Modern sims have shown me that a pretty youtube video doesn't mean an enjoyable game necessarily but does scream bleeding edge hardware $$$$$'s..
Its hard for me to take a small group of like mindset has the answers for all sims and what players really want.
The emphasis seems to always include AI dominance. But as mist know the average player us not clinging to AI nor asking for it.
Its a fad that has never carried weight with players. Pretty much only those who like programming it likes it as thats THEIR thing, but its not the average players thing.
Dump a bunch of AI in the MA to players conditioned to play MP and I’ll slap money on the table to bet that it will empty. Players who don’t know better just play along.
I’m not the only one who thinks if its not MP I’m wasting my time, and 32-80 on questionable servers does not excite me, at all. Its a step backwards to the era of Counter Strike.
Even as informative this survey is, like any poll, it depends who responds to it. But MP seems to be top tear. No one is asking for AI, people who enjoy programming it do. Players in AH think 2 AI bombers with one pilot is kinda bogus. These games and this group are pushing what the players are not asking for.
If it were a different group I may say different, not this one tho. I don’t mind people mentioning sims. But this group has proven many times to not have good intensions. Its just the 101 approach. As one says, “making their case”. just very slowly now.
“Look, AH is so low its not even on the chart”. First two replies points it out.
Promote it there minimize it here makes zero sense to me other than its a hook there to listen here.
By what they have done to me, and countless attempts here they are not honest people.mire than willing to deceive. Its character assassination to remove credibility of pointing things out. Why would someone constantly attack someone who is trying to help this sim? Even attacking my vids. Knowingly selling planes that cannot be supported only stopping when it was exposed.
When I was working with AW, all those years, not one single player ever belittled my intensions, not one, not ever. Even my biggest rivals never went there. This group capitalizes on it. Ask yourself why.
So which one is it? How is this helping our sim? You’re being coached. Last time they pulled this we lost 20-40 players. Yet still here we are biting the repeat hook yet again.
Any other folks, sure ok , this group absolutely not. Its not just me, players there tell me I’m right here.
Take note: they didn’t like me mere mention of AH there in s single sentence there what they do here in 2000. Do as I say, not as I do. They insult me here, yet when I respond they stand on the report button.
Know who you’re dealing with.