   

Offline Banshee7

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #172 on: April 06, 2024, 09:06:38 AM »
Still too many good sticks in late war birds in ma

Getting the aces out of them and into early and mid war planes is the easiest and quickest way to improve ma game play imo

If you don't stink in planes try flying the early birds...if you do stink that explains the spit16 and la7 or d9..


You can change their planes, but you can’t change their styles. Had some absolutely awful fights yesterday against the rooks. Several times they had number advantage, but only engaged while in their ack or with 2-3 buddies.
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #173 on: April 06, 2024, 09:16:35 AM »
Declaring here on the boards that "April is Midwar plane month" is like telling the world everything is on sale in your store by yelling out the front door. A small percentage of players come to the boards so word isnt going to get around.

You really want it to happen, get a message of the day posted for when they log in.

Offline Lazerr

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #174 on: April 06, 2024, 09:28:40 AM »
It's also like playing a first person shooter with a pistol while 95% of the other players have a machine gun and  bazooka.

I change my planes by the type of gameplay that's happening around me. 

Flying a slow plane and having guys take 500mph passes on you over and over just isn't fun.

Some guys in here will fly a spit16 or la7 much more aggressively than a lot of folks fly anything period.

Offline Eagler

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #175 on: April 06, 2024, 09:28:48 AM »
Declaring here on the boards that "April is Midwar plane month" is like telling the world everything is on sale in your store by yelling out the front door. A small percentage of players come to the boards so word isnt going to get around.

You really want it to happen, get a message of the day posted for when they log in.

Great idea but don't have the administration access to do that..

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #176 on: April 06, 2024, 09:45:37 AM »
Subscriptions for sims were not new nor revolutionary under AH.
AW and many other games were subscription in the mid 90s, IE AOL.

$15 = .50 cents or less per day. If you can’t afford that you better quit everything.

Subscriptions are simple and honest marketing. You get everything for a monthly fee.
We have this many players we make a specific revenue this month. More predictable. Long term.

If I remember right Call of Duty was F2P in the late 80s or early 90s. Its not new. You bought a high priced CD.

Today F2P is bait and switch, a dishonest marketing. F2P as long as you spend a lot of money on every module. Which almost always is more than a sub per yr. You’re not saving money, unless you just buy 1-2 planes per yr. while on sale. Hoping you don’t do the 5th grade math.

We have this many players, but we don’t know how many modules they will buy, more unpredictable revenue. If they buy everything you have or what they want revenue freezes. Hence sales while they dev. You have to dev more to keep a pace to meet payroll and maintenance. It pleases the player, but your biz future may vary. If they stop dev fir s while dumping will happen.

Paint it any way you wish, that glitter game dumped 2k steam players in a few months. Ironically while they dev new modules, and then very buggy product.

That side of the fence is as desperate to save their investment as we are. Its a race. Except, they can do it here, we can’t do it there. “ you can’t stop me” speaks to this.  They are lol that you have to deal with it. “We care about this game” but only have one talking point, theirs. Besides where else can they get away with this?

This is a slow lead up to start spamming their title “as example”. Also notice which threads they target. Anything negative, take advantage of bad light. Talk to the disgruntled, easy-in, first “I’m your buddy” they understand their pain, but here’s another option. Start name dropping. They play you as stupid leaving out key points. Thats a con. There are threads where they get mad because they thought they had a good hook setting approach and you didn’t bite, insulting ststts. They are trying to be the savior of saving their own.

Slow manipulation is the constant passive aggressive mentioning that slowly normalizes a thought you think is your own idea in the long run. This is marketing, not looking out for you.

Anyone who points this out is the enemy to the effort. They must make us look stupid. Childish insults. Defamation. The only people who attack me are former players with some form of connection with Trips. A very distinct pattern.

Trips is very calculating, an opportunist, a systematic approach. He’s NOT looking out for this game, its 100% about mentioning his in a select negative thread.

People don’t go to this extent of 1k-1500 mentions in one yr if their is not compensated in some way. He’s at it 8-10 hrs per day, 24/7. Sales.

Anything I did for a sim I was compensated, even when I didn’t ask for it. If one can show their skimming other games like AH or IL-2, you can get compensated for that. Every post/reply will turn to sales. This effort means there is something going south.

Most common things said to me through out life;
1) That sounds kinda crazy
2) (after predicted damage done) you were right.

Its not rocket science, people will go lower than you think, thats how they win. No boundaries. You play by the rules, they don’t

Its not about you, its about them. They aren’t your buddy, they aren’t suggesting things that look out for your game. They are death wish suggestions, like an interview when no dev is being done or to talk about. A snake pit for a hopeful fool.

Ya can’t say ya care about the game while they talk players into spending their money on theirs instead. “Also” is nonsense.

I expect childish of PC warrior insults to make me look stupid. They attacked my advertising videos for 6 mos, that did no harm to them, other thsn drawing players here, not there.
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Offline Skyyr

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #177 on: April 06, 2024, 09:45:56 AM »
You guys focus and complain waaay too much about plane types. It's not the plane type, it's the players. As Banshee said, gameplay hasn't changed. In fact, some of the people agreeing to fly midwar planes just try to gang even harder now to compensate for their lack of ability. I had an entire squad run from me, solo, 3 times, in their midwar planes (yes, the people claiming they want more fun in the MA are the same players running). At one point last week, the entire squadron ran to ack from me, then try to turn and engage when I turned away from the ack.

A number of players in particular head DIRECTLY for ack the moment it's a 1v1 EVERY time, if it's an option to them. And the funny thing is, one of these players is here on the forums talking about how we should fly midwar planes and be more sporting, etc. Lol.

This is what has killed the game. No one wants to deal with players who will only engage when they have a massive advantage, but will run the moment it's remotely fair. Now multiply those cowardly players x3-5, put them in squads, and you've got what the MA has turned in to.

You can change the planes, you can't change the players.

And even if everyone flew midwar planes, it makes no objective difference. There's a fastest midwar plane, like like there's a fastest late war plane. If everyone flew midwar planes, you'd have the EXACT same problem you believe you're complaining about now: people only fly the fastest and best, etc. And then it'd be a debate about flying early war planes. It gets tiring because its never been about planes: it's the players and their lack of ability to own their own deficiencies.

And I've been in a 190A5 almost the entire tour and no, it hasn't made a difference. The same people die the same ways and make the same excuses. I'm holding a ~5:1 with almost 400 kills, 80% of them in an A5 (not bragging, just pointing out that this has nothing to do with me flying a superior plane).

I don't think I'll be playing much beyond this tour.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 11:47:08 AM by Skyyr »

166 - 190
198 - 204
218 - 220
286 - 287
290 - ---

nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
A few moments later...

vs Shane: 29-7

"Some men just want to watch the world burn."

Offline LCADolby

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #178 on: April 06, 2024, 10:19:35 AM »
Do decent sticks still have large plane varieties in the MA?

I posted 4 screenshots showing my top planes flown from some random tours I did;
link to the post

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Reply #179 on: April 06, 2024, 01:12:57 PM »
Yes, flying in midwar planes where most can catch you, gang you,  and run from you when you get the advantage and turn back around when you pull off makes the game a lot more challenging! That's the whole point. That's what I've been saying. You have to learn new tactics and understand SA more advanced. Flying the fastest planes in the game gives you a lot of advantages and for good sticks it's too easy and makes it extremely tough for less skilled players to find enjoyment in the game. That's why I stress that good sticks fly older planes. Too many predators cleaning the ecosystem isn't good for the environment.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 01:15:16 PM by DmonSlyr »
The Damned(est. 1988)
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