It's very frustrating when you fly 5-15 minutes to get a fight, then you get nothing but ack huggers and gangers. I try to never back down from a fight or only use extending as a defensive tactic, but sadly the majority don't fly that way.
I get that not everyone is careless with their score like me, but running from 1v1s or only picking in 1v3s, then running to ack when you get reversed, or making fast passes only ho'ing.. Its maddening. It makes the already broken Match Play arena much more alluring, but trying to get the majority to pull out of their ego and 1v1 you is impossible as well. It drives so many people away.
I think everyone (as in the majority) should stop worrying about what they die to, and worry about why they died. Skyyr is right, if you dont understand basic ACM (I don't myself) you
CAN'T understand why you're dying, to encorporate on your mistakes. A lot of us need to go back to the basics to even understand how to learn when we die, learn from our mistakes and improve. Not screaming about inequality, or make and model differences.
P.S. If this post offends you, toughen up old-timer.
just my 2 cents.