Author Topic: Lazs' CT Setup  (Read 2616 times)

Offline hazed-

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Lazs' CT Setup
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2002, 10:06:28 AM »
My perosonal veiw is maybe this could work but theres a hundred people more deserving of a chance to set up scenarios or setups in the CT.
For a start those that actually play in there!
I have several ideas for battles to re enact but as im not a CM, and yes i applied for the position and got not even a single reply saying yes or no,  I'll never get the chance to set one up.

Furious you suggest we let a player who has absolutely stated over and over that the CT will die a death and that he has no interest in it, make his 'personal' favoured setup with bases so close that constant furballs are inevitable? The ideas on bases being knocked out for good has been suggested many times. The idea of making strat targets more important has been reqquested time and time again but its not conducive to a 24 hour arena.The times when few are on will be used by milkrunners to effectively close the will arrive late in the day to find everything destroyed and no where to fly from.

Something laz has p*ssed on about ruining his fun for years!

Laz i think you are a hypocrite myself.Although i like your idea of a destryable landscape but it simply wouldnt work.Snapshot? SURE it would be great, but 24/7 ? it would be utterly unworkable due to abuse of the system in place.

One thing I must ask Laz is you said this:"fields would be destroyed but not captured (nod to strat guys) and when all fields but one were down the war would be over."

What you are well known for is screaming buffs should be banned from AH because they kill your hangers and ruin your fun furballs! you go on to request that fighters be allowed to up even when the hangers are down!and here you are suggesting that buffs be able to close bases permenantly!
Dont you think youre being hypocritical here?
I certainly do.

Im kind of hoping you'll actually play in the CT for a while before you start to control the setup of it myself.Like i said in principle the idea sounds like fun and i would love to play a snapshot or scenario like this! but what surprises me is your total reversal of opinion on the strat system and bomber role.what changed your mind?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2002, 10:12:24 AM by hazed- »

Offline BigMax

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« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2002, 07:36:54 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Oh.. and bigmax.  I have no fear of my "credibility".   It is not based on the way I say things but on what I say but...... after reading the laundry list of my flaws that you composed I would imagine that your credibility as the even handed civil one is in question by most.

Okay Laz whatever...

Your opinion is your opinion... I just don't find anything you say as being credible because of all the BS you say in trying to make your point.  I have said nothing that would disparage my credibility but I might if I was to continue this pointless argument.

Laz, you are 100% correct! (lol) What was I thinking....?:eek:

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2002, 09:19:50 PM »
Well I have to agree with that statement!


Lazs I think you are a little overly sensitive, and perhaps a little too serious.  You should come and check out the new eastern front setup.  Very interesting.  Or wait, maybe you shouldnt. :/

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2002, 09:05:01 AM »
hazed..  I agree that in a fair or even a socialist world (gawd forbid!), you should be given a chance to create an arena....   You "deserve" it because you have attended.   Who cares that only 6 LW guys would be in it and that they would be complaining after the first day/hour?   It's all about what a few guys find correct and giving everyone a chance no matter how poorly they are suited to the task right?  Why shouldn't stevie wonder be allowed to drive the bus?

Hypocrite?   I don't know...   I figure if you have two bases to take off from then you will allways have a good fite.   But I see the problem... I guess I shoulda said that I want fighters available at a field till the base is closed or don't allow it to be closed....   I guess I just figured most knew I don't believe in any strat that allows fighters to be unavailable and the field still up.   Heck you could close the base as soon as the hangers were down far as I'm concerned.   So no.... I don't want fields "open" but with no capability to launch fighters.    As to furballs....   Why would it be a furball arena?   The sky accountants could take off from a far field and waste as much time as they like getting alt.   Oh.... I get it.... You are saying that people won't fly your way (they will fly mine) if given the opportunity and that they need to be forced to fly in a way that you think is proper.

So let the strat potatos close bases and win wars all night with no opposition.... Heck.... I would be just as happy with non capturable bases.    My ilk places very little value on "winning the war."

erg... yes.. I have allways been a very sensitive guy.   you can ask any of my ex wives.   BTW... do you have anything worthwhile to add and can we expect it anytime soon?    I am also having trouble finding the content to bigmax's posts.   You guys do seem to be on the same page as to my flaws tho.  

Offline Toad

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Lazs' CT Setup
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2002, 09:17:10 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Why shouldn't stevie wonder be allowed to drive the bus?

Thanks Laz! My nose needed an internal-to-external high pressure coffee flush this morning!

