Author Topic: I ran into a Hellcat Ace.  (Read 665 times)

Offline jbroey3

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2002, 03:33:35 PM »
This is just a game....  

with the levels of confidence here,  why bother?... You should be in the air force, doing what you do best,... right?


Offline Nath[BDP]

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2002, 03:40:21 PM »
As I will be. I'm 18, my goals are to be a pilot in the USN.
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Offline Zippatuh

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2002, 03:53:37 PM »
I liked it better when you were banned.  Widewing gave you a compliment but of course it didn’t say that you were god of the sky so I can see as how it would rub you wrong.  Suffering from low self esteem maybe?  Try the ARMY or Marines, they can do wonders for that attitude.  Of course fluff to fluff I guess**.

As for Cav, he’s a class act and great pilot.  You know Apache, he could have easily been your wingman ;).


**Disclaimer** Not intended as a global slam of Airforce officers or enlisted.  Although you are a bunch of panzies! :p

Offline jbroey3

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2002, 03:57:58 PM »
NathBDP, Confidence is great,.....

Arrogance will get you nowhere fast in the military.


Offline Nath[BDP]

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2002, 04:21:14 PM »
Yeah, it's a game. And winning is fun.

btw take a look at this quote by Widewing and read it carefully:

I ran into Nath flying the F6F last night. He hasn't quite figured out how to fully exploit the Hellcat yet, but when he does, watch out, 'cause he's quite talented.

How can you see this clearly invidious remark as being a complement?

It's like saying, "you're good, but not good enough."

What's equally sad is that he's basing this opinion of my F6F skills on a lame kill where I couldn't even do anything besides try and make him an easy shot for Leviathn. Widewing started d800 off my six in a SpitV.
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Offline Widewing

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« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2002, 04:24:11 PM »
Originally posted by Nath[BDP]
Widewing speweth:

You barely shot me down on the deck in a Spit V when you start d800 off my six, and you have the gall to say this? rolf.

I'd beat anyone in this game in the F6F 1v1, including cavalear. And I fly it about 3 times a week.

So, Widewing, stop making blanket statements about people's skills because you get one or two kills on them when they are not even fighting you or when you start off with six with the greatest advantage possible while in one of the best TnBers in the game. IF you had lost to an F6F in the position described above, that would surely be sad. Don't forget that I was also setting you up for DMF.

Geez, try and give the guy a compliment..... Talk about ingrained feelings of inadequacy......

Nath, either you're pregnant or you're not. You were shot down, period. Not partially shot down, not 50% shot down, just plain dead. And, I didn't even mention it. You seem to ignore the fact that I was dueling with you, DMF and some other F6F too. All of you were trying to get position on me. I pinged the other Hellcat and he disengaged. You, on the otherhand, screwed up. You got too far from your wingman, and he could not save your bacon. I chased you down, you tried to maneuver free, even tried a power-off barrel roll. Nothing worked. I pulled off power, half rolled, skidded and shot you (for what it's worth, I'm 17/2 against Hellcats this tour, and only 6 of those came in a SpitV).

I saw DMF coming. However, if I expect to have any chance, I have to kill you when the opportunity came, regardless of your wingman boring in. Yeah, my rolling skid killed my E, as it was supposed to. DMF could have hardly missed, and he didn't. Yet, considering the odds and the quality of the opposition, I was content to break even. I got you fair and square, DMF got me fair and square. What's the problem?

I thoroughly enjoyed the fight. Despite the long odds, it was fun. I also enjoy dueling with some of the better pilots, such as you and DMF. I hope we meet more frequently in the MA.

Why, however, is it that you cannot accept the fact that I shot you down without making excuses? "You were in a SpitV" or "I was setting you up for DMF", blah, blah, blah. Remarks such as "when you start d800 off my six" are beneath you. I suggest you consider HOW I got on your 6 in the first place. God didn't place me there to punish you. Or, did he? :eek:

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2002, 04:27:58 PM »
Ah.. OK... it wasn't ENOUGH of a compliment.

Geez nath.. hurry and grow up.. would ya?


