Good stuff, I gotta implement a bunch of that.

This is also good to have around for Carnivore snacks. You probably need a slicer and a dehydrator but worthy investments IMHO. I cold-smoked this before dehydrating. Making your own save a ton of money.
These have no preservatives and I like mine slight underdone so they still have some chewyness, so I keep it in the freezer and take out a few pieces every day for snacks. It's so dry it thaws in about 5 min.
Carnivore can be more work cooking instead of buying garbage off the shelf. Cost? It appears to cost more. I haven't made a deep analysis, but I wonder if its a wash not buying all the other crap I used to. I don't buy lots of stuff anymore like: beer, snacks, chips, icecream, bread, delivery pizza, eating out (eating out is such a pain on Carnivore you just give up and home cook), sodas ,etc. Might be a wash though over all.
Eggs are stupid high right now, but still maybe the cheapest protein you can buy.
I plan to do a lot more fishing this year, you know, purely to help with the grocery bill.

If you're concerned about cost, ask your patients how much dialysis costs.