Author Topic: Bomb in Jerusalem  (Read 2282 times)

Offline ~Caligula~

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Bomb in Jerusalem
« Reply #90 on: March 06, 2002, 03:33:03 PM »
tss tss ... pretty low argument ... in fact I don't see any in your post

I don`t really care what You see in that post.
mrfish have stated in many of he`s posts how much he dislikes jewish people and jews as a nation.That is what`s called antisemitism.

Jews as a nation have survived for some 5000 years.There`s no other nation on earth that can come even close to that.So they must be doing something right.

He calls jews parasites.
How about all the Noble price winners and all the other inventions (stock market,court of law etc.) that were first created by the jews long before the western civilization risen?
How about jews helping founding the american revolution?
There`s quiet a lot that human kind owes to the jewish people,
but jews have allways ended up as scapegoats,blamed for the troubles of the world,for the simple readon of being different.

It`s easy to kick back in your cozy SF apartment and bash on people who`s country is in constant war.But I`m yet to see any constructive idea about what needs to be done.It`s all about who`s doing what wrong,and a frenzy of tossing (seemingly) legit
points at jews about how bad they really are.

Offline straffo

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« Reply #91 on: March 06, 2002, 04:17:04 PM »
Personnally I don't care of the opinion of mrfish.

I stronly disagree to what he said in the 2nd post.
But you overreacted before his 2nd post.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #92 on: March 06, 2002, 04:50:32 PM »
Originally posted by ~Caligula~

It`s easy to kick back in your cozy SF apartment and bash on people who`s country is in constant war.But I`m yet to see any constructive idea about what needs to be done.

yeah? and where are you? helping your own people out in israel or stirring up anti-arab sentiment with your big "we'll kick their bellybutton speech"?  

i don't care if you call me antisemitic. the only problem i have with that label is the fact that people automatically lump you with the nazi's and white supremicists.

as long as you realize i have nothing to do with those doctrines you can call me whatever you want.

i judge every people by their deeds caligula and have no apologies to offer for that.


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« Reply #93 on: March 06, 2002, 05:19:25 PM »
"So is this that "Antisemitic" card everyone is talking about when pro-israel people run out of excuses"

Precisely! :D

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #94 on: March 06, 2002, 05:50:43 PM »
1st off German Jews and those Jews from eastern Europe are not blood decendents of the ancient hebrews .

They can be ethnically traced back to the Khazars, a warlike Gentile nation from Southern Russia who converted to the Jewish religion in the eigth or 9th century.

However it is this Branch of the Jewish Nation that are the die hard Zionists and that formed the terrorists gangs and did most of the dirty work wresting Palestine from the Arabs.

As for you peace loving Torah reading is the torah which being full of murder and violence that tells the story of the Jews. But it is the Talmud which drives them

The Talmud can be compared to Hitlers Nuremberg Laws........

Its full of hatred for non Jews or goy as they call us........

Any blood claim by modern jews is absurd considering there is very little blood to link them to the original Jews. In fact there probrably more blood linking Palestinians to the ancient Hebrews there there is linking them to modern jews.

Offline ~Caligula~

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« Reply #95 on: March 06, 2002, 08:19:39 PM »
1st off German Jews and those Jews from eastern Europe are not blood decendents of the ancient hebrews .
They can be ethnically traced back to the Khazars, a warlike Gentile nation from Southern Russia who converted to the Jewish religion in the eigth or 9th century.

However it is this Branch of the Jewish Nation that are the die hard Zionists and that formed the terrorists gangs and did most of the dirty work wresting Palestine from the Arabs.

As for you peace loving Torah reading is the torah which being full of murder and violence that tells the story of the Jews. But it is the Talmud which drives them

The Talmud can be compared to Hitlers Nuremberg Laws........

Its full of hatred for non Jews or goy as they call us........

Any blood claim by modern jews is absurd considering there is very little blood to link them to the original Jews. In fact there probrably more blood linking Palestinians to the ancient Hebrews there there is linking them to modern jews.

Wotan Mark Twain once said "It is better for people to think you are stupid, then for you to open your mouth and prove them right."
The more you quote the Jewish holy books, the greater your ignorance comes through. So for the sake of humility stop trying to use the Torah and the Gemara for your referances. I woud not be suprised if you have never seen a Talmud in your life.

