Oh boy, I've got a ton of write ups on the 109 and ACM work over the years, so I've gotta go back and find some posts. Be prepared for a super long post.
Here's the thing, you aren't going to be totally capable in the 109s until you have a firm grasp on defensive ACM. The K4 could outrun most, but it cannot out dive that well, and the g14 can hardly out run or out dive anything late war. So what you should really be working on is defensive ACM.
Here's a thread I posted with a great film on defensive ACM in a G14.
https://bbs.hitechcreations.com/smf/index.php/topic,379683.msg5055888.html#msg5055888Here's a post i wrote you last year. Next time I see you on, I'll get with you to work on defense counter punch.
As far as the G14 goes, it's probably my favorite fighter in AH for the most part. I've flown it for years. If you want to TA it up sometime, let's do it. here are some tips to work on.
1. Set up shots for crossing shots rather than lead shots. If they are turning, point your nose where they will be and shoot a short burst when they cross rather than trying to lead them. You cannot look over the nose well like other planes, so leading is very tough. Set your convergence about 400. Anything lower and the bullets drop very hard making lead shooting even harder.
2. Use gondolas. The plane weight isn't going to make too much difference in the MA. This will help you connect with 3 20s instead of 1 and bring them down faster. It's more important to bring them down quickly than it is to chase them with your single shooter and get picked.
3. Defensive counter punch with a reversal is one of the best ways to get kills. Since you cannot out run the speedsters, you have to go defensive and use counter punch to get them in the overshoot. Planes are usually going slower in this situation so you can line up real nicely and get a snap shot. It's helpful to practice this in the match play vs the bots because they are usually easy to get to overshoot. Counter punch defense is one the best tactics for 109s, so I would highly recommend practicing barrel roll defense to luer in your opponents, getting those flaps out quickly to force them to pass. This is a lot of how I fly that plane. The flaps are so nice in that plane and should be utilized as much as you can in a fight.
It's best used for defense or furballing rather than offense due to the dive. It's not a plane to fly at 15-20k, but at 10k and wait for opponents to come to you or go get the lower guys, but this alt will prevent your plane from freezing up trying to dive. Always spiral dive over the top of opponents. Will help you set up that crossing shot easier rather than a lead shot trying to dive vertical.
Some tips and tricks to increase performance in any plane, but I use a lot of examples. And in the thread there are some other good examples.