Author Topic: PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem  (Read 875 times)

Offline JoeCrip

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« on: March 30, 2002, 07:30:47 AM »
I noticed a few other people have posted this too, but i am gonna repost it. Almost everyone with a sidewinder has been having this problem. I am having it, and Soviet is having it.

Problem: During gameplay, the joystick will just stop working. In order to get it to work, i have to alt+tab. Unplug the joytick, plug it back in, and reinstall the drivers. By the time i have done all that, i have already been bounced, and probally am ded.

This problem started happing and patch 2. Plllllleeeeaaaasssseee release a patch ASAP.

BTW: I do have all the updated sidewinder drivers, and the latest windows USB patches installed.

Offline guttboy

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2002, 09:25:23 AM »
What type of MS Sidewinder is it?

I am running the MS Sidewinder Precision pro on a Win XP Pro machine 2.0 gig.  I am also running a MS Strategic commander.

The PRO is used via the gameport on my soundblaster card and the Commander is running on the USB port.  Have you tried running the joystick on the Gameport if you have one?

Also try running the stick on the other USB port if you have one.

I hope that helps...not sure why it is binding up on you ....

Good Luck!:)

Offline JoeCrip

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2002, 09:36:20 AM »
I got a MS Sidewinder Presion Pro 2. I have tired using it in both USB ports, and i dont have a Gameport. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Offline JoeCrip

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2002, 10:14:02 AM »
Ok, just did some tests....

I opened up 1.09 Patch 1, and flew the dora.

- I was able to take off fine
- My guns fired when i pulled the trigger
- When i took off, my plane went stragiht down the runway
- After I took off, i didnt augur b/c of joystick
- Controll responce time is normal

Ok, I took off a Dora in 1.09 Patch 2 and...

-As soon as i took off, i augured because the controlls are super sensitve
-50% of the time when i pulled the tirgger, the guns fired, the other 50% nothing happened
-As I took off my plane was wobling all over the runay
-Controlls are very sensitive, 1 slight tap, and your plane does a complete roll
-Rudder is very unstable

I can make videos if you want....

Was anythign changed in 1.09P2 with joysticks? My stick works fine in all other games, and in all other versions of AH, except 1.09 Patch 2.


Offline Bozz

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2002, 10:55:18 AM »
Im running a microsoft sidewinder precision pro 2  as well.
My stick works fine but ever since the patch came out, i am missing two buttons.
The buttons work because it reads the button imputs in windows, but when i get in aces high, it cant seem to recognize that i have 8 buttons.  AH only gives me control up to the 5th button!

Offline JoeCrip

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2002, 10:59:53 AM »
I am having a problem with buttons too. Sometimes they work, sometimes they dont work. Soivet has a MS sidewinder , and is having the same problems, so it isnt just me.

Offline guttboy

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2002, 11:51:41 AM »
Ok What operating system are you guys using?

Ok I am also running the Precision 2.....

Try this out....

Make sure the stick is running satisfatory in the windows environ...use properties to test and make sure all of you stuff is working (diagnostics).

Go into AH while online and select the joystick and go through all the ramifications on the joystick setup.  Try that first and let me know what you have.

Perhaps the AH settings are dorked up somehow.

If this does not work you might have to try uninstalling the game and redownloading/installing it again.
This is a last resort though....

I have run a test and ran this thing on my laptop with the usb ports for the joystick and have no problems....

Dont worry we will be able to fix this.....and if we cant do it here then I KNOW HTC will be able to do it.

Keep in touch....

Offline guttboy

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2002, 11:53:43 AM »

Just occurred to have both versions on the same machine?  Make sure you delete the copies except for the patch...there might be a conflict between the two programs and the resources they are running.

I have no probs on the update......

We will make this work....

Offline JoeCrip

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2002, 12:49:50 PM »
Ok, I deleted all lod versions of AH. I also check my stick settings. All appear to be normal. I did fix half of my problem. I dowloaded this "USB fix" from microsoft's site, and my stick no longer locks up. Ok, so my stick is working fine now...except...It just doesnt feel right. The controls are very very sensitive, then rudder isnt smooth, and there is a 1-2 second delay for the stick to respond (This only happens in AH). Any suggestions?

