Author Topic: Unbelivable Racism  (Read 1817 times)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Unbelivable Racism
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2002, 09:58:05 AM »
I guess you could say the same thing about the Iwo Jima monument.

Ever taken a visit to the Vietnam Wall? My dad is a vet, I work only 6 blocks from it- I visit it frequently. This memorial honors the dead, the men who sacrificed their lives for a war we should of won- but our country couldn't support our soldiers.

One thing I noticed about that particular monument, there are no statues.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2002, 10:33:39 AM »
To:  New York City Council, New York City Fire Department
We the undersigned citizens of the United States, and concerned citizens from other nations, hereby petition the New York City Fire Department and the City of New York as follows regarding the proposed statue depicting the raising of the US flag at ground zero of the WTC attack by firefighters on September 11, 2001. ..

10663 Signatures Total ... I'm one of them.
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Offline easymo

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Unbelivable Racism
« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2002, 12:26:11 PM »
Montezuma.  Maybe what we should do is trade countrys straight across.  In a couple of generation we would turn Mexico in to a world power.  And by then America would be just another third world toejam hole. Then we could do it all over again.

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #78 on: January 17, 2002, 12:43:16 PM »
Originally posted by easymo
Montezuma.  Maybe what we should do is trade countrys straight across.  In a couple of generation we would turn Mexico in to a world power.  And by then America would be just another third world toejam hole. Then we could do it all over again.

So Mexico is the way it is because they are not "European" like you easymo? LOL.
Go get a "History" book. Read it. Pay special attention to the part where Americans were upset because the floodgates were opening to all those damn Irish Immigrants. Or how about all those damn Chinese immigrants that were gonna take over once the railroads were completed.
Easymo let me explain how America works.....the idea that is America is not dependent on EUROPEANs running the show. Many cultures have come here and have done quite well within our system of government. What makes you think people emmigrating from Mexico cannot do as well?

Please note I never once used the term RACIST in this post;)

Offline easymo

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« Reply #79 on: January 17, 2002, 01:00:24 PM »
"What makes you think people emmigrating from Mexico cannot do as well?"

  The southwestern border.

  It could have just as easily been moved up a state or down one.  Look at the difference between Arizona and the Mexican state across from it.

  FWIW.  I would be every bit as unhappy if the Canadians were trying to invade us.  But for some reason they seem to be able to run a successful country on their own.

  I have no trouble with LEGAL immigration from the south.  It is the one MILLION illegal Mexicans that bush wants to make citizens that bother me.  If some one breaks into your house.  Adopting them into your family is not the logical response.  These Politician will sell your birthright for a few votes (read personal power) in a heart beat. The only difference between Rep's and Dem's is that the democrats want the American tax payer to subsidize them until the get enough people here.

Please note. I did not use the phrase. Your a moron. Any where in my post.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2002, 01:27:31 PM by easymo »

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2002, 02:29:36 PM »
easymo said this.......
That may not be as far fetched as it seems. With our Presidents enthusiastic help, Americas well on the way to becoming The Northern Republic of Mexico. When the Mexican Americans get a big enough voting block to put their own man in the white house. He will no doubt open the southern flood gates. European Americans may be looking for a place to live. We had better start being nice to the Canadians.

and this....
Please note. I did not use the phrase. Your a moron. Any where in my post.

Simply fantastic easymo how in one post you talk about how "European Americans" need to be nice to Canadians because "Mexican Americans" might get too big a voting block....but you are not a racist? Now you say you would feel the same if Canadians were "streaming across the border". Would you run to Mexico? I doubt it!

Come on easymo, you feel this way because Mexican Americans have a different culture and you don't like it. Canadians don't bother you because they look like you.  

Never once mentioned "YOU'RE a MORON" and I can spell it.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2002, 02:34:46 PM »
Mexicans are good workers. Some speak broken English, some speak great English, while others speak none. But usually the ones that can't speak a lick of English work with ones that speak either great English or broken English so you can still communicate w/'em. And on top of that, if they don't understand what you are saying, they are pretty good at picking things up or understanding things through pointing at things.

Besides, they take all the crap jobs no American with an education wants.

Offline easymo

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« Reply #82 on: January 17, 2002, 06:07:38 PM »
I notice that you ignored my answer to your question.  I can only surmise this it due to the fact that no matter how furiously you wave your magic PC wand, you cant make reality go away. Mexican society is a complete failure by western standards.  In contrast.  During the 20th century, the German people where brought to their knees twice by war, and once by runaway inflation.  Yet, at the end of the 20 century they were a modern industrial society.

  Also. The old, call them a raciest ploy.  Has been over used by people like jesse jackson, and your self.  It is fast becoming recognized as nothing more than a quick dodge, for people that cant come up with a reasonable answer. Now, if you want to accuse me of not being PC.  Have at it.  Hell, i am proud of it.

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #83 on: January 17, 2002, 07:13:17 PM »
"Mexican society is a complete failure by western standards."

I suggest you look into the History of Mexico and its "society". They have traditions, architecture, music, arts, literature and more that you have absolutely no clue about. If you are basing your claims about "failure" on the border towns on both sides of the border you are indeed working under mantle of ignorance, and I apologize for not seeing it sooner and backing off.

Basing your conclusions about Mexico on the border towns is like visiting Harlem and making conclusions about African culture. A failure by western that is rich. I guess Tibetan culture is also a failure "By western standards". Well they aren't rich or industrialized. Even though they have thousands of years of history and a rich culture.

Try to see beyond the filth in your local barrio easymo.....that isn't "Mexican culture" either!

Offline easymo

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« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2002, 07:52:18 PM »
The subject was politics/economics. Attempting to switch it to art is pointless, and obvious.  I can think of few subjects more subjective than art, and "culture".

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2002, 08:16:43 PM »
The subject in your mind is politics and economics because thats how you define society, and that is my point.  Politics and economics are just a part of what make up a society. You said SOCIETY, not socioeconomics or politics.

Thats OK though, because you have made it clear what you admire in a SOCIETY. Poor Germany, "brought to its knees by 2 world wars and runaway inflation". WHO brought Germany to these points of devastation? Could it be....German Society?


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« Reply #86 on: January 17, 2002, 08:21:35 PM »
Tahgut you can compare Cultures on a social/political/and economic level and rate one as superior to another. Comparing art and food and music is more or less pointless since those are very subjective things, whos to say if burgers are better than sushi or falafels?

Anyway I think youll ptrobably disagree and call me a racist.
But considefr this:

But wouldnt you say the USA social/economic/political culture is INFINITLEY SUPERIOR to that of Taliba era Afghanistan?

Isnt the current social/economic/political  culture of the USA INFINITLEY SUPERIOR than that of the pre civil war USA, especially in the south- where your sons would be slaves?

Or how about east germany and west germany same people same culture in music and food, but please remind us all which side had to put up a wall?

Now comparing Mexico and the USA. Which countrys citizens are braving hostile deserts and murderous smuglers in search of a better life. I sure dont see you running south to the border Tahgut.  And the Mexican people arent stupid and helpless as you liberal love to assume, they MARE A RATIONAL DECISION based on their circumstances to leave mexico and come here. millions of other foreign national do to, as did my Father.

Listen up you USA doubting/hating people it is the BEST country and best CULTURE in the world quite possibly the best ever, millions of hopeful immigrants can only dream of livinghere. While you take it for granted and never even realize how different it is from countrys THAT DONT diddlyING WORK RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

Offline easymo

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« Reply #87 on: January 17, 2002, 08:45:16 PM »
The subject was not in my mind.  It was the direction the thread took, when I posted a tongue in cheek comment about moveing to Canada.

  FWIW.  I would compare Michelangelo's David, or one of his pieta, to anything produced  south of the Border.  Pre-Colombian art looks like it was made in a kinder garten class to me.  Such is the subjective nature of art.

Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #88 on: January 17, 2002, 08:48:37 PM »
Good have missed my point completely. I never said Mexican culture was as good as in the USA. I was comenting on the racist, nazi, crap being spouted by others on this thread. I didn't start the culture comparison....easymo did.

The point is that if Mexicans come here and VOTE they are as much Americans as any European that comes here and VOTES. Easymo said he was worried about the "MEXICAN AMERICANS" taking over by building a bigger voting block. Illegal immigrants don't vote so don't use that dodge either. Then he said it was a failed "society", not as good as those wonderful "Germans".  If that isn't racist than nothing is. If they are AMERICANS then they are AMERICANS!


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« Reply #89 on: January 17, 2002, 08:52:37 PM »
From my experience Mexican-Americans are some of the most patriotic Americans that I have ever met. This is true today as it was in the past.

What worries me today is the new trend to race specific politics- where people are pressured not even see themselves as hyphenated Americans but just by their race. This is dangerous.