Analogies of relevance would be nice. Comparisons to pipelines....? C'mon. My attitude has nothing to do with "if someone works really really hard on something then it is not kosher to point out that there work is flawed". Let me explain.
Contrary to your opinion, Lazs, your ideas are not neccesarily the most accurate either, it depends on your pespective as to what would be best. (ie your opinion vs my opinon). Quote whatever historical document you'd like, the truth is that someone composed it and all documents present a certain amount of "writer's perceptions". Is the glass half full, or half empty? Since the CT staffers have their own opinion and ideas of what is correct, they did it their way (just as you would) for our enjoyment - without pay or other compensation.
Your abrasive comments towards the CT Staff and their ideas are without merit. Furthermore, they negatively influence anyone else's (generally speaking) perception of you, thereby ruining any cedibility you might once have had.
I do realize this post is about allowing you to develop and implement a planeset and period/settings group. More power to you in getting it done, but those previous posts didn't help your cause.
In summation:
Lazs, my previous post was there for your benefit as is this one. I address each of these issues without name calling, without slandering individuals, without being degrading, without lowering my standards, and without beng offensive...
Some of your ideas have credence, but they will never be given any real consideration because YOUR PEOPLE SKILLS SUCK
Food for thought,
If you want to get someone's attention - whisper. Yelling makes them completely unreceptive.