So we can all agree that happened before “the one who shall not be named” returned? The numbers in game have been roughly the same since I returned in 2020 and more permanently in 2022. And, as per the Wishlist forum, players have been begging for a change for a while. The ones actually promoting combat are getting bored and leaving.
Look at it this way.
There are always people on the fence, this issue pushed them off the fence.
Many have stated in open air, a lot in the return post, this was the reason they pulled out.
To think this had no impact would be a lil naive.
He came back starting as a good boy. Then, the more he got away with, the more he pushed the envelope. Now we are right back to sounding like the stories I was told that got him gone. Constant targeting people
The other night I watched him on dar. He got to the beaten path, then circled around over water at high alt until Eagler had to run into him, for the 100th time. And then he has to post videos to further harass? Players like Eagler have a right to fight other fights without 70% being Skyyr vulches. Yes, that type of stuff drives people off. No one plays for that kinda crap.
Those who left because of that would put us at 130+ right now. Where we were this time last yr. Some of our best pilots were chased off.