Author Topic: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…  (Read 3880 times)

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2024, 05:26:45 PM »
First off I am a terrible fighter pilot, one of the worst in the game I'm sure. But from just watching his flying and his ability to consistantly get the kills, I was impressed. But I must admit I was really getting tired of the constant put downs, and rants on 200.

He's gone, so let it pass into the past. :bolt:
CO Sic Puppies MWK
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2024, 07:48:33 PM »
Meh, just another illusion as usual. They never faced The 2006-2010 muppets squad as large as it was, and was wicked in the MA. There were a lot more people in the skies as well. When I look back at the fighter ranks during that time it cracks me up. Skyyrs squad never got that big, so it would have been harder for them back in those days to get away with BnZ as easily vs all the Muppets and probbaly blue knights and all the other squads for that matter that were huge. I certainly won't miss the constant spamming of youtube videos trying to claim superiority over everybody...
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2024, 08:21:10 PM »

He's gone, so let it pass into the past. :bolt:

Easier for you than me.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2024, 08:23:40 PM by Animl-AW »

Offline Banshee7

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2024, 09:17:50 PM »
Ill answer:

Skyyr was always willing to go 1 on 1 in the DA and teach dogfighting tactics. Usually we would fly a few rounds and then he'd ask us for a post-fight review of why we thought the fights went the way they did, then he would drill down and ask us why we chose the tactics we did.

In almost every session, what we ended up going back to the basics. He would stress that every single fight was a series of maneuvers, and every maneuver was an individual OODA loop. The trick was identify the situation, select the proper maneuver as quickly as possible, execute it, and then repeat.

What it taught me (and I think most that flew with him) is that dogfighting is both extremely simple and most players (myself included) didnt fully understand that the complexity is in recognizing that and keeping it simple. If you ever sat in comms listening to him talk his way through a fight, it was almost mesmerizing how he could tell you what you were going to do while countering it as you did exactly what he predicted you'd do.

He focused a LOT on basic maneuver selections and the OODA loop. I think that is Skyyr's talent - he's able to break down complex geometry and physics very quickly and simply. This isnt the only sim he flies - he's flown numerous others and he was even better in those, so I know firsthand he wasn't just gaming the game here.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. What started out as a simple duel to see how I fared against the guy everyone talked about ended up like this. And I stress the part in bold. He even did it in the MA and was right almost every time. That is why I enjoyed flying with him. It was fun while it lasted.

He would also say that fighting against bad pilots was usually harder to precise because they don’t even know what to do half the time.
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2024, 09:30:10 PM »
I couldn’t have said it better myself. What started out as a simple duel to see how I fared against the guy everyone talked about ended up like this. And I stress the part in bold. He even did it in the MA and was right almost every time. That is why I enjoyed flying with him. It was fun while it lasted.

He would also say that fighting against bad pilots was usually harder to precise because they don’t even know what to do half the time.

Well I hope you ignored the small ranting crowd and stayed in the game. I liked having you around. Good peeps. Both you and Violator.

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2024, 02:34:29 AM »
That is why I enjoyed flying with him. It was fun while it lasted.

He would also say that fighting against bad pilots was usually harder to precise because they don’t even know what to do half the time.

Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar
You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high
You're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try
They're gonna love you

(But) Did they tell you the name of the game…?

« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 02:53:22 AM by RotBaron »
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline icepac

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2024, 07:43:51 AM »

I once flew straight at the merge instead of turning and he closed on me after a 180 in the same plane and loadout with same speed and altitude at the merge.     

I also performed a "merge turn" like his at the same moment and we both ended up never crossing a merge line.    I just wanted to see what he considered a "merge".

Offline Kruel

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2024, 08:23:24 AM »
I once flew straight at the merge instead of turning and he closed on me after a 180 in the same plane and loadout with same speed and altitude at the merge.     

I also performed a "merge turn" like his at the same moment and we both ended up never crossing a merge line.    I just wanted to see what he considered a "merge".

You mean this duel set where you clearly didn't understand how to manage your E? The conspiracy theorist is strong with you.

Offline icepac

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2024, 08:26:23 AM »
Hi Skyyr!     

I'll be back in game as soon as hardware arrives and I will affect your score negatively, Kruel.   

He's got a mac address ban so he will need different hardware to spoof his way in and we'll recognize him immediately just by his inability to land a mission.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 08:38:53 AM by icepac »

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2024, 08:40:04 AM »
YKW was a good stick but he also had a habit of cheap kills. He did bounce, he did HO, he did pick. Which all is fair in war, but they were not all ACM fights because he was racking number of kills.

2-3 times he got me he hovered 3k above until I engaged someone else, then of course drop down on my distracted 6.  Several times he took the HO if he couldn’t get my 6 after 4 turns. In a true 1-1 ACM fight I don’t remember once him gaining my 6. The times I did get a kill it was on his 6.

