What do I risk easymo? As yet, not my life. I do risk my pride. I risk being misjudged my those that presume to know more of what is right than I. I risk being called a coward, though I have said REPEATEDLY that death is of no issue. I will die for my beliefs, which means that I will NOT die with a gun in my hand, fighting for something that I believe to be wrong. I risk the grinding into the dirt of my character and my spirit, simply because I WILL NOT STAND for something that I percieve as an injustice. I risk the devaluation of my morals by people who have no knowledge of myself, and no respect for my ideals, and no conception of my understanding of the sacrifices that have allowed me to be what I am today.
No, it isn't much yet easymo. It hasn't been my life. It hasn't been my family or home, but those risks are growing everyday. You and other vets have been through hell and earth and then back again, and I respect that immensely because I have no conception of what hell really is. I am much younger than you are. If I wanted to call up and volunteer my services, I would be told to come back in a year for being too young! There are things that I can do though.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank whatever it is that is responsible for me being an American and free to determine my own values and my own beliefs. Spit on those that have come before? Hardly! Sacrifices have been made by many, many more than just those with the guns. How many battles did Benjamin Franklin fight? What about Martin Luther King, Jr.? How many people did MLK have to kill to earn the respect that his name commands today? Finally, tell me how an unwillingness to kill for my country constitutes a lack of love for my country, an unwillingness to do the right thing, a hatred for my fellow Americans, my forefathers, and tell me how all this constitutes a hatred for my FELLOW MAN!?
There is a lot ahead of me, and a lot that I will do to try and help my country, and much that I wish to do to serve not just Americans but those that I have to share the world with.
Where did this start, anyway? Oh, that's right. For any man to make war upon any other man is unjust, and so I UTTERLY reject it. I don't care if you are American, French, German, Lebanese, Iraqi, or green - you put that diddlying sword DOWN. My attitide does not allow for trampling or somehow disregarding and spitting on those that have fought and gone before. I am not passive, I am actively peaceful. Confrontations happen, yes. But they should never be solved through violent conflict.
I will say it again. I love this place. I will do whatever I can to make this nation a better place. I wish, when the opportunity comes, to go to where I can help, be it Iraq, Argentina, Colombia, or wherever. I will NOT go anywhere with a gun in my hands, because that is not what is needed. Good things can be done for people and for America without the use of military power and without support of military power. I am very sorry if you still choose to continue fulfilling this apparent deep psychological need to establish superiority. You certainly don't seem to be comprehending any of what I have said. That's just too bad for me, I suppose. Obviously, you are simply too wrapped up in your own illusions to truly read and understand me. Either that or you just don't care. It's too late now though, because this entire message is completely incomprehensible, I'm willing to bet. Tsk tsk, how sad this is.