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2002, 09:49:46 AM »
Oh lazs, you want my opinion!?  I dont really have one, I read this to find out about other peoples ideas.  

What did you think of the AW base capture setup?  Where you could pretty much always fly no matter what the damage, but as more hangers went down chances are your plane would be less than healthy when you took off.  The more fuel knocked out the less you could load, and the more ammo knocked out the less your plane would have (we kinda have that already).

In this way you could always fly (unless too many had taken off already), but hitting the base affected game play.  But perhaps that falls too much under the strat potato category.

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2002, 06:01:48 PM »
Hmmm disturbing yet I can't pull myself away..............

Offline BigMax

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« Reply #52 on: April 01, 2002, 06:33:52 AM »
Originally posted by Löwe
Hmmm disturbing yet I can't pull myself away..............

Awsome GIF.... point Lowe.


Offline hazed-

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« Reply #53 on: April 01, 2002, 07:30:38 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
hazed..  I agree that in a fair or even a socialist world (gawd forbid!), you should be given a chance to create an arena....   You "deserve" it because you have attended.   Who cares that only 6 LW guys would be in it and that they would be complaining after the first day/hour?   It's all about what a few guys find correct and giving everyone a chance no matter how poorly they are suited to the task right?  Why shouldn't stevie wonder be allowed to drive the bus?

 laz you missunderstand.In order to be able to set up your own 'type' of gameplay or setup you have to be on the CT team.both you and I are not.
 'poorly suited to the task'? so here you are claiming you ARE better suited to it? even though you have yet to play in th arena? oh yeah that makes sense.I feel i have a better idea of what would work in the CT as ive played every map in there and yes my ideas were similar to yours, with bases being closed for much longer etc.However I have come to realise it doesnt work in the 24/7 arena. read what nuttz said.As for those that 'deserve' a chance to set things up? I meant others, like nuttz and 10bears, who are putting more into the CT (ie map making etc and supporting it by playing in it), should get the oppertunity before you,'the guy walking in off the street'.

Hypocrite?   I don't know...   I figure if you have two bases to take off from then you will allways have a good fite.   But I see the problem... I guess I shoulda said that I want fighters available at a field till the base is closed or don't allow it to be closed....   I guess I just figured most knew I don't believe in any strat that allows fighters to be unavailable and the field still up.   Heck you could close the base as soon as the hangers were down far as I'm concerned.   So no.... I don't want fields "open" but with no capability to launch fighters.

2 bases is enough for a good fight? yeah and when we see that in the MA people are real happy about it then too right? I seem to recall a 'certain someone' complaining about that too.Plus bases on most of the CT maps are smaller than the MA ones laz.they would be shut in 2 runs instead of 1 (or by 2 guys instead of 1) if they dont respawn(even less if lancs were in there).The effect would be the same.Milkrunners would close them just as say you do want fighters available until base is totally down? it wont make a difference.ou will be fighting between your two close bases while the milkrunners close the ones behind or around them as happens now except they at least get the chance to rebuild.1 guy can thwart the milkruns as it stands by upping a GV but with permenant damage that guys would have to stay there.Unlikely to happen.stopping milkrunners is the idea not stopping bombers altogether.

As to furballs....   Why would it be a furball arena?   The sky accountants could take off from a far field and waste as much time as they like getting alt.   Oh.... I get it.... You are saying that people won't fly your way (they will fly mine) if given the opportunity and that they need to be forced to fly in a way that you think is proper.

You obviously dont 'get it'.This sort of statement is precisely why im glad you dont fly in the CT.There is no your way or my way Laz.The game has to appeal to all who want to fly.Be they bomber fans or fighter fans.Your us and them attitude is exactly the kind of crap i was glad to leave behind in the MA.We have a good mix of furballs ,lone engagements and bombing attacks.Bases are closed then reopened but the fight moves around.when the fighters remain available yes we have furballs and yes we ALL enjoy them but not when they last forever like the MA where from 1 day to the next the fight remains in the same 5 miles!.The idea behind a CT is to make it different to the MA, not the same thing.

