Seems the flying to action ratio could be tweaked..not sure how
There are some ways to measure action. One course way is Missions/frame (as most pilots get into a combat in a mission), where "Mission" means the launch of the bombers or attackers toward target. Also battle area (as smaller battle area means more concentrated action) and kills/pilot (measure of how many combats are going on).
Prior to Dnieper (2016), missions/frame were often 1-2. Battle areas were large (40-70 sectors^2). Kills/pilot were 1-1.8 or so.
From Dnieper onward, we made an intentional change to make things significantly more active: 3-5 missions/frame, small battle areas (6-10 sectors^2), kills/pilot 2-3 or so. So like 2x or 3x the action of most pre-Dnieper scenarios.
For Battle Between, we had 4 missions/frame (good), battle area of about 9 sectors^2 (average for modern scenarios), and kills/pilot avg. about 2 (not horrible, but at the lower end for modern scenarios).
BUT --
The style of play had more flying around, avoiding fighter-fighter fights, while looking for sneaky attackers, chasing attackers, etc.
Which isn't what folks prefer.
Overall, action is a product of missions/frame, battle area, and a setup that does not incentivize avoiding fights. This scenario is OK on the first two, and did not succeed on the 3rd point. We solve that by what I talked about a couple posts above.