Thanks for talking sense into me here. I've yet to see any vulching in this game. BTW, how does dar have anything to do with vulching? Lemme guess, with inplane dar, ya see the baddie coming to get you? Well then why are there such world class vulches here? hmmmm.
Now you're being ignorant.
Vulching occurs plenty here. It occurs plenty at brand x too.
What doesn't occur here (as often) is someone hanging at 5k near a feild hoping someone takes off away from him so he can sneak in for the easy autoclimb vulch on the poor unsuspecting victim. The dot dar tells you when someone is near the field. That is it. Removing this is for the benifit of whom?
The dot dar does not tell you that someone is behind you. Not unless you take the time to zoom it in, take your eyes off the sky and rely on something that gives you no altitude indication to tell you exactly where a nearby enemy is.
People use dar to vector to incoming enemies AT THEIR OWN FIELDS. They don't use it to lock onto a target with a pip showing in the hud to highlight the bvr plane for you. Its simply "dot that way somewhere" and shut the map down.
What's funny is that you apparently think we need to ask your permission to bring up other subjects in a post.
Wow.. you keep sinking to new levels.
Ummm.. no.
But if the argument decides to switch directions whimsically.. don't get too upset when its pointed out to you. The point was stupid... you don't need my permission to be that as you demonstrate on a regular basis.
Poor guy still doesn't get it. I understand your view deja. You like more radar than I do. I'm ok with that. Why do you guys feel so threatened when we express our dislike for it?
And why do you feel threatened when people disagree with your reasoning?
The logic being used to justify major modification or removal is assenine. Yet.. it comes up again and again. "realism" gets tossed in... then switched to "whell brand-x does it different" when "realism" doesn't work too well. The whole thing is pathetic.
The things that happen within 12.5 miles of an enemy base are being discussed here. Within 12.5 miles.. they had a tad clue things were coming in. Did they have enough time to do anything about it... nope. Do they here? Nope.
Raids like Pearl Harbor were detected on radar, but they were misinterpreted. How many times have major raids on bases been overlooked until it was too late in AH?
The information was there in both scenarios.. how people chose to act on the information is virtually identical too.
Did you hear guys on AGW 3-4 ago posting that they wanted in-plane radar? I can't remember one post concerning the subject. How many do you see here now that say there is too much radar?
LOL! OK... you have to win this one. Of course, I played a little AGW 2 and 3 and can say that if you're using them as an example of what should be done in AH... you are way off base.
Pick and chose.. pick and chose. Who can be the defense/example for the day.