Author Topic: Modeling  (Read 1851 times)

Offline aztec

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« on: July 23, 2024, 08:30:18 AM »
I've just gotten back to modeling after a 50+ year layoff. I have advanced lung disease so I needed to find something I could do besides AH. I'll tell youmodeling is vastly different than it was when I was kid. So many new paints. glues, tools and on and on. With the benefit of Youtube there is tremendous wealth of information available right at your fingertips. So if there's anybody out there involved in the hobby please drop a line and let me know what's on your workbench.  :salute :cheers:

Offline Eagler

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2024, 08:47:47 AM »
Sorry to here about your health issues Aztec

I completed a 1/32 f4u for the grandson last year, 1st model in decades..

Yes it's a different world now...many other choices than just enamel paint and testers model glue



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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2024, 10:49:01 AM »
A thread about modeling was started here....,409439.msg5426376.html#msg5426376

I posted a few pictures of mine. Im working on a 1/144 apache right now. Tough little bugger as the whole thing is less than 4 inches long  :eek:

Offline LilMak

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2024, 10:56:23 AM »
I tried modeling once. The agency said I was attractive but didn’t have “It” whatever the hell “It” is.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2024, 12:43:48 PM »
I used to date them.
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Offline aztec

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2024, 01:06:37 PM »
Thx for you sentiment Eagler, I really appreciate it and Lmao at LilMak.
 :salute :cheers:

Offline aztec

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2024, 01:12:30 PM »
Great stuff Fugi...I want to do some German stuff real bad but I'm still brushpainting and terrified of German camo. I did watch a couple of tutorials on how to do it with a brush and bought a couple of specialty Items but just haven't worked up the courage Yet. I just got restarted about 3 months ago and have spent about 2 grand on everything you can think of :) I also a have a 9 kit stash stacked up's as bad as guitars or cocaine ;)

Offline Devil 505

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2024, 03:08:17 PM »
Great stuff Fugi...I want to do some German stuff real bad but I'm still brushpainting and terrified of German camo. I did watch a couple of tutorials on how to do it with a brush and bought a couple of specialty Items but just haven't worked up the courage Yet. I just got restarted about 3 months ago and have spent about 2 grand on everything you can think of :) I also a have a 9 kit stash stacked up's as bad as guitars or cocaine ;)

Try looking for German subjects with more basic camouflage patterns. Battle of Britain and Desert schemes are probably your best bets at avoiding schemes with those cloudy mottles. 
Kommando Nowotny

Offline aztec

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2024, 07:20:51 PM »
You're right Devil but the desert schemes just never attracted me. I'm going to get an estimate for a small addition to my house for a modeling workshop and display area. I've all these kits and don't even have any place to display them.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2024, 08:58:21 PM »
You're right Devil but the desert schemes just never attracted me. I'm going to get an estimate for a small addition to my house for a modeling workshop and display area. I've all these kits and don't even have any place to display them.

An airbrush is a top priority. Even if its just a cheap one. You can build a cheap spray box out of an old sheet and some pvc piping. You could add a fan and a dryer hose to blow it out a window if your spraying something other than acrylics. A few hours of practice and you'll be able to spray those mottles patterns with ease.

There is a lot of info out there, so if your getting over whelmed ask here and we might be able to point you in a good direction a bit quicker.

Offline aztec

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2024, 02:30:21 PM »
Thx Fuji, I sure appreciate it.   :salute :cheers:

Offline aztec

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2024, 04:35:45 PM »
Thx Suffler :) :salute :cheers:

Offline Tec

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2024, 12:18:40 AM »
If you're going to get one of those airbrush kits off Amazon skip the cheap portable compressors completely, and make sure the one you get has a tank.  Without a tank you'll get constant surging of the air pressure, and if you're anywhere humid you'll end up spitting water even with a water trap.  You can use a standard garage compressor and tank but they are much louder than an airbrush compressor which is made to be used in the house.

The airbrushes included in those kits are alright for general purpose use but aren't the greatest for fine detail.  You can grab a Neoeco SJ83 for about $40, it is very well reviewed for the price and I just got one but haven't got to use it yet.  If you want to spend a bit more you can get a GSI Creos, or Gaahleri Mobius in the $90 range.  But since you're thinking going all in and building an addition to the house you might as well just get an Iwata Eclipse which is pretty much the Benz S-class of airbrushes. 
To each their pwn.

Online Shane

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Re: Modeling
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2024, 05:35:03 PM »
I've just gotten back to modeling after a 50+ year layoff. I have advanced lung disease so I needed to find something I could do besides AH. I'll tell youmodeling is vastly different than it was when I was kid. So many new paints. glues, tools and on and on. With the benefit of Youtube there is tremendous wealth of information available right at your fingertips. So if there's anybody out there involved in the hobby please drop a line and let me know what's on your workbench.  :salute :cheers:

I was into them when younger (blew them up fire firecrackers, mostly armor, lol, ouch.) But when I got into AW and then AH, I returned with my interest in ww2 planes.  I had this grand idea of modeling the AH (AH2 at the time) planeset.  I collected pretty much all of them in 1/48 and all the tools and stuff that goes with that...

I made.... 2... (p51d and p47d11 lol...) I still have a bunch of kits, but also sold off a lot thru the years.   Have fun with your renewed interest... I've been seeing a trend of more 1/32 ww2 plane kits.

Here's an old picture of the p51 - 1/48 tamiya kit iirc

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