Author Topic: Everything Starts With Nutrition  (Read 11294 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2025, 02:03:55 PM »

I'm sure we've prolly seen most of the same videos as fellow travelers.  And there are hundreds.

Here is a recent one though that I thought was very good.

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2025, 03:57:35 PM »
Since going Keto/Carnivore here are some of the changes:

No knee pain
No tartar buildup on my teeth and healed gums
No more snoring or sleep apnea
Weight loss
Muscle gain
No constipation
No diabetes
Lower blood pressure
Mental clarity
Less anxiety (I was full of anxiety)
No being hungry after a couple of hours. I've gone 48 hours without eating before I was hungry. I ate a 40-ounce Ribeye on a Tuesday, and it didn't eat again until Thursday evening. That
       actually resulted in a 1.5 weight loss.

Now some of these benefits are the result of what I don't eat more than what I eat.

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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2025, 11:56:08 PM »
Here is a tip to help save some money.  When I was working full-time, I just bought rib-eyes.  I'd by a pack of them and have a big rib-eye most days.  Now that is hard to justify the cost.  This is a trick that gets you pretty good meat at the price of hamburger.  Not quite rib-eye quality, but way better than ground meat IMHO.

If you get a chuck roast, it is essentially composed of 3 different muscle groups.  Traditionally you drop that in a crock-pot and just cook down to what the worst part of the roast needs to get tender.  If you separate the muscle groups, you can optimize the cooking for the different muscles.  The part of the roast that is sometimes called Chuck-eye is right next to where they cut rib-eyes from so has a lot of the same characteristics and flavor.  A little tougher but that can be handled if cooked right.

Here are some examples.  The part that he is cutting into beef short-ribs can instead be sliced horizontally like he does the chuck-eye to make stakes instead short-ribs.  This is some times sold by butchers as "Denver Steaks".

There is a portion a the end of the roast that is neither chuck-eye not Denver steak.    Do it a few times and it's easy to recognize by very little marbling.  This gets cubed for stew meat in the Instant Pot and comes out great.  From the rest I get 2 chuck-eye and 2 Denver steaks.  I sous vide the steaks at 130 for 24 hrs then cool in the sink in cold water and save for later in the week.  All I have to do is pull one out and pat it dry with paper towels and sear in bacon grease in a cast iron to bring to serving temp when I want one.

So a roast will give me 4 descent quality steaks and a pack of stew meat all for the price of hamburger. And these are IMHO way better than hamburger.  Almost as good as rib-eye (except for the stew meat).

This is a visualization of how I would divide it up:

« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 12:18:37 AM by CptTrips »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2025, 12:55:58 AM »
Here is a tip to help save some money.

Good stuff, I gotta implement a bunch of that. Need to get  sous vide machine.
 Crockpot and smokers are friends for sure.
Lately I've buying tr-tip (Santa Maria steak, California cut or Newport steak) and smoking the whole thing or cutting into steaks and grilling.

Pork shoulder in the crock for 8 hours makes a good number of meals and pork belly has been cheap lately so in the smoker it goes to become burnt ends or bacon.
Lots of good salmon up here for grilling along with halibut.

Ground beef, chicken and various sausages are staples.

Eggs are getting pricey due to flu slaughters but still cheap enough for meals. And bacon....gotta keep a good supply at all times.

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2025, 03:14:35 AM »

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Offline Getback

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2025, 03:39:24 AM »
What's diabetes like?!

Most people I take to dialysis are very weak and use wheelchairs.

I shoot a lot of archery. At one time I could shoot up to 120 arrows per outing. When you have an A1C of 14.7 that means that 14.7 percent of your red blood cell is covered in sugar. They don't get many nutrients and not much oxygen. After being diagnosed with Diabetes and on my way to healing I could only shoot one arrow. It took all of my strength to do that. I thought something was wrong with the bow, so I had someone test it. Nope, bow is fine. I went to the range once and someone else had to pull my arrow out of the bale. After months of working out and healing I was able to shoot 10 arrows. I can't wait to get to the archery range again. I know I've healed considerably.

It was the same at work, I could barely get into the van by the end of the day and though I only lived 10 minutes away from work I wondered at times if I would make it home.

When you have diabetes, you lose body. I had no hair on my legs, arms, or chest and my scalp was thinning. In fact, one of the reasons I knew I was healing was because my body hair was coming back.

Then there were the constant upset stomachs. I spent half of the time with stomach discomfort.

The people I take to dialysis when not at dialysis are in the hospital.

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2025, 04:35:49 AM »
When I went to college, I left my Tink Nathan bow at home and it vanished.   

Happened in 1983 and I still feel that bummer as well as losing my Tink Nathan camo. jeans to a girl in college.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 04:50:53 AM by icepac »

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2025, 09:22:33 AM »
Good stuff, I gotta implement a bunch of that.

This is also good to have around for Carnivore snacks.  You probably need a slicer and a dehydrator but worthy investments IMHO.  I cold-smoked this before dehydrating. Making your own save a ton of money.