Your dedication is appricated Tg12. Thanks!

Offline Durr

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Microsoft J/S problems
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2002, 03:30:30 PM »
I have also had problems with a microsoft joystick.  I have the Microsoft Sidewinder 3d Pro Plus.  It is very unreliable in AH.  I have never had any problems with it in other games doing this, but in AH it stops working constantly.  Once it quits the computer will not recognize a joystick as being plugged in at all.  The only cure is a computer reboot.  Once rebooted, everything works fine for a little while, then usually after about one or two normal flights, it quits again.  It usually works for about 20-30 minutes at the most.  Sometimes it quits working within five minutes however, and on rare occasions it will provide an hour or two with no problem.  Like I said it doesnt do this in other applications, but once it quits in AH, it doesnt work in any other games either until reboot happens.  When it works, it works great, all buttons work fine, and I have no complaints.  However, when it quits it is so frustrating.  I cannot fly perk planes because I never know when it is going to quit and cause me to crash.  Special events are nerve racking, because I never know when I am going to be eliminated because of a stupid joystick.  I have learned to land pretty well using trim tabs only in some planes, and have saved 2 airplanes this way in special events, once in a La-5 in a TOD, and more recently a B-26 in the Sicily event.  However, it is really ruining my AH experience.  I have heard many others complaining about the same or similar problems so I thought I would post here about it.  I have downloaded drivers but it didnt seem to make any difference at all.  By the way, the new version of AH isnt responsible because I have had this problem since version 1.08.   I used to reboot and start over when it happened but now I usually just quit playing for the day in frustration.  I am going to buy a new joystick soon, and you can bet it wont be a Microsoft.   I just hope the problem is really with the j/s and not with the game, because I would really hate to get a new j/s and have the same problem.

Offline JoeCrip

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2002, 04:32:50 PM »
Durr, thats the exact, exact same thing that's happening to me. Except in my case this problem started in 1.09 patch 2. I feel your pain :), i lost a 262 due to this :(

Offline pokie

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2002, 06:30:47 PM »
What I would do is remove AH and download the full version.

I had problem with the patch, not with the joystick ( wingman extreme digital 3d ).

Downloaded the full version and everything working great!  knock on wood


Offline Bozz

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2002, 09:28:21 PM »
Already downloaded the whole game, not fixed
Have reinstalled about 3 times, not fixed
Only running one OS, WinME, and in windows the joystick buttons work great, all lit up like a christmas tree.  But in AH its like a pathetic Charlie Brown Christmas, 2 buttons are missing the light =]
I am also wondering where can i find the USB upgrade from Microsoft? I figure Ill go on a hunt for it right now

Offline guttboy

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2002, 09:37:12 PM »
Ok guys...for the record I love my MS products and have been on my third Precision Pro here.....I haul these things all over the world when I deploy so they take a bit of abuse.....

On the "feel" of the stick....try going to the sliders and adjusting the deadband and different levels for the stick...If you are interested let me know your email and Ill send you the screen shots of how I have mine set up and they work much better....

hawk1 who is in his 70's and is a real fighter pilot from way back is using them and loves em...he had the same problem.....

Hope this helps...want to get you back up and running smoothly.....

Sorry about the delay but had to get DirectTV installed today...heheh more channels....


Offline Tac

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PLEASE! Fix the Sidewinder problem
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2002, 10:28:22 PM »
thats strange

I got a MS Sidewinder FF2 2 and using Win2k.. never had that.

I get dedsticked sometimes (very rarely) , but mainly its due to me moving the usb cable with my feet (rudder pedal movement trapping the cable)

If you having problems, try:

1)Uninstalling, rebooting and reinstalling MS FF2 software.

2) Go to DEVICE MANAGER and REMOVE the USB root HUBs. Restart. Windows will re-install USB drivers (sometimes they go bad).

3) Hit yourself in the head