Author Topic: Everything Starts With Nutrition  (Read 12162 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2025, 04:48:24 PM »

Yeah.  Dr. Berry is awesome.

I'm kinda partial to Steak and Butter Gal.  No, not for the obvious reasons.  Well, maybe for a little of the obvious reasons.  :x

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2025, 05:01:40 PM »

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2025, 05:13:24 PM »

Mikhaila's story is an example of someone who would probably benefit staying on Carnivore permanently.

For others, if you didn't have serious health issues, what might be more sustainable is a clean, paleo\Keto life style most of the time with periodic therapeutic stints of Carnivore.

That is probably my long term goal once I get back working on all cylinders.  I'd like to get to clean paleo\Keto diet for 9 months of the year and Jan, Feb, Mar do pure Carnivore and then back to clean paleo\Keto.  I think that would be a good compromise, but there are definitely people with deeper metabolic dysregulation that may need more extreme Carnivore.

Or if you just have a lot of initial healing needed you might need longer Carnivore therapeutic cycle at first to get back to good health and then relax it a little to mere Keto.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 05:34:13 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2025, 06:03:08 PM »
Humans are omnivores. Seems we do better with more carni and less herbi imo.
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2025, 07:12:28 PM »

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2025, 07:18:47 PM »

I made something similar to this and actually was able to eat the liver, which given how much I dislike liver, was quite a feat.  I'm going to try and tweak this some more and see if I can get to like it.  Liver is a super food.

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2025, 08:07:16 PM »
I watch all of these folks. They are great!

Xanax, sorry for your loss.

Oatmeal is poisonous!

I eat lots of meat. The cool thing about meat is your body can process it better than anything else. Meat has the GLP1 effect.

It's fatty meat that heals the brain.

If you want to hear something funny, 20 years ago I posted a self-made meme. I took a picture of a billboard that read 1 in 6 people go to bed hungry. I captioned it, "Duh, that's because we're on a diet!"

In spite of people showing charts on obesity rates so many people derided me for such a post. It got so bad that Skuzzy deleted it. Now look at us today.

BTW, I don't blame people for their obesity. We've all been sold a bad bill of goods by Big Food, Big Pharma, and the government.

When I tell people that I have reversed diabetes they exclaim, "You can reverse diabetes!"

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2025, 09:02:13 PM »
For you Carni's... this is my go to snack.  If you told me it was all I was allowed for the rest of my life.... I think I'd be ok with it.

You'll need Floss.  :devil
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #83 on: February 07, 2025, 09:36:44 PM »
I watch all of these folks. They are great!

Xanax, sorry for your loss.

Oatmeal is poisonous!

I eat lots of meat. The cool thing about meat is your body can process it better than anything else. Meat has the GLP1 effect.

It's fatty meat that heals the brain.

If you want to hear something funny, 20 years ago I posted a self-made meme. I took a picture of a billboard that read 1 in 6 people go to bed hungry. I captioned it, "Duh, that's because we're on a diet!"

In spite of people showing charts on obesity rates so many people derided me for such a post. It got so bad that Skuzzy deleted it. Now look at us today.

BTW, I don't blame people for their obesity. We've all been sold a bad bill of goods by Big Food, Big Pharma, and the government.

When I tell people that I have reversed diabetes they exclaim, "You can reverse diabetes!"

Thanks, Getback.

Yup, mostly meat here too. I'd say my diet is closer to Ketovore than anything else as I'll eat a nice Caesar salad or Cobb salad without croutons. I'll even eat that foul weed that is broccoli...drizzled in melted cheese of course. Brussels sprouts done up in bacon grease and a spritz of wine vinegar is pretty good. But yeah, mostly meat with beef being primary. I'm really hooked on try-tip and skirt steak right now.
sorry, Trips but liver is out. My dad was a butcher for 45 years and he loved that stuff and would bring it home all the damn time. My mom would make liver and onions for him or he'd mix it with scrambled eggs. Just the smell of liver sends me running. Maybe if someone prepared it out of my smell range and served it, I'd give it a go but for now it's nay all the way.

