You don't want something resupplied, take out the appropriate VH Hanger. Everyone keeps talking about "planning and strategy", well there it is. You also have the ability to severely impact re-supply, by hitting the Troop Strats, again "planning and strategy".
For me, if I can't resupply/defend the base, I'll go some where else. I am not going to keep upping and feed you kills. Don't forget the goal is to save the base, resupply is a part of that effort, like it or not. 
When this game had 400 people plus, resupply might have been cool. With the current numbers, it sucks the life out of the game when people basically choose the lame route.
I'd say limit the resupply in some fashion to encourage people to defend.
If a team let's me deack their base and get vulched, it's just poor defense, and hell, I earned it.
I'd rather see 15 wirbs stopping me killing the ack than some weasle hiding in trees trying to resupply it.