I’m not saying that truth because I’m great, I’m pointing out he wasn’t as great as some say. He had killer shot is what he had. Fighting him was not much different than anyone else. Half his kills on me were HO merges.

A lot of his multi-kills was flying through furballs hitting the distracted.

Some of yas give too much credit above yourselves. It was his aim that got him above the rest. He held E because he always came in 2-3k higher.

The opposite with me, iI can pull the ACM with him, my stick won’t allow me to be a great shot.  The doom and gloom about the games life scares me iff investing $500 in a stick when I only play one sim. If I got a new virpril like I want my kills would rocket compared to now.

Many here have equal ACM skills. He didn’t post all vids, he posted ones that made him look great.

I saw Spike’s films that showed equal aim skills to YKW. The key is no bounce sticks. Banshee and Violator also have solid aim. Those are just the films I saw. What holds some back is morals, not taking cheap kills.

As far as judging acm of the rival, there’s only so many options in a situation, the rival usually takes the obvious.

He also flew many hrs per day, of course more kills and very warmed up. Like billiards, my first 2 games I’m going to suck, by 3rd game I’m warmed up, in tune, and taking the next 5 games in 3-4 turns, some times break and then game. So it matters how long someone is flying before you get to them. I’ve been only flying -1-1.5 hrs with only a few fights, I’m not even warmed by the time I log.

Is he real good? Yes. The best ever? Mehhh! He sure did convince some he was. Some of you sell yourselves shot, because your ego is intact and not exploded.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 08:50:25 AM by Animl-AW »

Offline LilMak

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2024, 08:49:33 AM »
He would also say that fighting against bad pilots was usually harder to precise because they don’t even know what to do half the time.
The game must’ve been rough then. Because, according to him, everyone was bad.

His problem was never that he was a good stick or had something to contribute. It was that he couldn’t accept that anyone else might. He is 100% driven by his inflated ego and if you would kiss his ring, he’d be your friend. If you wouldn’t, there’s no depth he wouldn’t go to prove he was superior. That includes gaming the game, griefing, lying, cheating, harassing, doxing, and I absolutely wouldn’t be remotely surprised if he hacked as well. When it came to this game he perpetually acted like a child who forever tested his parent’s boundaries and if you gave him a millimeter, he’d absolutely run wild with it.

Any good he may have contributed to the game or community is forever tainted like a baseball player on steroids. There will always be an asterisk next to any accomplishments he had here.

The last kill I got of him sums up his entire time here. He died, not because of my skill or his, but because of his ego. He was banned (the second time) for the same.

The irony of what you highlighted is something I’ve known for eons. I predicted exactly what he would do and he got disintegrated for being predictable.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 09:05:07 AM by LilMak »
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Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2024, 09:06:16 AM »
The game must’ve been rough then. Because, according to him, everyone was bad.

His problem was never that he was a good stick or had something to contribute. It was that he couldn’t accept that anyone else might. He is 100% driven by his inflated ego and if you would kiss his ring, he’d be your friend. If you wouldn’t, there’s no depth he wouldn’t go to prove he was superior. That includes gaming the game, griefing, lying, cheating, harassing, doxing, and I absolutely wouldn’t be remotely surprised if he hacked as well. When it came to this game he perpetually acted like a child who forever tested his parent’s boundaries and if you gave him a millimeter, he’d absolutely run wild with it.

Any good he may have contributed to the game or community is forever tainted like a baseball player on steroids. There will always be an asterisk next to any accomplishments he had here.

The last kill I got of him sums up his entire time here. He died, not because of my skill or his, but because of his ego. He was banned (the second time) for the same.

I won’t say how I know this, including other sims, his skill was not always pure.

It infuriated him that someone with the lowest kills could kill him, hence vids if when he won and an act you mentioned I promised not to talk about.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2024, 09:14:39 AM by Animl-AW »

Offline Devil 505

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2024, 10:16:18 AM »
I won’t say how I know this, including other sims, his skill was not always pure.

I hope you shared what you know with HiTech.
Kommando Nowotny

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2024, 11:33:48 AM »
I hope you shared what you know with HiTech.

I don’t KNOW anything unless I see it 1st hand. What I HEARD/read was from a time ago, not present. If I did know I’d certainly pass it on properly.

What I’m saying is I wouldn’t put it past YKW. Obsession goes to extremes.

Offline Shane

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Re: Now that ‘YKH’ is gone…
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2024, 08:02:23 PM »
Hi Skyyr!  He's got a mac address ban so he will need different hardware to spoof his way in and we'll recognize him immediately just by his inability to land a mission.

sooner than you might think...  :noid
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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