These have no preservatives and I like mine slight underdone so they still have some chewyness, so I keep it in the freezer and take out a few pieces every day for snacks.  It's so dry it thaws in about 5 min.

Carnivore can be more work cooking instead of buying garbage off the shelf.  Cost?  It appears to cost more.  I haven't made a deep analysis, but I wonder if its a wash not buying all the other crap I used to.  I don't buy lots of stuff anymore like: beer, snacks, chips, icecream, bread, delivery pizza, eating out (eating out is such a pain on Carnivore you just give up and home cook), sodas ,etc.  Might be a wash though over all.

Eggs are stupid high right now, but still maybe the cheapest protein you can buy.

I plan to do a lot more fishing this year, you know, purely to help with the grocery bill.   ;)

If you're concerned about cost, ask your patients how much dialysis costs.  :(
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 09:25:32 AM by CptTrips »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2025, 09:27:31 AM »
Eggs don't agree with me so I rarely eat them but wife does. She'll only buy from local farms though and they are even more expensive than stores.

Farm nearby has the best Brats I've eaten. I don't even ask how much they cost.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 09:29:22 AM by AKIron »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2025, 09:28:51 AM »
What's diabetes like?!

When you have diabetes, you lose body. I had no hair on my legs, arms, or chest and my scalp was thinning. In fact, one of the reasons I knew I was healing was because my body hair was coming back.

Then there were the constant upset stomachs. I spent half of the time with stomach discomfort.

The people I take to dialysis when not at dialysis are in the hospital.

Interesting. I hadn't realized body hair goes away with diabetes. A friend who was diagnosed a few years back first started noticing tingling, burning and sharp pains in her extremities (neuropathy) which is one of the classic signs. She's since been able to reduce that sharply by reducing carbs but I'd like to know what other symptoms have since diminished or disappeared since she started fighting back.

Great work, Getback. Sounds like you are living up to your nickname, gettin' back!
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2025, 09:49:27 AM »
Eggs don't agree with me so I rarely eat them but wife does. She'll only buy from local farms though and they are even more expensive than stores.

Farm nearby has the best Brats I've eaten. I don't even ask how much they cost.

Have you ever tried just the yolks?  The white are pretty low quality protein and seem to be where most people have sensitivities to.  All the real goodness is in the yolk.

When I'm 100% at the land permanently, I plan to have chickens.  I'll eat the yolks and cook up the whites and feed that back to the layers.  If it's cooked they don't associate it with the eggs they lay so they won't be tempted to start seeing their eggs as food.

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2025, 10:26:33 AM »
I haven't tried just the yolks. I have found that the small farm raised chickens produce eggs I can tolerate more easily.
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2025, 02:04:32 PM »
Got diagnosed about 10 years ago. Not really symptomatic. Felt great. Not sleepy or dehydrated. Was a bit overweight at about 230. Fatherhood didn't give me time for swinmming laps like I used to. I did have this raging infection in my knee out of nowhere. Thought I had a splinter or something. Got some meds and it went away--until the scrip ran out when it roared back with a vengeance. Whole leg started turning red. Scared me! Couldn't get to my doc til the next day so I went to the ER, which I don't do. They took about a gallon of blood for testing. Not really, just seemed like it. Kept me overnight. Next morning they asked me how long did I know I was diabetic? Like 2 seconds! My numbers then were 11.7 and 319. Shocked I didn't feel anything other than this infection. Had been at a wedding that weekend and drank all the Sam's Oktoberfest there was. Felt fine. But here I was in the hospital.

Stayed there for about 10 days on high dose antibiotics to kill the infection. Hit me with insulin every day to get my numbers back down. Doc came in and drained my knee the next day. I was all numbed up but man it looked like it really felt good! Lot of goo came out! I had, not MRSA but the next level down, think that's MSSA. Bad but not so bad as if I hadn't come in. Was stuck in a private room with a nice view and nurses that looked so good even my wife had to say--these girls are really pretty. I hadn't noticed! LOL. Usually she says--there's nothing pretty about her. To which I usually say the same thing hehe. End of my stay they put in a pic line with a pump to carry around with more antibiotics for another couple of weeks. Infection cleared.

What they told me about it was that little infection just went nuts chowing down on my now rocket fuel filled blood!  Back under control, I went back to work. Been on a couple of diabetic meds since. No needles. Weight is down to 200. Can't seem to get a 1 in front of my weight but beyond cutting a lot of crap out of my diet I'm not doing anything special. Would love to go back to swimming laps but some group--the swim team <eye roll>--has the good hours. Bastids! In my current job I get plently of walking in. Campus is a great place for that. Now my wife, who tends to live on Belvitas and hummingbird water! If this ever happened to her it'd be the end of the world! They'd cut off her whole food supply!
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2025, 02:15:21 PM »
How tall are you guys? Over 6'6"?

You realize 5' 9" 170lbs is overweight right?

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2025, 04:56:04 PM »
You wanna die from... nothing?

Seriously though when I was young I figured every day over age 70 was borrowed. Now that I am 70 I know every day is borrowed regardless of age.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 04:58:40 PM by AKIron »
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.