Thank you all very much! I’m truly touched
Unfounded rumors purported as fact are uncalled for in this form. “You know who” felt he was on to something as he and Vraciu continued to grief me about it in game.
It was a bizarre thing to do, especially in an MMO of predominantly men growing wiser in their years…
Onward friends! 😃
[Edit in: I was asked to refrain from comment about the topic du jour in another thread. The below is in response to the allegations made against me by RotBaron, a player I have no knowledge of and even less interest in--save for padding my stats with kills on him due to his highly predictable and unimaginative flight style. This is my final word on this smear concocted by him. If you need me I'll be in the Custom Skins Forum.]
Nobody even knew anything about you. You started a rumor about yourself and tried to blame other people.
Bizarre way to get attention but you do you...
You are literally not a thought in my mind except when I get a kill on you after reversing one of your BnZ pick attempts. I laugh and then forget you exist until the next kill. Rinse, repeat.
Stop dragging me into your drama. I'm not interested.