There where many genetic experiments done, with Jews form Persia (Iran), Italy, Gemany and Russia. These test prove that these Jews are closer in relation than the Gentiles they lived among. There is a Jewish look and mannerisms that are similar among Jews around the world.
Stop your nonsence, it doesn't prove any thing, except your ignorance.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #96 on: March 06, 2002, 11:03:36 PM »
Sir Richard Francis Burton's The Jew, The Gypsy, and El Islam
in the chapters entitled "The Jew and the Talmud" and "The Continuity of Tradtion" give a scholarly, objective and dignified view on the relations between Jews and Gentiles.

The anti-Zionist  American Jew Benjamin Freedman in the book Facts are Facts published in 1955 review fully the origin, content and authoritative status of the Talmud.

Both Freedmon and Burton are in agreement and quote extensively from Talmud text. Many of them can only be described as rabidly racist, full of the fiercest hatred of Gentiles.

It asserts that the Jews alone are the children of God (priestly caste), that they alone are men, human beings, that Gentiles are only a higher order of cattle (goy) meant to be milked by Jews, that they exist to be the tools  and Slaves of Jews, that to a Gentile a Jew is under no moral obligation what ever: he may lie to him, make promises and give pledges to him that he has no intention of keeping, may cheat him, rob him, even murder him - and morally it is all right, all right before his God.

Slay thou the best amoung the Gentiles, and of the best of serpents bruise the head

Zionists push for the imperialistic expansion of Isreal at the expense of the Gentile (goy) Palestinians.

Can you recite Kol Nidre for us?

I am not gonna fill this thread up but the fact is you came here with this post to exact sympathy for those poor unfortunate Jews who suffer under the evil Palestinian terrorists. Leaving out the racist Zionist philosphy that has brought this on. Also ignoring the terror of Isreal on the Palestinians.

I'll leave you with a quote from Ben Gurions Diary dated May 21 may shed some light on why arabs have opposed Isreal from the beggining.

The Achilles Heel of the Arab coalition is Lebanon. Muslim supremacy in this country is artificial and can easily be overthrown. A Christian State ought to be set up there.....We would sign a treaty of Alliance with this State. Thus when we have broken the strength of the Arab Legion and bombed Amman, we could wipe out Transjordan; after that Syria would fall. And if Egypt still dared make war with us, we would bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Chaldea on behalf of our Ancestors....

The Zionist state of Israel never had any intention of living "peacefully" amoung Arabs. What Gurion described about Lebanon was what happened later on. It ended up costing America much more then money. It joined us with the Christian Revolutionaries in lebanon and their backers Isreal. As a result the Marine barracks there was made a target.

The Zionist state of Israel was born out of terrorism and it wallows in it today. Except that America has chosen to back the oneside and  that makes us enemies of the Arab world.

I am not a Talmudic Scholar thats for sure , I wouldnt be able to stomach the training, but I have read enough to know what drives the Zionist. Its the same thing that drove the Nazi.....hatred for everything that doesn't orignate from its own.

Lets face it Israel would still be killing Palestinians whether they fought back or not.

Before you use the Jewish trump card "Anti-Semite" let offer this

"An anti-semite was at one time someone who doesn't like Jews....Now an anti-Semite is anyone the Jews don't like"

Whats is happening is Israel today is the realization of years of pent up Talmudic hatred.........

Thats it for me I suggest letting this thread I will never except your Gods will or your view of the world.......

Offline ~Caligula~

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« Reply #97 on: March 06, 2002, 11:46:54 PM »

That was my first statement on this message board. We are not here to convince each other, some are here to express their pent up anger. Other, to open the mind of the people who are involved because the gravity of the situation.

In the Talmud you will find all the different opinions, then the learned men of the gen, decided what is moral.
It is a true quote from the Talmud, even with it's crude translation.
But that was the topic of the discussion, and if you where to read the decussion through to the end, the sages of the generation said that the opinion of cheating, lying, killing etc. the gentile world is not occording to the direction that G-d wants us Jews to follow.
Again you will not except this entery but for the sake of others who read our little spat, I would like them to get the full picture insetad of the narrow one you have choose.

Ben Gurion's quote: I wonder how you would feel toward your neighbors if they attacked you. Remember the point of war is making sure YOU survive.