So let the strat potatos close bases and win wars all night with no opposition.... Heck.... I would be just as happy with non capturable bases.    My ilk places very little value on "winning the war."

strat potatos? go back to your playpen.I dont place any value on winning the war either but SOME DO.I do however place value on giving everyone a chance to affect the game in their own way.If a guy enters the CT and likes to bomb then he should be able to do something of value else why would he stay?.I personally fly both fighters and bombers, so do many others in the CT.I want variety of play not the same old fighters against fighters over and over.As the CT stands theres room for guys like you who want to use just fighters AND the bomber guys.

erg... yes.. I have allways been a very sensitive guy.   you can ask any of my ex wives.   BTW... do you have anything worthwhile to add and can we expect it anytime soon?    I am also having trouble finding the content to bigmax's posts.   You guys do seem to be on the same page as to my flaws tho.  

sensitive? lol you wouldnt know what that is if it came up and bit you on the ass.what you are is ignorent and intollerent, why do you think they are X-wives.You are the only one claiming your way is right and that everyone else is have ignored everyone on this board who disagrees(the guys that actually play in here).You call player 'types' dumb diddlying names demand to know if i have anything to 'add' soon and at the same time 'add' nothing yourself except an idea better suited to a one night snapshot or scenario, you dont even 'add' your presence in the arena.I have one thing to ADD and that is if you dont make the maps or put in the time like the CM's have or play in the arena, you have no business trying to change it.You have your dueling arena Laz.Go there.

ahh but its empty right? why because not enough people want to constantly furball and even if they did its easier to head to a populated arena to get their fix.Its the same for those that want something more from the game.Not enough to populate an arena dedicated to one type of game style.The CT has changed.The CM's have done a good job of adapting to the 'mob' demands.we have a slightly different style to the game which suits both types of player and its getting more popular than it was.We all have to see it cant be pandered to one style or the other.Its about time you did too.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2002, 07:50:08 AM by hazed- »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2002, 08:53:20 AM »
erg said "Oh lazs, you want my opinion!? I dont really have one, I read this to find out about other peoples ideas."

For someone without an opinion you sure get your little kicks in and... if you want other peoples opinions my suggestion is that you actually read what they write.

hazed..  I never claimed to be any more or less suited to the task of setting up a CT arena.  I have never applied.  My ideas are simple common sense and pertain only to the BOB with it's special circumstances.  I am only interested in this period in the CT as it is a good place to fly the early war planes if the arena is set up right.  I don't want tthe bases "closed for much longer"  I want em ded or open to fighters... no in between limbo crap.

2 bases if good enough to get a plane launched in the CT.  When one of em is ded the war is over anyway by my setup.  Rudimentary strat is required to get fights... field captur/kill and "win"...  I don't give a whit about what the strat potatos and milkrunners want or do.  If they get off on milkrunning fields at 3 in the 3 in the AM who cares?

"You obviously dont 'get it'.This sort of statement is precisely why im glad you dont fly in the CT.There is no your way or my way Laz."

No... you don't get it.   there are fighters and fluffers sure but..  The fighters will (90% of em) fight if given a choice.   I don't care and never have what the other 10% do.   They can go stratosphere and lone wolf it or fluff hunt.   My arena would allow the people who lack fighter skills or courage to continue to milkrun and look for alt but 90% would still look for the closest fight.

about the ex wives.... Ya think?  I have never even tried the dueling arena or whatever arena you and others suggest i try.   They all sound worthless.    I don't think that my ideas for a BOB setup in the CT would be worthless... well, not so far as numbers go.

Face it... the BOB is the most popular of all the setups.  It was handed to em on a silver platter.  NOBODY could have screwed it uyp toooooo bad.   It is not a matter of making it 'better"  it is a matter of.... the less you screw it up the more people it will have.  

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #55 on: April 01, 2002, 12:07:10 PM »
laz i agree they wouldnt be worthless IF we had a CM in there for 24hrs a day.

that way when we came in to find all bases but 3 instead of the 2 or 1 that would have ended the game still up but the rest of the map completely finished off we could ask them to reset it.
The amount of times i came into the baltic arena only to find my choices were fly from one of 2 or 3 bases and the arena empty because no one wanted to retake all those bases in order to win was pretty common.

with the fluctuating numbers it was also common for one side to have 3 to 1 odds.

