I'm going to forums and "making my case", just not the ones he suggested.
I'm sure he won't mind since he does it here. lol
Spent some time talking about AH on DCs, found this gem post.
"Normandy is the only one worth it. And if you want to play multiplayer or in a somewhat decent WWII scenario, the assets pack is a must.
However, be advised that ED doesn't really show any love to the WWII stuff as of late (we received gear physics update and a new FW-190A8 cockpit model this year while ancient issues remain unsolved for years). So as of now, as you can see by the amount of online WWII players, it is not really worth to buy anything just yet. You might be simply better of by the other products on the market depending on what you seek for. "
I find it hilarious you think I care where you post. That is not my forum. You posting there is purely a matter between yourself and that forum's moderation team. I did give them a heads up you were coming last time. I explained how mentally unstable you are and showed them the screenshots of your sexually explicit stalker unsolicited PM you like to send people who disagree with you on a forum. I showed them the posts where you were saying you were heading over explicitly to try and start trouble on their forum. We laughed about you a bit.
But go ahead and knock yourself out. They're ready for you and your forum account is flagged. I'm sure you will do wonders representing the Aces High community over there.
Oh, and I've said time, and time, and time again...that DCS is not a replacement for AH. It's a different kind of game. The WWII planeset is too thin, plane development takes too long, WWII is not DCS' core competency, and the server just has the wrong architecture to support a 24/7 MMOG in the sense AH has. Something like Enigma's Cold War server was only possible through tons of custom scripting and a lot of coding man-hours. Cudos to them, but they worked really hard to pound a square peg into a round hole.
But thanks for bumping the thread. Here is your reward for today: