Author Topic: Some Observations from a Lurker  (Read 1590 times)

Whistling Death

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« on: March 24, 2000, 01:39:00 AM »
Just a few observations and questions:


1.  Since when have there been BUFFS in WWII flight sims?  I have yet to see any.

2. When did the A-10 come into AH....I thought this was supposed to be a WWII flight sim.

3. What the heck is nerfed?

4. Whats up with all the Dweeb stuff?

5. Do you guys really know what your talking about?

6. The F4U Corsair was know as the Ensign Eliminator, yet it has been quoted here as being a newbie aircraft. How does this wash and come clean?

7. What aircraft was know as Whistling Death?

8. Does anyone know the difference between a MG and a Cannon?

9. Scorepotato?

10.Quakehog: What is this animal, and why should it be dumped?


1.WEP is War Emergency Power not a 10 minute Turbo out of a Battlestar Galactica Viper.

2. Using an aircraft to its full potential while avoiding its weaknesses is not Dweebdom. However squeaking because you have to think about how to kill it is.

3. Learnin how to fly 1 aircraft to that potential isn't dweebdom, it's realistic. Ask any USMC Corsair pilot from WWII how many hours he has in Zeros or 109's and then call him a dweeb when he says zero. I dare ya.

4.think about this......To illistrate a major irritating point for me, the following:
It is a point that came up in an armored simulation not so long ago.But the general attitude seems to fit across all spectrum of the sim world. And certainly applies to the commentary on the Corsair on this forum...

Setting North Africa Spring 1942. You are in a Newly formed US Armord Brigade sent over to help the British defeat Rommel and his Panzers.  Applying some peoples logic to a conversaion between an M4, M3 Lee M5A1 tank Platoon and General Patton this is what you would have.

American Tankers Cry to Commanding Generals that the New German Tiger tanks are too hard to kill, due to their superiour armor and main gun.

For crying out loud.  What the hell is this?  Tell em, The American tankers
>in W.W.II Faced Tigers with Stuarts, Lee's and the ORIGINAL M4. You know...the Ronsin, named that because it caught fire with the first shot every time!!!! FOR REAL!
>Death, from which you don't come back was involved.  Now do you propose
>those men should have when to their commanders and cried "WAHAHAHA....The
>Germans have tanks that are 100x better than ours....bboohooo....and and
>when we shoot them.....nothing happens....but but but....when they shoot
>us...we blow up first time.  Not only that but,,,,their sights are so much
>better than ours they can see us 1000m further away than we can see
>them,,wawawawawaaaaawwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa.General Patton....please go tell
>Hitler to put the stupidest men he can find in the Tigers, so they won't be
>so hard to kill...pppllleeeeaaassseee... ..General
>Patton....wwwwawaaawwwaaawwwa awa...we are tired of dying out here by the
>HELL NO! This did not happen, and if it did I am sure that Patton would
>Shot the sniveling son of a squeak himself.  The Americans overcame the
>German Panzers with numbers and tactics.  This war that we are
>making ALLOWS for that kind of battle on their part.  BUT:  They must put
>the effort of training, finding new tactics and researching an historical
>TO&E.  If they had they would know that the odds are better collectively
>the Americans than the Germans, based on sheer weight of force available.
>But That is there fault.  Cause they didn't.
>Tell them to fight or forfeit Sicily period.  Get back in their boats and
>home to Mommie in the USA. Cause it ain't gonna get any easier in Italy or
>Normandy...they might as well quit now and let us have it.
>Great Job guys, Won the whole dammed war with only firing 100 rounds
>HAHAHAHAHAH.  The enemy chickened out and ran away.  HAHAHAHAH!!!! I am now retirering my panzer tunic as its no longer needed, come
>with me to the local pub, where we can pillage the spoils of war.
Now reverse it, the Chessmen are upset at the other Chessmen for flying a plane that they have to work to defeat.

5. this is the whiniest and most historically clueless forum the collective being known as Whistling Death has ever seen in years of experience.

6. Now you know why the collective being known as Whistling Death will never be a part of AH.

7. You complain about things not being historically accrurate yet use absolutely no historically accurate terms or language in your discussions or FM's in your aircraft.

8. Any givin aircraft has a set flight model, therefore all aircraft of the same type and configuration in any sim IS NOT MODELED correctly unless THEY ALL fly exactly like the real one IN EVERY SIM!!!

Flying bombers at High Altitude is stupid?  No...squeaking because you have to work harder to get to that alt for a kill is.

There is no such thing as Explotation in a sim such as this.  Due to the fact that it is NOT inherently based in Historical fact. Therefore it must follow the only rule of war, that there are no rules, do what you have to do to survive and win.

Comon...really this is pathetic.......

Offline hblair

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2000, 01:52:00 AM »
6. Now you know why the collective being known as Whistling Death will never be a part of AH.

ya promise?  


<===< The ASSASSINS >===>

[This message has been edited by hblair (edited 03-24-2000).]

Offline Minotaur

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2000, 02:04:00 AM »
Whistling Death;


I only wished that I could figure out "What the Heck you were Talking About?".

Maybe you could re-cap and explain your post?

The Wrecking Crew

Offline weazel

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2000, 02:05:00 AM »
Now you know why the collective being known as Whistling Death will never be a part of AH.


[This message has been edited by weazel (edited 03-24-2000).]

Offline Duckwing6

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2000, 03:32:00 AM »
"Whisteling Death" IS already art of the AH .. you all know it:

oh yea quackebird usually is a generic description for cannon armed planes  

a QUUUACK-Bird is what i'm flying

and the HOG beeing a newbie aircraft .. well maybe for a sortie or 2 then they loose interest because it can't turn on a dime and they head on to the status of DWEEB flying a Spit   -> donning flack west against SPIT-drivers HATE(tm) heheheh


Phillip "Duckwing6" Artweger
Flight Officer "E" Flight
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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2000, 03:36:00 AM »
"Now you know why the collective being known as Whistling Death will never be a part of AH

Buh Bye.


Hasta Luego.

Au Revoir.

Now get the hell off our board.

Offline Dinger

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2000, 04:06:00 AM »
Well, I tried to make sense of the post by our good friend the collective being, but to judge by the orthographic and grammatical wreckage, he's got a lot of assimilation to do before he can figure out the English language.
Still, some questions are interesting:
Terminology in general: This ain't WWII, we don't have to act like we're in some gawd-awful movie, and well, much of the terminology we use is specific to the flightsim community.  Arena combat has very little to do with WWII combat; most of us know that.  Some of the events are more interesting.
I imagine many of these questions come out from the F4U thread, which I haven't bothered to read, knowing full well it'd be a place where the kids air their ignorance.  Of course, compared to the post above, the ones over there are scholarly treatises.
1. BUFF -- the term antedates the B-52, and I believe it has an historical application to the B-17.  Correct me on this one.
2.  A-10?  Some folks are lobbying for the thunderbolt here, but?
3,4 9 and 10 -- see terminology.
5. Some do, some don't.  Guess which category the post above put you and any other collective being in?
6.  Our newbies get eliminated several times trying to get the F4U off the ground before they figure it out.
8. Um yeah, cannons are what you find on some hawgs over okinawa.  MGs are what you find on Corsairs.

Offline bloom25

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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2000, 04:12:00 AM »
<--- Smart enough to spot the tell-tale signs of a troll.    (Should have used clear fishing line.   )

(I'll bet if you stick around long enough you will fly AH, if you haven't already.   Just wait for the next version that may be out next week.)



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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2000, 07:02:00 AM »
TARGET---------------> Wisthling Thing that hangs of anatomy parts....

-----> GOOD BYE !!! GOOD RIDANCE !!!!!

*&^$%£^%£$"^%$ <-----following hidden insults !

Some call me Misterious X  !

Offline TRiMmer

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2000, 07:27:00 AM »
Your a real funny guy, whistling dead person...going to fridge to defrost the steaks...bbq coming soon.  


Offline Pongo

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2000, 08:32:00 AM »
You blab out all that snot, and your centeral point seems to be that US tankers didnt complain about the Sherman-of course they did...but they fought too. If you think that most of the militaries in history arnt filled with whinners you are reading too many comics.....and you represent yourself as some kind of historical guru or something....but you use old George Patton as some kind of parable of anti whining........Patton was a great general..but he was a total whinner too.
You know what those SAS troops do when they arnt crshing through windows lobing stun grenades...they whine about there cam smocks or something....
A historical simulation should have way MORE whining in it...

The Wrecking Crew

Offline Ripsnort

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2000, 08:45:00 AM »

Bet  ya dollars  to donuts it's a Warbirds pilot that feels threatened again!

++JG2++ ~Richthofen~ XO
Aces High Training Corps
JG2 "Richthofen"
"Experience is a hard teacher because she
gives the test first, the lesson afterwards"

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 03-24-2000).]


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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2000, 09:14:00 AM »
Well you HAD some good points, but WHY do you think you are so important that we would CARE that you are not going to fly this sim??? Like the man said, Whistling Death IS NOT U, it is the F4U. So unlike the F4U, you would not be missed  


Offline Westy

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2000, 09:15:00 AM »

 What is your point?


 I know.

 Everyone notice Mister Whistling Death <waves to Whistling Death>.

 Is that better?

Offline RAM

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Some Observations from a Lurker
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2000, 09:23:00 AM »
Maybe this is the fist time this happens, but Coyote and I agree!!!  

Man you have some good points. Some NOT so good points...and some...emmm...pointless points   but the way you point them   it is pointless to talk about them        

mmm  u see my point?