That's a great philosophy! but why does the whole arena need to know someone was shot down by someone else? Has there been any measure whether this actually benefited the #s since implemented because I doubt there can be, and if anything, it just made old players leave IMO due to the acknowledgement to the arena that you were shot down by so and so..We all play the game the way we want and some like to die more than others, I just don't know why that needs to be shared at the time of death or even at all?
Keep in mind, almost any debate, I'm most likely playing the devils advocate, throwing things up against the wall that may not be considered. So if you take offense I'll find where you live and let my dog crap on your doorstep, if I had a dog. I'm not defending the use as much as why it MAY have been implemented, POSSIBLE reasoning.
Everyone does play and even view the game differently, on many levels. Point is, it's not all at your level.
1) I think it's cool when some bloating mouth bragger who targets someone, calling them worthless loser pilot, and then it flashes on the screen he just got his butt handed to him by the player they were belittling, priceless. Insert foot in mouth.
2) Yep, people (my guess a younger crowd) like their name in lights accomplishing something they see as big, to some it doesn't even matter who they killed, killing anyone can be an accomplishment. <cough> Why not reward them to keep them striving? As I remember HT is big on rewarding accomplishments, it retains interest.
I.E. If some new guy comes in, puts a lot of time and effort into being good enough to run with the big dogs, and then it flashes he killed one,.. yep, that makes them someone now. High Five!
Extreme Competition
I think it bothers some more when it's a deep seated rival "proving a point" that the rival sucks (that will be reversed next fight). Now the winner loves it scrolling the loser loathes it scrolling. Do you not try to make sure the next time it scrolls changes to your benefit, did you not just reverse a point? You don't want your wins shown?
What I notice is, it's more likely disliked by anyone trying to be top gun, which naturally carries rivals. It's an ego booster and smasher depending on POV.
I think the ones who care less either way have been around long enough to watch top guns come and go. It's not the end all. I put a lot of work into being #1 in AW, just to have it torched 3 days later. Trying to retain it was a lot of effort that in long run made me so competitive that I drove myself nuts and angry at myself if something failed. I suck, but I'm good.
I think it all comes down to POV.
I also think it hold a slim chance of changing.
I do not believe it effects numbers one way or another.
It would effect numbers if there was no ranking system.
Just an old dog's devil's advocate POV.
everyone knows you're a real good pilot. Don't let the small beans bother you.