Author Topic: Gangbanging Theater?  (Read 2054 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2002, 10:10:39 AM »
Wotan.. I never called it an "argument".

As far as the "gangbang vs wingman tactics"... you guys are trying to draw way to sharp of a line.

There is no circumstance where a 3:1 is more or less acceptable.  Intentions cannot be proven and are not to be considered.  The only real way to counter it is to bring more fighters with you.  I realize that sounds patronizing... but its really that simple.

Logging is the other option if no other friendlies are available.  I can't criticize that decision.

I do wonder why people would chose to play in this manner and can see no logic in it.  Though technically, any war is about making the other side not want to play anymore.  I guess people are succeding.  Now they can sit around flying all by themselves and rejoicing in their victory.


Offline Raubvogel

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2002, 10:13:23 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
lol, no you fool, my "trash-talking" is 95% directed at gangers, the remaining 4% to lamer runners in (usually in FW's and la7's) and 1% at those who are simply too timid to even try in a game of aggression.  ;)

use the 1 remaining braincell you have to figure it out what i mean by hypocritical.


Hey cool! There's a squelch function on the BBS too.

Offline Wotan

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2002, 10:46:02 AM »
"you need to turn down the ack lethality" complaint.

well it never was a complaint it was a request for gameplay that most agree with.

I wing up or fly alone it doesnt matter to me but when I see 3 v 1 I dont jump in to make it 4 to 1. I engage 3 or more at times I am not bing gangbanged.

I have flown allied quite a bit in the ct to even the numbers. I only really wanna fly lw. But Its no fun 12 v 3 or 28 vrs 12 especially in a 512 x 512 map with 15 min fly times.

The problem comes from guys who all go to one side then rape 1 guy over and over. The ct aint a war you dont win nothing.

I dont see why folks cant just even up the numbers. I seen Raub and his guys allied Santa and a few of his as well. one night most of the allied guys were in lw squads.

I dont think that flying to where you know you'll be out numbered is gangbanging or that simply being out numbered is  being gangbanged. However when its 12 to 3 in an arena and 6 guys are pounding on one guy thats gangbanging. Me and the other allied engaged 2 110s further north. I went down to check what was up and saw the same thing I saw when I entered 6 109s jumpin all over 1 hurri.

Thats pure gangbanging.........asking folks to simply keep the sides close in numbers aint a lot to ask.

Offline Oldman731

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2002, 11:30:41 AM »
Originally posted by Samm
There's an old saying among flight sim enthusiasts .

Vulch me once, shame on you, vulch me twice, shame on me .

Hmmm.  Guess it's true that that is an old saying.  Doesn't mean it makes any sense, though, particularly in an arena where the friendly bases are not necessarily close together.

Not that I'm planning to start yet another "Vulchers:  Men or Boys?" thread, but no one has ever explained to me why someone who was interested in air combat would want to vulch.  You're just losing a potential opponent, in exchange for a pathetically easy kill.

- oldman

Offline Seeker

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2002, 11:35:56 AM »
"Any argument to the contrary is simply someone sitting back and pretending that a game defines one's masculinity or honor"

Deja, I'd say just about the *only* things that can be "proven" in an online game are one's definitions of sportsmanship and honour.

It's the rest that's the illusion.

Offline AKDejaVu

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2002, 12:42:40 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan

well it never was a complaint it was a request for gameplay that most agree with.

"Flak is too lethal.. it needs to be turned down."  That is a complaint.  It was adressed.

I did not call it a whine.  I did not call it an argument.  I did not assume it to be anything other than what it was.
Deja, I'd say just about the *only* things that can be "proven" in an online game are one's definitions of sportsmanship and honour.
LOL!  Maybe "proven" means something different in Europe?  Talk about illusions.


Offline Shane

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2002, 05:03:50 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu
LOL!  Maybe "proven" means something different in Europe?  Talk about illusions.


your opinion is invalidated by virtue of being ignored as
irrelevant.  ;)
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Dennis

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Gangbanging Theater?
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2002, 06:42:31 PM »
Originally posted by hazed-
well i gotta agree here.

today i was lower than a spit and a hurricane who chased me in a 110.After turning to fight several times and coming off worse and worse i ran for fleet and was taunted to come and fight.I replied i cant fight 2 of you and they said i could.Neither backed off and eventually i was killed.
I got a which i replied to with a but to be honest i was pretty bugged by it.There really is no need for it.However each plays how they like and i wont demand they dont.
Just think its a bit lame is all.

I guess everything's a matter of perspective.  I was the Spitfire in question, and I don't remember this quite the same way.

Admittedly, I'm still a nOObie, so maybe I don't recognize a gangbang when I'm not the bangee.

I lifted off from one of the bases near Brighton when the map showed the field near Southhampton under attack.  As I climed to altitude -- Buhdman came up from behind and above me.  I thought he was in a TBM, not a Hurricane as you remember.
Anyway ... he was above me, and I was about co-alt with you when your 110 icon came into range.

So what we had shaping up here was two fighters vs a fighter/bomber.  I don't think that constitutes a gangbang.  And do you think the Brits wouldn't have scrambled more than one plane to deal with a raid?  Gimme a break.

Buhdman dove and made a pass at you.  From that point on, I believe we were both either co-alt with you or below you.

I continued to try to close, but only got shots off when you made passes at me.  I pinged you a few times.  You took out one of my guns.

I've discovered that in Spit vs Ju88 or Spit vs 110 encounters, it's foolish to approach from behind, but quite difficult to get in front and above.
Again, I'm a nOObie.

Anyway.  As you said, you ran to your fleet's ack umbrella.  I asked on open channel if there were any Germans in 109s around.  I was bored chasing Ju88s and 110s unsuccessfully, and wanted a fighter vs fighter matchup.  I didn't really mean it as a taunt, but suppose it probably sounded that way.  
I broke off from the ack; Buhdman hung back and warned me that you were coming out of the ack and on my tail.  I saw you closing, turned, but Buhdman moved in and got the kill; I got an assist.  He gave you the .  End of excitement.

I'm not saying there isn't gangbanging going on.  I flew too close to the French coast with no wingies one night and paid for it with a red cloud of 109s and 110 up my arse.  I've had Vulgar shoot me down as I was dead-stick gliding/smoking back to base off the coast of England.  (Took him 3 passes in a 110, lol).   On the other hand, I've had guys break off after a good fight over the Channel when I called bingo on ammo.

You give a few, you take a few.  No need to whine about it.
I was getting frustrated after several Spit I vs bomber matchups, unsuccessfully chasing jerries around the coast then halfway back to France.  Maybe I shouldn't have vented on channel 1.  My bad.

But a 2-on-1 on an enemy bomber hitting British targets ain't "lame."