Now i realise now you mean just the BOB map but this wouldnt be avery suitable map either have 3 allied bases near the south coast all within 2 sectors of the channel (a40,a41,a42) plus the 2 cv's.the LW have (a20,A19,A18) right on the coast all withing veiw of each other then 3 or so other bases within 2 or 3 sectors behind them.I think you'll aggree 'most' if not all of the other bases are too far apart to attract the quick fight guys.Often what we have found before we shortened the hanger respawn was the fast fight guys would lose thes front line bases and most would leave the CT.The was a core of players who would carry on figthting away.By the time the bases had respawned the place was near empty.
Now if we have permanent destruction of bases and CV's who is going to play out the rest of the map? no-one is going to fly 100 miles when they wont even fly just 50 miles now will they?
if we capture(which rebuilds them?) and leapfrog the bases they will have to be attacked en mass and they will be.again it sounds good but in practice if theres adequate defenders but this is the exact thing that used to annoy you.people will start to 'game' the game.If the numbers are low and Knowing we cant finish a base unless its completely down, and only having to do it once will invite vulch attacks by a few bombers with a fighter cap that kills anything that ups off a open or semi destroyed base(whether those launching fighters have full fuel/ord or whatever wont make a difference). If numbers were equal from the start this would be fun ive no doubt but chances are one side will have 2 or 3 times as many, they will quickly destroy each of the forward bases(possibly leaving them uncaptured to stop enemy ever using them again) and as the enemy with no bases leave, the room will die again.
your a-typical milkrunner will do this very thing at 2am and all bases will be miles apart.
so what are we left with? we will need a map with bases evenly spaced and numerous so theres always a base close by? I think this will become another mass of milkrun bases.Again if you arrive as it begins it will be great but chances are you wont.Bases close together will be destroyed quickly in a frenzy of destruction.Hmm sounds good! but people wont jabo into other fighters will they? they will hit bases close by that arent busy furballing and eventually we are left with the same thing.ever widening battle lines.Even the furball area will eventually be wiped out if destruction is progressive without respawn.if you arrive at this time it would mean long flights..ergo log off time.

As the BOB map stood the CM's made an excellent setup.With the tools they had they made a good ballanced setup. They were limited in their choice by the map.If you think BOB would have been better on a different map, which would you suggest? It was plainly obvious that the map used was what everyone wanted to see.We had no regard for what could be done with it-we just wanted france/england to match the planes.

The way i see it the CMs did a good job.Ive not enjoyed myself so much in ages in AH. we had furballs off the coasts and up above England,I set up big bomber missions deliberately targeted at London because i wanted it to 'look' right and didnt want to see the forward bases dead because that would have driven people out.we had jabos under dar to factories and in full view to any bases.The way we played helped but evry now and then the front bases got hammered and the numbers dropped.
what you suggest is the same as what lots wanted to see but often its not what works.Thats what the majority of people are saying here.

My own idea AFTER playing BOB is to make bombing of the FACTORIES and LONDON targets rewarding in some way.perhaps if we had some sort of dynamic system whereupon the more we bombed factories the greater the cost of aircraft in perks or the slower the repsawning of fleets etc we would have seen more of the bombing targeting the areas where it wont affect the players ability to find a fight.
why did i think this? Because i damn well enjoyed those missions even though it was dissapointing they had little effect.
OK so players might have to take a hurricane instead of a spit (or a 109e instead of a 110 or even the ju88 bombers would become more expensive if the raf managed to kill production somewhere).
would it work? I doubt it. could it be done with the current tools available to the CMs? I dont think so.
is the idea a good one? hehe I think it could be fun but its unworkable over a 24hr game just like yours.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2002, 02:52:02 PM »
wish i could draw this... imagine a coastline very much like the opening of a zig zag clamshell with "bays and peaks"  in the "channel" with the peaks fields of one country close to the bay fields of the opposite country.  Hard to explain but with, say five fields on each side, the absolute worst situation would be two end fields on each country side left.  (one left would mean the war was over and a reset) ... even at that there would allways be one field of the enemy within less than a sector to fight.  with the "1 fields left and it's a reset" thing there would allways be a place to take off.  A 'peak' field would be close to it's opposite 'bay' field and also to the opposite 2 'peak' fields...  Hard to explain but unlike puting the fields behind each other, you would allways have a close field even when 2 or three fields on one side were out of action.

let the milkrunners reset the fields at low hours.   If that's what get's em off so be it.  

I certainly do not want any perk planes in an early war set nor do we need cv's .   I do not want any planes restricted.   In any BOB setup that has close fields (or any setup with close fields for that matter) you will have the fights getting lower and lower.   The cowardly no talent milkrunners have allways been aware of this and simply come in high.   you can't fight their only skill, patience, with anything but.... patience.   If you wish to include them in the game then you must be willing to make being patient worthwile and to do so.... is to ruin the game for the majority that would like to fight.   If they wanted to help with the reset then they could.   fields would fall rapidly and resets would occure often.  everyone would be "participating" .    A very simple setup for a very simple time frame and very simple planes..    get as anal and complex as you want on the other planesets/hitoricalsets...  nobody flys em anyway.   Make em as lopsided and unfair as possible.. who cares?