I don't get after fat people, I've been there. I've known guys who were fit that went after fat people and then you see them 5 years later and they're now fat. I don't go after them either. It's tough to stay away from it and good on ya if you can.

I used to go to parties and whatnot and folks would wonder why I wasn't eating the cake or hitting the chips. I'd kind of explain my diet and much of the time I'd get "you're gonna die eating that way or " a sliver or two of cake ain't gonna kill ya'" etc. I'd just politely nod and work on getting the subject changed. Nowadays I just say my stomach is bothering me or "I had a late lunch" and the like. If someone is genuinely interested in my eating, I'll gladly explain what I'm doing. More and more it seems, people are genuinely interested. A sliver or two of cake is like a bindle of heroin for a heroin addict in my case. It's hard getting back on the rail if I fall off. My will is weak.

You guys have posted some good vids and stuff I can refer folks to when they ask...except the liver one, ha!
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2025, 09:41:56 PM »
For you Carni's... this is my go to snack.  If you told me it was all I was allowed for the rest of my life.... I think I'd be ok with it.

You'll need Floss.  :devil

Oh man. I'm gonna try some of sliced hot chorizo packs. Thanks for the link.
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #85 on: February 07, 2025, 09:58:40 PM »
except the liver one, ha!

I feel ya, bruh. 

You can also get liver and other organ meats dehydrated and packed into gel caps.  Seemed a bit pricey, but....

But, I used to love authentic Cajun dirty rice and it has ground liver in it and I never realized that, so it might be possible to hide it.

I've heard of people using very small amounts of ground liver mixed in with ground meat and spice up so you could hardly taste it.

Trivia, I read somewhere that when the plains Indians make a bison kill, the first thing they would do is cut out the livers and cube them up and every man, woman, child in the tribe got a piece right away.  They knew how powerful it is.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 10:00:47 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #86 on: February 08, 2025, 09:10:49 AM »
I would not get my info from YT videos, even if they are right. Most times they are not. Not dependable.

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #87 on: February 08, 2025, 09:36:28 AM »
Oh man. I'm gonna try some of sliced hot chorizo packs. Thanks for the link.

The Picante Chorizo rocks... the regular does too, but hot is always better.  Sometimes, there's little bits of hard stuff in it, which would be scary, but it's so damn good I don't care.
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #88 on: February 08, 2025, 10:36:23 AM »
The Picante Chorizo rocks... the regular does too, but hot is always better.  Sometimes, there's little bits of hard stuff in it, which would be scary, but it's so damn good I don't care.

Yeah I've had some deli salami's like that. I'm going to try that.

On Carnivore I start to miss stuff that is salty and crunchy.  These are a nice occasional treat too:

I do try and limit myself with dairy on Carnivore.  I'll eat cheese, but kinda treat it like a treat or as a topping and not just eat chunks of cheese.  But I do love me some blue-cheese compound butter on my rib-eyes.

Also, as a side note, mushrooms are an interesting edge case.

They are not a plant.  They don't have any of the problematic plant defense chemicals.  There is a tiny trace amount of carbs but in the amounts I eat doesn't seem to cause me any problems.  In fact, nutritionally they are closer to animal than plant so I will indulge.  I love mushrooms sautéed in Kerry-Gold as a side.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 10:52:52 AM by CptTrips »
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Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Reply #89 on: February 08, 2025, 10:48:47 AM »
Haha I just ordered some parmesan cheese to make crisps, Trips. I actually want to try these mushroom cheese crisps...basically same as making crisps, except put slices of mushroom on top with room in between...cut the cheese after baking  :ahand and enjoy!

Also...anyone heard of autophagy fasting? Might be worth a Google. I've worked my self up to 72hr fast and I can tell you my body is definitely healing.

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