Offline 214thCavalier

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2002, 04:29:39 PM »
Damn must be pre 1.09 boredom setting in on the boards for this thread to pop up !
Appreciate all the positive comments guys Thx.

To Apaches post yes i remember being hounded by a P38, N1k, P51 and of all things a B26 trying to nail me in the weeds was a fun fight and glad it was not the N1k that finished me :)

Darkglam sorry cannot specifically remember that 1, hell 1 week is a long time for me to remember, now if i lost v an F6F then maybe i would because they burn at my soul ;)

As for Nath ?

No problems with Nath and his attitude, in fact I him, as for his comments in this thread if you think thats bad you should have been around for his first stint in AH, he was FAR worse on the BBS and in the MA. In fact so bad i believe he is to date one of very few actually to be banned for a very long time.
I have no idea how well your doing Nath now you are back in AH but before you were a VERY good pilot and few could challenge you and win, and many people missed you as an opponent but not your bad mouthing antics :)

Arrogance in a competitive arena is no bad thing especially when you "may" be facing some of us in the duel soon, so pre fight tactics of arrogance and derogatory remarks of others abilities which may get them angry and tense and hence easier to kill is a smart move :)

Widewings remark about Naths skill in the F6 could not have been better aimed at hurting Nath if he had tried.
That would have been an arrow through the heart of Naths belief that he is the ultimate AH pilot.
Kick a dog and he is very likely to bite back, its in his nature.

PS I will duel anybody for FUN
But NOT to prove a point either way.

Everybody loses sometimes the mark of a man is how you handle it  

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2002, 04:53:57 PM »
See what I mean?  :cool:

Now that's true British class at it's best.  

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2002, 05:21:20 PM »
I was the other F6F, you got one of my elevators in the initial pass.

I didn't disengage, but with a severly handicapped turning ability, I was forced to stay above and try to BnZ you. I couldn't get my guns on target fast enough, and DMF got you.

I saw the whole engagement from about 1.5K above you both.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2002, 05:26:31 PM »
If Widewing can get a kill on Nath when starting on Nath's 6, then I <> Widewing's skill, because that's more than I can do.

There is always a group of guys, like Nath and Cav and Cit and Drex who I know I'll never be able to beat.  These guys are the REASON I fly the P-51--if I can't beat 'em, at least I can run from them  :)


Offline Nath[BDP]

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« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2002, 05:38:42 PM »

Thanks for your wonderfully prolix reply, however, you wasted your words. As they will be made defunct in two sentences:

My original post was used to point out that your wonderfully skilled kill on my low F6F without E is nothing to base "hasn't learned how to exploit the F6F fully yet" statements on. So when you come here and start making pilot skill suppositions on events which don't prove anything except that you know two basic E bleeding tactics, then I'm going to come here and front on you.


As regards to how you got on my six, that's probably because I was evading the other plane there, as well as trying to get a shot on him while you were coming in with alt and speed. Although this has nothing to do with what you originally posted about, I feel the need to set toejam straight.
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Offline jbroey3

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2002, 06:33:18 PM »
Hey Nath... you want to be in the Navy right?... A pilot?

You cannot cut it..   :(

I already see it now.....

"...  What you mean "I" Screwed Up!?".....  It wasnt my fault... I am the best, and everyone knows it!"....   -Nath  

Meanwhile the CO, points out the fact that a brand new F-18 is destroyed becuase someone thought they were the best, and did not account for a carrier landing mishap.  Luckily enough Nath you escaped...."

Hey Nath a Dose of reality for you. :-)  You will always have someone better than you, and you will always be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for your OWN actions.

It is something that is a basic "Known" in life.  Deal With it.


It's like saying, "you're good, but not good enough."

PS.  With this attitude.. and the way that your actions reflected as, based on this, I would really like to see you even get through Basic Training.  Im almost positive that the MTI's are going to love you ;) :D

Offline Nath[BDP]

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2002, 06:49:06 PM »
This is a game.

Real life is different.

kthx, drive thru.
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Offline -ammo-

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I ran into a Hellcat Ace.
« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2002, 07:01:14 PM »
LOL the real joke is he wouldnt make it through OTS, much less Flight school. That requires alot more humility and maturity than he has. They will eat him alive.
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