Offline straffo

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« Reply #98 on: March 07, 2002, 01:49:23 AM »
Originally posted by ~Caligula~

There where many genetic experiments done, with Jews form Persia (Iran), Italy, Gemany and Russia. These test prove that these Jews are closer in relation than the Gentiles they lived among. There is a Jewish look and mannerisms that are similar among Jews around the world.
Stop your nonsence, it doesn't prove any thing, except your ignorance.

When you use the notion of "race" wich is an complete non-sense I cannot differentiate you from others using the same mean to proove inferiority/superiority of one "race" over another.

The notion of race is complete roadkill any educated people now that it simply DON'T exist.

I would like to see statistics of the number of Palestinian and Isrealy killed since 10 years just to know if what we currently see is not a "Sharon" effect but I've been unable to find any.

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« Reply #99 on: March 07, 2002, 03:08:16 AM »
Well, to hijack the thread to more hypothetical realms, what do you think the result of 6th fleet aircraft over the besiged USS Liberty would have been?

The IAF pilots are generally regarded as most skilled in the world. It could be a myth, buta long series of campaigns tend to "prove" that, however esqued the plane sets might have been in those particular conflicts.

So my question is: what aircraft would 6th fleet throw at the strafing Mysthéres and MirageIII? And could they make a difference or would they just make for an embarrasing american defeat in the air as well?

The Dassault Mysthére was pretty old by then, but the MirageIII, if armed with Matra Magic missiles, could be a really deadly foe. I'm not quite sure of what aircraft the american carriers of the perios were fielding, as well as what kind of armament they would carry.

No flames pls, just speculating wildly :D.


Offline babek-

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« Reply #100 on: March 07, 2002, 03:28:34 AM »
Originally posted by ~Caligula~

There where many genetic experiments done, with Jews form Persia (Iran), Italy, Gemany and Russia. These test prove that these Jews are closer in relation than the Gentiles they lived among. There is a Jewish look and mannerisms that are similar among Jews around the world.

From all the ridiculous statements you wrote - this is surely the most one.

The last time when scientists tried to define the jewish race it was during Nazi-reign in Germany.
They defined the jews as a subrace with big noses and so on. Just try imagine how stupid this was - to define a race. An absolute nonsense.
There dont exist a jewish race, a aryan race or whatever.

This is only for stupid racists who want to show that one group is superior or inferior.

But its also intersting that the Israelis or their sympathisants now try to use the same Nazi-definition methods.
Here a race there another - here the good one - there the bad one - lets start the selection progress and send the bad race away...

What a nonsense !

Offline ~Caligula~

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« Reply #101 on: March 07, 2002, 03:56:31 AM »
Who`s talking about races here?
Cretainly not me!!!
Those studies were made to find out how closely related are the different groups of jews that were living far away and isolated from eachother.With no intention of proving any racial superiority.
So when they do DNA checks on mummies that supposed to prove that the egyptians were some kinda uber race???
It`s called science in case You didn`t know.
You are just proving how ignorant ,stupid and closeminded You really are by twisting my words around.

Offline straffo

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« Reply #102 on: March 07, 2002, 04:32:57 AM »
You are closely related to the ape also.

But fortunatly the Ape don't wrote the Bible.

Offline Dune

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« Reply #103 on: March 09, 2002, 12:57:08 AM »
White Men! White women! The swastika is calling you. The Jew is using the black as muscle against you. And you are left there helpless. Well, what are you going to do about it, whitey? Just sit there? Of course not. You, are going to join with us. The members of the American, Socialist, White peoples party. An organisation of decent, law abiding white folk. Just like you.
I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler.
I pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler.

Head Nazi:
The immortal leader of our race.

Nazis: The immortal leader of our race.
Head Nazi: And to the order for which he stands.
Nazis: And to the order for which he stands.
Head Nazi: One great cause,
Nazis: One great cause,
HeadNazi: Sacred and invincible.
Nazis: Sacred and invincible.

[Jake and Elwood are caught in a traffic jam caused by the Nazis.]

Jake: [To a patrolling officer] Hey, what's going on?
Officer: Ah, those bums won there court case so their marching today.
Jake: What bums?
Officer: The diddlying Nazi party.
Elwood: Illinios Nazis!
Jake: I hate Illinios Nazis.